mirror of
synced 2025-03-22 00:23:29 +00:00
Godot changes ids again
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 4 additions and 9 deletions
@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://ci0hy0d4d1476" path="res://island/CollectibleByPlayer.tscn" id="5_yps0c"]
[ext_resource type="PackedScene" uid="uid://bj4d3a0jxgvpu" path="res://island/CanSplash.tscn" id="7_3mgie"]
[sub_resource type="CylinderShape3D" id="CylinderShape3D_ax3vd"]
[sub_resource type="CylinderShape3D" id="CylinderShape3D_e5jtb"]
height = 0.9
radius = 0.3
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@ script = ExtResource("1_sbec5")
[node name="Shape" type="CollisionShape3D" parent="."]
transform = Transform3D(1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0.45, 0)
shape = SubResource("CylinderShape3D_ax3vd")
shape = SubResource("CylinderShape3D_e5jtb")
[node name="PineappleMesh" parent="." instance=ExtResource("1_ndmmp")]
@ -128,7 +128,6 @@ grow_horizontal = 2
grow_vertical = 2
[node name="CameraViewportContainer" type="SubViewportContainer" parent="Head/Viewport"]
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
@ -168,7 +167,6 @@ theme = SubResource("Theme_smyke")
[node name="FPS_Label" type="Label" parent="HUD"]
visible = false
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 1
anchor_left = 1.0
anchor_right = 1.0
@ -181,7 +179,7 @@ horizontal_alignment = 2
script = SubResource("GDScript_iiadi")
[node name="PointsSpawner" type="Control" parent="HUD"]
layout_mode = 1
layout_mode = 3
anchors_preset = 8
anchor_left = 0.5
anchor_top = 0.5
@ -192,7 +190,6 @@ grow_vertical = 2
script = SubResource("GDScript_5d122")
[node name="AmmoLabel" type="Label" parent="HUD"]
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 3
anchor_left = 1.0
anchor_top = 1.0
@ -221,7 +218,6 @@ modulate = Color(1, 0.596078, 1, 1)
show_behind_parent = true
z_index = 4096
z_as_relative = false
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
@ -246,7 +242,6 @@ MainCamera = NodePath("../../../../Head/Viewport/CameraViewportContainer/GameVie
[node name="Crosshair" type="ColorRect" parent="HUD"]
material = SubResource("ShaderMaterial_2p6rt")
layout_mode = 1
anchors_preset = 15
anchor_right = 1.0
anchor_bottom = 1.0
@ -9,7 +9,7 @@
"base": "Node3D",
"base": "Node",
"class": &"BaseWeapon",
"language": &"GDScript",
"path": "res://player/onhand/BaseWeapon.gd"
Add table
Reference in a new issue