from PyQt5 import Qt import os import pickle import socket app = Qt.QApplication([]) class MainWindow(Qt.QMainWindow): def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super().__init__(*args, **kwargs) self.setWindowTitle("Cute Fileserver Client") # Create a container object self._container = Qt.QWidget() self.setCentralWidget(self._container) # Create a grid self.grid = Qt.QGridLayout() # Create the ip address selection text field self.address_field = Qt.QLineEdit() self.address_field.setPlaceholderText("") self.grid.addWidget(self.address_field) # Create the connect button self.connect_btn = Qt.QPushButton() self.connect_btn.setText("Connect") self.connect_btn.clicked.connect(self.connect) self.grid.addWidget(self.connect_btn) # Create the file selection combobox self.file_selector = Qt.QComboBox() self.file_selector.setEnabled(False) self.grid.addWidget(self.file_selector) # Create the download button self.download_btn = Qt.QPushButton() self.download_btn.setText("Download") self.download_btn.setEnabled(False) self.download_btn.clicked.connect( self.grid.addWidget(self.download_btn) # Set the grid as layout self._container.setLayout(self.grid) # Extra data self.client_socket = None def connect(self): # Disable the connect button self.address_field.setEnabled(False) self.connect_btn.setEnabled(False) # Split address and port try: address, ports = self.address_field.text().split(":", 1) except IndexError: address = self.address_field.text() ports = "3001" try: port = int(ports) except ValueError: print("Invalid port number") return # Connect to the server self.client_socket = socket.socket() self.client_socket.connect((address, port)) # Get the file list files = pickle.loads(self.client_socket.recv(4096)) separator = { "posix": "/", # Linux "nt": "\\", # Windows "java": "/" # MacOS } for directory in files: for file in directory[2]: self.file_selector.addItem(f"{directory[0]}{separator[]}{file}") # Toggle the enabled status on the download buttons self.file_selector.setEnabled(True) self.download_btn.setEnabled(True) def download(self): # Disable the download buttons self.file_selector.setEnabled(False) self.download_btn.setEnabled(False) # Send the requested filename self.client_socket.send(bytes(self.file_selector.currentText(), encoding="utf8")) # Receive the status from the server status = int(str(self.client_socket.recv(256), encoding="utf8")) # Create an empty file with open("download/" + self.file_selector.currentText(), "w") as file: file.write("") # Download the file while status > 0: data = self.client_socket.recv(256) with open("download/" + self.file_selector.currentText(), "ab") as file: file.write(data) status -= 256 mw = MainWindow() app.exec_()