extends Panel var muted = preload("res://Sprites/Music_Off.png") var unmuted = preload("res://Sprites/Music_On.png") # Called when the node enters the scene tree for the first time. func _ready(): for child in get_children(): if child.name == "Play": child.connect("pressed", self, "_play") elif child.name == "Instructions": child.connect("pressed", self, "_instructions") elif child.name == "Menu": child.connect("pressed", self, "_menu") elif child.name == "Mute": child.icon = muted if Muter.mute else unmuted if Muter.mute: child.icon = muted else: child.icon = unmuted child.connect("pressed", self, "mute_unmute", [child]) func mute_unmute(child): Muter.mute_unmute() child.icon = muted if Muter.mute else unmuted func _play(): if get_tree().change_scene("res://Scenes/Main.tscn"): print("Error!") func _instructions(): if get_tree().change_scene("res://Scenes/Instructions.tscn"): print("Error!") func _menu(): if get_tree().change_scene("res://Scenes/Title.tscn"): print("Error!")