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extends Area2D
class_name Spawner
## A node which spawns things!
## The scene to spawn.
@export var scene: PackedScene
## The node to add new scenes to.
@export var target: Node
## Count of how many items should be spawned when possible.
var buffer: int = 0
## Maximum amount of items whose spawn can be buffered.
@export var buffer_cap: int
## Rect in which scenes can be spawned randomly in.
@export var spawn_rect: Rect2
## Minimum rotation degrees that an object can spawn with.
@export_range(0, 360) var spawn_rotation_degrees_min: float
## Maximum rotation degrees that an object can spawn with.
@export_range(0, 360) var spawn_rotation_degrees_max: float
## Maximum amount of bodies overlapping the spawner's area before the spawner stops spawning.
@export_range(0, 16, 1, "or_greater") var overlapping_body_count_limit: int
## Sound to play when spawning an item.
## Doesn't spawn anything if not set.
@export var sound_complete: AudioStreamPlayer
@export_range(0.01, 8.0, 0.01, "or_greater") var sound_complete_pitch_min: float = 1.00
@export_range(0.01, 8.0, 0.01, "or_greater") var sound_complete_pitch_max: float = 1.00
signal spawned(what: Node2D)
func spawn():
buffer += 1
if buffer > buffer_cap:
buffer = buffer_cap
func _select_spawn_position() -> Vector2:
return Vector2(
Randomizer.rng.randf_range(spawn_rect.position.x, spawn_rect.end.x),
Randomizer.rng.randf_range(spawn_rect.position.y, spawn_rect.end.y),
func _select_spawn_rotation() -> float:
return Randomizer.rng.randf_range(
func _do_spawn():
var overlapping_bodies = get_overlapping_bodies()
if len(overlapping_bodies) > overlapping_body_count_limit:
if scene == null:
# if scene._bundled["names"][0]=="Coal":
# var scene = PackedScene.new()
# scene.pack(get_node(""))
# print("ehi")
var instantiated = scene.instantiate()
instantiated.global_position = global_position + _select_spawn_position()
instantiated.rotation_degrees = _select_spawn_rotation()
if sound_complete:
sound_complete.pitch_scale = Randomizer.rng.randf_range(sound_complete_pitch_min, sound_complete_pitch_max)
buffer -= 1
func _physics_process(_delta):
if buffer > 0: