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-# bleach-beach
-## Ludum Dare 42: Jam Entry
+# Bleach Beach
-## About
+Physics-based 2D fishing game
-Welcome to Bleach Beach!
-The sea is draining, and you have been assigned the task of catching the most fish possible before the water is gone. However, BotBoat Corp is competing with you: be careful of them, as they may resort to shady tactics, or surprise them by stealing the fish on their boats.
+## Links
-Move with the **A** and **D** keys, use your jetpack with **W**, aim your cannon with the **mouse** and shoot your harpoon by **_holding_** the **left mouse button**.
-### The Boats
-![Player Boat](///raw/d4d/z/17e30.png)
-![Bot Boat](///raw/d4d/z/17e40.png)
-All boats feature a grappling hook, a recharging jetpack and a storage space for the caught fish.
-### The Fish
-![Big Fish](///raw/d4d/z/17e64.png)
-![Fish Stack](///raw/d4d/z/17ed7.png)
-Fish roam the sea, waiting to be caught by someone...
-After getting on a ship, they can be **stolen** by hitting the fish stack with an harpoon.
-Large fish are worth double!
+[![Ludum Dare 42 Jam](https://img.shields.io/badge/ludum_dare_42-jam-%23EE5533)](https://ldjam.com/events/ludum-dare/42/bleach-beach-1)
+[![Published on Itch.io](https://img.shields.io/badge/itch.io-published-%2390ce59)](https://steffo.itch.io/bleach-beach)