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Steffo 2016-05-26 09:04:16 +00:00
parent 914fda606c
commit fbb2a8bd2d

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARN,
token = filemanager.readfile('telegramapi.txt')
updater = Updater(token)
freenames = s.names_list.copy()
# Ruoli possibili per i giocatori
# Base di un ruolo
@ -24,6 +25,11 @@ class Role:
self.icon = "-" # Icona del ruolo, da visualizzare di fianco al nome
self.team = 'None' # Squadra: 'None', 'Good', 'Evil'
self.name = "UNDEFINED" # Nome del ruolo, viene visualizzato dall'investigatore e durante l'assegnazione dei ruoli
self.powerdesc = None # Ha un potere? Se sì, inviagli le info su come usarlo.
def __repr__(self):
r = "< undefined Role >"
return r
def power(self, bot, game: Game, player: Player, arg: str):
"""Il potere del ruolo. Si attiva quando il bot riceve un /power in chat privata."""
@ -42,6 +48,10 @@ class Royal(Role):
self.team = 'Good'
self.name = s.royal_name
def __repr__(self):
r = "< Role: Royal >"
return r
class Mifioso(Role):
"""Il nemico globale. Può impostare come bersaglio una persona al giorno, per poi ucciderla alla fine."""
@ -51,6 +61,14 @@ class Mifioso(Role):
self.team = 'Evil'
self.target = None
self.name = s.mifia_name
self.powerdesc = s.mifia_power_description
def __repr__(self):
if self.target is None:
r = "< Role: Mifioso >"
r = "< Role: Mifioso, targeting {target} >".format(target=target.tusername)
return r
def power(self, bot, game: Game, player: Player, arg: str):
# Imposta una persona come bersaglio da uccidere.
@ -78,6 +96,11 @@ class Investigatore(Role):
self.team = 'Good'
self.poweruses = 1
self.name = s.detective_name
self.powerdesc = s.detective_power_description.format(maxuses=self.poweruses)
def __repr__(self):
r = "< Role: Investigatore, {uses} uses left >".format(uses=self.poweruses)
return r
def power(self, bot, game: Game, player: Player, arg: str):
# Indaga sul vero ruolo di una persona, se sono ancora disponibili usi del potere.
@ -105,11 +128,22 @@ class Angelo(Role):
self.team = 'Good' # Squadra: 'None', 'Good', 'Evil'
self.name = s.angel_name
self.protecting = None # La persona che questo angelo sta proteggendo
self.powerdesc = s.angel_power_description
def __repr__(self):
if protecting is None:
r = "< Role: Angelo >"
r = "< Role: Angelo, protecting {target}".format(target=self.protecting.tusername)
return r
def power(self, bot, game: Game, player: Player, arg: str):
# Imposta qualcuno come protetto
selected = game.findplayerbyusername(arg)
if player is not selected and selected is not None:
# Togli la protezione a quello che stavi proteggendo prima
if self.protecting is not None:
self.protecting.protectedby = None
selected.protectedby = player
self.protecting = selected
player.message(bot, s.angel_target_selected.format(target=self.protecting.tusername))
@ -123,15 +157,6 @@ class Angelo(Role):
class Player:
"""Classe di un giocatore. Contiene tutti i dati riguardanti un giocatore all'interno di una partita, come il ruolo, e i dati riguardanti telegram, come ID e username."""
def message(self, bot, text: str):
"""Manda un messaggio privato al giocatore."""
bot.sendMessage(self.tid, text)
def kill(self):
"""Uccidi il giocatore."""
# Perchè questo esiste?
self.alive = False
def __init__(self, tid: int, tusername: str):
self.tid = tid # ID di Telegram
self.tusername = tusername # Username di Telegram
@ -141,6 +166,17 @@ class Player:
self.votes = 0 # Voti che sta ricevendo questo giocatore. Aggiornato da updatevotes()
self.protectedby = None # Protettore. Oggetto player che protegge questo giocatore dalla mifia.
def __repr__(self):
r = "< Player {username} >".format(username=self.tusername)
def message(self, bot, text: str):
"""Manda un messaggio privato al giocatore."""
bot.sendMessage(self.tid, text)
def kill(self):
"""Uccidi il giocatore."""
# Perchè questo esiste?
self.alive = False
class Game:
"""Classe di una partita, contenente parametri riguardanti stato della partita e informazioni sul gruppo di Telegram."""
@ -150,6 +186,23 @@ class Game:
self.players = list() # Lista dei giocatori in partita
self.tokill = list() # Giocatori che verranno uccisi all'endday
self.phase = 'Join' # Fase di gioco: 'Join', 'Voting', 'Ended'
# Trova un nome per la partita
if len(freenames) > 0:
self.name = freenames.pop()
self.name = str(groupid)
def __del__(self):
# Rimetti il nome che si è liberato in disponibili.
# Qual è quello giusto dei due? Non ho un interprete qui
except TypeError, ValueError:
def __repr__(self):
r = "< Game in group {groupid} with {nplayers} players in phase {phase} >".format(groupid=self.groupid, nplayers=len(self.players), phase=self.phase)
return r
def message(self, bot, text: str):
"""Manda un messaggio nel gruppo."""
@ -165,8 +218,6 @@ class Game:
for player in self.players:
if isinstance(player.role, Mifioso):
player.message(bot, text)
# Inoltra il messaggio all'admin
self.adminmessage(bot, text)
def findplayerbyid(self, tid: int) -> Player:
"""Trova il giocatore con un certo id."""
@ -191,37 +242,26 @@ class Game:
# Seleziona mifiosi
while mifia > 0:
selected = playersleft.pop()
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(s.error_not_enough_players)
selected.role = Mifioso()
mifia -= 1
selected = playersleft.pop()
selected.role = Mifioso()
mifia -= 1
# Seleziona detective
while investigatore > 0:
selected = playersleft.pop()
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(s.error_not_enough_players)
selected.role = Investigatore()
investigatore -= 1
selected = playersleft.pop()
selected.role = Investigatore()
investigatore -= 1
# Seleziona angeli
while angelo > 0:
selected = playersleft.pop()
except IndexError:
raise IndexError(s.error_not_enough_players)
selected.role = Angelo()
angelo -= 1
selected = playersleft.pop()
selected.role = Angelo()
angelo -= 1
# Assegna il ruolo di Royal a tutti gli altri
for player in playersleft:
player.role = Royal()
# Manda i ruoli assegnati a tutti
for player in self.players:
player.message(bot, s.role_assigned.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.role.name))
player.message(bot, player.role.powerdesc.format(gamename=self.name))
def updatevotes(self):
"""Aggiorna il conteggio dei voti di tutti i giocatori."""
@ -303,6 +343,12 @@ def findgamebyid(gid: int) -> Game:
return game
def findgamebyname(name: str) -> Game:
"""Trova una partita con un certo nome."""
for game in inprogress:
if game.name.lower() == name.lower():
return name
# Comandi a cui risponde il bot
def ping(bot, update):
@ -312,11 +358,11 @@ def ping(bot, update):
def newgame(bot, update):
"""Crea una nuova partita."""
if update.message.chat['type'] != 'private':
g = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if g is None:
g = Game(update.message.chat['id'], update.message.from_user['id'])
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.new_game.format(g.groupid))
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is None:
game = Game(update.message.chat['id'], update.message.from_user['id'])
game.message(bot, s.new_game.format(groupid=game.groupid, name=game.name))
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_game_in_progress)
@ -332,17 +378,19 @@ def join(bot, update):
if p is None:
p = Player(update.message.from_user['id'], update.message.from_user['username'])
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.player_joined.format(name=p.tusername))
game.message(bot, s.player_joined.format(name=p.tusername))
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_player_already_joined)
game.message(bot, s.error_player_already_joined)
game.message(bot, s.error_join_phase_ended)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
def debug(bot, update):
"""Visualizza tutti i ruoli e gli id."""
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is None:
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
if game is not None:
if game.adminid == update.message.from_user['id']:
text = s.status_header.format(name=game.groupid, admin=game.adminid, phase=game.phase)
@ -351,18 +399,21 @@ def debug(bot, update):
if not player.alive:
text += s.status_dead_player.format(name=player.tusername)
elif player.votingfor is not None:
text += s.status_voting_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername, votes=player.votes, voting=player.votingfor.tusername)
text += s.status_voting_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername, votes=str(player.votes), voting=player.votingfor.tusername)
text += s.status_idle_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername, votes=player.votes)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.from_user['id'], text)
text += s.status_idle_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername, votes=str(player.votes))
game.adminmessage(bot, text)
game.message(bot, s.check_private)
game.message(bot, s.error_not_admin)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
def status(bot, update):
"""Visualizza lo stato della partita."""
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is None:
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
if game is not None:
text = s.status_header.format(name=game.groupid, admin=game.adminid, phase=game.phase)
# Aggiungi l'elenco dei giocatori
@ -370,25 +421,32 @@ def status(bot, update):
if not player.alive:
text += s.status_dead_player.format(player.tusername)
elif player.votingfor is not None:
text += s.status_voting_player.format(icon="\U0001F610", name=player.tusername, votes=player.votes, voting=player.votingfor.tusername)
text += s.status_voting_player.format(icon="\U0001F610", name=player.tusername, votes=str(player.votes), voting=player.votingfor.tusername)
text += s.status_idle_player.format(icon="\U0001F610", name=player.tusername, votes=player.votes)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], text)
text += s.status_idle_player.format(icon="\U0001F610", name=player.tusername, votes=str(player.votes))
game.message(bot, text)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
def endjoin(bot, update):
"""Termina la fase di join e inizia quella di votazione."""
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is not None and game.phase is 'Join' and update.message.from_user['id'] == game.adminid:
game.phase = 'Voting'
game.message(bot, s.join_phase_ended)
game.assignroles(bot, mifia=1, investigatore=0, angelo=1)
except IndexError:
game.message(bot, s.error_not_enough_players)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.roles_assigned_successfully)
if game is not None and game.phase is 'Join':
if update.message.from_user['id'] == game.adminid:
game.phase = 'Voting'
game.message(bot, s.join_phase_ended)
game.assignroles(bot, mifia=0, investigatore=0, angelo=0)
except IndexError:
game.message(bot, s.error_not_enough_players)
game.message(bot, s.roles_assigned_successfully)
game.message(bot, s.error_not_admin)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
@ -397,15 +455,18 @@ def vote(bot, update):
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is not None and game.phase is 'Voting':
player = game.findplayerbyid(update.message.from_user['id'])
if player is not None and player.alive:
target = game.findplayerbyusername(update.message.text.split(' ')[1])
if target is not None:
player.votingfor = target
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.vote.format(voted=target.tusername))
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_username)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_dead)
if player is not None
if player.alive:
target = game.findplayerbyusername(update.message.text.split(' ')[1])
if target is not None:
player.votingfor = target
game.message(bot, s.vote.format(voted=target.tusername))
game.message(bot, s.error_username)
game.message(bot, s.error_dead)
game.message(bot, s.error_not_in_game)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
@ -420,36 +481,74 @@ def endday(bot, update):
def power(bot, update):
"""Attiva il potere del tuo ruolo."""
if update.message.chat['type'] == 'private':
# Ho un'idea su come farlo meglio. Forse.
cmd = update.message.text.split(' ', 2)
game = findgamebyid(int(cmd[1]))
game = findgamebyname(cmd[1])
# Se non lo trovi con il nome, prova con l'id
if game is None:
game = findgamebyid(int(cmd[1]))
if game is not None:
player = game.findplayerbyid(update.message.from_user['id'])
if player.alive:
player.role.power(bot, game, player, cmd[2])
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_dead)
if player is not None:
if player.alive:
player.role.power(bot, game, player, cmd[2])
player.message(bot, s.error_dead)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_not_in_game)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_private_required)
def role(bot, update):
"""Visualizza il tuo ruolo."""
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is not None and game.phase is 'Voting':
player = game.findplayerbyid(update.message.from_user['id'])
if player is not None:
if player.alive:
player.message(bot, s.display_role.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.role.name))
game.message(bot, s.check_private)
game.message(bot, s.error_dead)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_not_in_game)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
def debuggameslist(bot, update):
"""Visualizza l'elenco delle partite in corso."""
bot.sendMessage(update.message.from_user['id'], repr(inprogress))
def debugkill(bot, update):
"""Uccidi un giocatore in partita."""
game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat['id'])
if game is not None and game.phase is 'Voting':
if update.message.from_user['id'] == game.adminid:
target = game.findplayerbyusername(update.message.text.split(' ')[1])
if target is not None:
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.admin_killed.format(name=target.name, icon=target.role.icon, role=target.role.name))
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_username)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_not_admin)
bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat['id'], s.error_no_games_found)
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('ping', ping))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('newgame', newgame))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('join', join))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('debug', debug))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('endjoin', endjoin))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('vote', vote))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('v', vote))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('endday', endday))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('power', power))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('status', status))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('s', status))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('debug', debug))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('debuggameslist', debuggameslist))
updater.dispatcher.addHandler(CommandHandler('debugkill', debugkill))