extends Node2D # Declare member variables here. Examples: # var a = 2 # var b = "text" var text = preload("res://Sprites/Text_file.png") var image = preload("res://Sprites/Img_file.png") var music = preload("res://Sprites/Music_file.png") var virus = preload("res://Sprites/Virus.png") var count_viruses = 0 # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): var rows = min(4+int(0.02*GlobalTimer.seconds_passed), 5) var columns = min(7+int(0.15*GlobalTimer.seconds_passed), 8) var count_files = rows*columns for i in range(count_files): var button = TextureButton.new() add_child(button) button.set_position(Vector2((i%columns)*80+35*(9-columns), (i/columns)*75+140)) var r = randi()%5 if r<=1: button.texture_normal = virus count_viruses+=1 button.connect("pressed", self, "on_virus_found", [button]) elif r==2: button.texture_normal = text elif r==3: button.texture_normal = image elif r==4: button.texture_normal = music button.name = str(i) func on_virus_found(v): v.hide() count_viruses -=1 if count_viruses <= 0: MManager.on_finished()