extends Node2D class_name SacrificeStone ## Emitted when the sacrifice on top of the stone changes. signal sacrifice_changed(entity: PhysicsBody2D, type: Enums.MonsterType) var current_monster: PhysicsBody2D func _on_tracked(body: PhysicsBody2D): # If a monster is dragged on top of the SacrificeStone while another monster is already on top of it, ignore the capture and let the collision resolve instead if current_monster != null: return # Make sure the monster is sacrificable, and if it is, lock it in and emit [signal sacrifice_changed]. var types: Array = body.find_children("*", "Sacrificable", false, false) for type in types: current_monster = body sacrifice_changed.emit(current_monster) break func _on_untracked(body: PhysicsBody2D): if body == current_monster: current_monster = null sacrifice_changed.emit(current_monster)