using System.Collections; using System.Collections.Generic; using UnityEngine; using UnityEngine.SceneManagement; public class GameController : MonoBehaviour { [HideInInspector] public new Camera camera; [BeforeStart] public int startingLives = 4; [BeforeStart] public int maxLives = 4; private int lives; public delegate void OnLivesChangeHandler(int previous, int current); public event OnLivesChangeHandler OnLivesChange; public delegate void OnGameOverHandler(GameController sender); public event OnGameOverHandler OnGameOver; public int Lives { get { return lives; } set { OnLivesChange?.Invoke(Lives, value); lives = value; if(lives <= 0) { OnGameOver?.Invoke(this); } } } public bool GameOver { get { return Lives <= 0; } } [BeforeStart] public float startingTimescale = 1.0f; public delegate void OnSpeedChangeHandler(float previous, float current); public event OnSpeedChangeHandler OnSpeedChange; public float Timescale { get { return Time.timeScale; } set { OnSpeedChange?.Invoke(Timescale, value); Time.timeScale = value; } } [BeforeStart] public int startingScore = 0; private int score; public delegate void OnScoreChangeHandler(int previous, int current); public event OnScoreChangeHandler OnScoreChange; public int Score { get { return score; } set { OnScoreChange?.Invoke(Score, value); score = value; } } public List<MicrogameController> microgames; private MicrogameController currentMicrogame; public delegate void OnMicrogameCreateHandler(MicrogameController newMicrogame); public event OnMicrogameCreateHandler OnMicrogameCreate; public delegate void OnMicrogameDestroyHandler(MicrogameController endedMicrogame); public event OnMicrogameDestroyHandler OnMicrogameDestroy; public MicrogameController CurrentMicrogame { get { return currentMicrogame; } set { if(CurrentMicrogame != null) { OnMicrogameDestroy?.Invoke(CurrentMicrogame); CurrentMicrogame.OnTimeLeftChange -= PropagateTimeLeftChange; CurrentMicrogame.OnMicrogameEnd -= OnMicrogameEnd; Destroy(CurrentMicrogame.gameObject); } if(value != null) { currentMicrogame = Instantiate(value.gameObject, transform).GetComponent<MicrogameController>(); CurrentMicrogame.OnTimeLeftChange += PropagateTimeLeftChange; CurrentMicrogame.OnMicrogameEnd += OnMicrogameEnd; OnMicrogameCreate?.Invoke(CurrentMicrogame); } OnMicrogameTimeLeftChange?.Invoke(CurrentMicrogame?.TimeLeft, value?.TimeLeft); } } public delegate void OnMicrogameTimeLeftChangeHandler(float? previous, float? current); public event OnMicrogameTimeLeftChangeHandler OnMicrogameTimeLeftChange; private void PropagateTimeLeftChange(float previous, float current) { OnMicrogameTimeLeftChange?.Invoke(previous, current); } private void OnMicrogameEnd(MicrogameController microgame, bool victory) { Debug.Assert(microgame != null); if(!victory) { Lives -= 1; } Score += 1; CurrentMicrogame = null; if(!GameOver) { if(score % increaseSpeedEvery == 0) { Faster(); } StartCoroutine("SpinTheWheel"); } } public float timescaleIncreaseFactor = 0.05f; public float increaseSpeedEvery = 5; private void Faster() { Timescale += timescaleIncreaseFactor; } private MicrogameController displayedMicrogame; public delegate void OnDisplayedMicrogameChangeHandler(MicrogameController previous, MicrogameController current); public event OnDisplayedMicrogameChangeHandler OnDisplayedMicrogameChange; public MicrogameController DisplayedMicrogame { get { return displayedMicrogame; } set { OnDisplayedMicrogameChange?.Invoke(displayedMicrogame, value); displayedMicrogame = value; } } [Header("Wheel Settings")] public float wheelSelectionDelay = 0.1f; public float wheelSelectionTime = 2f; public float wheelDisplayTime = 2f; public AudioSource wheelClickAudioSource; public AudioSource wheelBoopAudioSource; IEnumerator SpinTheWheel() { float timePassed = 0f; while(timePassed < wheelSelectionTime) { DisplayedMicrogame = GetRandomMicrogame(); wheelClickAudioSource.Play(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(wheelSelectionDelay); timePassed += wheelSelectionDelay; } DisplayedMicrogame = GetRandomMicrogame(); wheelBoopAudioSource.Play(); yield return new WaitForSeconds(wheelDisplayTime); CurrentMicrogame = DisplayedMicrogame; } public MicrogameController GetRandomMicrogame() { Debug.Assert(microgames.Count > 0); return microgames.PickRandom(); } private void Awake() { camera = Camera.main; } private void Start() { Lives = startingLives; Timescale = startingTimescale; Score = startingScore; CurrentMicrogame = null; gameOverTimer = 0f; // Notify the TimePanel of the starting status OnMicrogameTimeLeftChange?.Invoke(null, null); StartCoroutine("SpinTheWheel"); } public float gameOverRequiredTime = 4f; private float gameOverTimer = 0f; private void Update() { if(GameOver) { gameOverTimer += Time.unscaledDeltaTime; if(gameOverTimer >= gameOverRequiredTime && Input.anyKeyDown) { SceneManager.LoadScene("Default"); } } } }