#!/usr/bin/env python3.5 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import datetime import pickle # Per salvare la partita su file. import math import time from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler from telegram import ParseMode, InlineKeyboardButton, InlineKeyboardMarkup, Bot from telegram.error import Unauthorized, TimedOut, RetryAfter import filemanager import random import strings as s import logging from typing import List, Union, Dict from roles.roles import * logging.basicConfig(level=logging.WARNING, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s') token = filemanager.readfile('telegramapi.txt') updater = Updater(token) freenames = s.names_list.copy() class Player: """Classe di un giocatore. Contiene tutti i dati riguardanti un giocatore all'interno di una partita, come il ruolo, e i dati riguardanti telegram, come ID e username.""" def __init__(self, game: 'Game', tid: int, tusername: str, dummy: bool=False): self.tid = tid # type: int self.tusername = tusername # type: str self.role = Role(self) # type: Role self.alive = True # type: bool self.votingfor = None # type: Union["Player", None] self.votes = 0 # type: int self.protectedby = None # type: Union["Player", None] self.mifiavotes = 0 # type: int self.dummy = dummy # type: bool self.game = game # type: "Game" def __repr__(self) -> str: return "".format(username=self.tusername) def __str__(self) -> str: return "@{}".format(self.tusername) def message(self, text: str): """Manda un messaggio privato al giocatore.""" if not self.dummy: self.game.bot.sendMessage(self.tid, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def kill(self): """Uccidi il giocatore.""" self.role.ondeath() self.alive = False # Silenzia il giocatore if self is not self.game.admin: try: self.game.bot.restrictChatMember(self.game.groupid, self.tid, None, False, False, False, False) except Unauthorized: print("Bot is not administrator in group {}".format(self.game.groupid)) class Game: """Classe di una partita, contenente parametri riguardanti stato della partita e informazioni sul gruppo di Telegram.""" def __init__(self, bot: Bot, groupid: int): self.groupid = groupid # type: int self.bot = bot # type: Bot self.admin = None # type: Player self.players = list() # type: List['Player'] self.tokill = list() # type: List['Player'] self.phase = 'Join' # type: str self.day = 0 # type: int self.configstep = 0 # type: int self.roleconfig = dict() # type: Dict[int] self.votingmifia = False # type: bool # Liste di ruoli in gioco, per velocizzare gli endday self.playersinrole = dict() for currentrole in rolepriority: self.playersinrole[currentrole.__name__] = list() # Trova un nome per la partita if len(freenames) > 0: random.shuffle(freenames) self.name = freenames.pop() else: self.name = str(groupid) self.lastlynch = None # Ultima persona uccisa dai Royal, diventa un player def __del__(self): # Togli le referenze circolare for player in self.players: player.role.player = None player.game = None # Rimetti il nome che si è liberato in disponibili. try: int(self.name) except ValueError: freenames.append(self.name) for player in self.players: player.game = None def __repr__(self): r = "" \ .format(name=self.name, groupid=self.groupid, nplayers=len(self.players), phase=self.phase) return r def message(self, text: str): """Manda un messaggio nel gruppo.""" self.bot.sendMessage(self.groupid, text, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def adminmessage(self, text: str): """Manda un messaggio privato al creatore della partita.""" self.admin.message(text) def mifiamessage(self, text: str): """Manda un messaggio privato a tutti i Mifiosi nella partita.""" # Trova tutti i mifiosi nell'elenco dei giocatori for player in self.players: if isinstance(player.role, Mifioso) or isinstance(player.role, Corrotto): player.message(text) def findplayerbyid(self, tid: int) -> Union['Player', None]: """Trova il giocatore con un certo id.""" for player in self.players: if player.tid == tid: return player return None def findplayerbyusername(self, tusername: str) -> Union['Player', None]: """Trova il giocatore con un certo username.""" for player in self.players: if player.tusername.lower() == tusername.strip("@").lower(): return player return None def updategroupname(self): """Aggiorna il titolo della chat.""" try: if self.phase == "Voting": self.bot.set_chat_title(self.groupid, s.group_name.format(phase=s.day.format(day=self.day), name=self.name)) else: self.bot.set_chat_title(self.groupid, s.group_name.format(phase=self.phase, name=self.name)) except Unauthorized: print("Bot is not administrator in group {}".format(self.groupid)) def assignroles(self): """Assegna i ruoli specificati in playersinrole a tutti i giocatori.""" random.seed() playersleft = self.players.copy() # Assegna i ruoli secondo i numeri all'interno di playersinrole for currentrole in rolepriority: for player in random.sample(playersleft, self.roleconfig[currentrole.__name__]): self.playersinrole[currentrole.__name__].append(player) player.role = currentrole(player) playersleft.remove(player) # Assegna il ruolo di Royal a tutti gli altri for player in playersleft: player.role = Royal(self) # Manda i ruoli assegnati a tutti for player in self.players: player.message(s.role_assigned.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.role.name)) if player.role.powerdesc is not None: player.message(player.role.powerdesc.format(gamename=self.name)) # Manda ai mifiosi l'elenco dei loro compagni di squadra text = s.mifia_team_intro for player in self.playersinrole['Mifioso']: text += s.mifia_team_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername) for player in self.playersinrole['Corrotto']: text += s.mifia_team_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername) self.mifiamessage(text) def updatevotes(self): """Aggiorna il conteggio dei voti di tutti i giocatori.""" for player in self.players: player.votes = 0 for player in self.players: if player.votingfor is not None and player.alive: player.votingfor.votes += 1 def updatemifiavotes(self): """Aggiorna il conteggio dei voti mifiosi di tutti i giocatori.""" for player in self.players: player.mifiavotes = 0 for player in self.playersinrole['Mifioso']: if player.alive: if player.role.target is not None: player.role.target.mifiavotes += 1 def mostvotedplayers(self) -> List[Player]: """Trova i giocatori più votati.""" mostvoted = list() currenttop = 0 self.updatevotes() for player in self.players: if player.votes > currenttop: mostvoted = list() mostvoted.append(player) currenttop = player.votes elif player.votes == currenttop: mostvoted.append(player) if currenttop > 0: return mostvoted else: return list() def mostvotedmifia(self) -> List[Player]: """Trova i giocatori più votati dalla mifia.""" mostvoted = list() currenttop = 0 self.updatemifiavotes() for player in self.players: if player.mifiavotes > currenttop: mostvoted = list() mostvoted.append(player) currenttop = player.mifiavotes elif player.votes == currenttop: mostvoted.append(player) if currenttop > 0: return mostvoted else: return list() def endday(self): """Finisci la giornata, uccidi il più votato del giorno ed esegui gli endday di tutti i giocatori.""" # SALVA LA PARTITA, così se crasha si riprende da qui self.save() # Conta i voti ed elimina il più votato. topvotes = self.mostvotedplayers() if len(topvotes) > 0: # In caso di pareggio, elimina un giocatore casuale. random.seed() random.shuffle(topvotes) lynched = topvotes.pop() if lynched.alive: self.message(s.player_lynched.format(name=lynched.tusername, icon=lynched.role.icon, role=lynched.role.name)) self.lastlynch = lynched lynched.kill() elif self.day > 1: self.message(s.no_players_lynched) # Fai gli endday in un certo ordine. # Si potrebbe fare più velocemente, credo. # Ma non sto ho voglia di ottimizzare ora. # Endday dei mifiosi se votingmifia è attivo if self.votingmifia: # Trova il più votato dai mifiosi e uccidilo killlist = self.mostvotedmifia() if len(killlist) > 0: # In caso di pareggio, elimina un giocatore casuale. random.seed() random.shuffle(killlist) killed = killlist.pop() if killed.alive: if killed.protectedby is None: killed.kill() self.message(s.mifia_target_killed.format(target=killed.tusername, icon=killed.role.icon, role=killed.role.name)) else: self.message(s.mifia_target_protected.format(target=killed.tusername, icon=killed.protectedby.role.icon, protectedby=killed.protectedby.tusername)) # Attiva gli \ for currentrole in rolepriority: for player in self.playersinrole[currentrole.__name__]: if player.alive: player.role.onendday() # Cancella tutti i voti for player in self.players: player.votingfor = None # Incrementa il giorno self.nextday() # Notifica del nuovo giorno self.message(s.new_day.format(day=self.day)) # Controlla se qualcuno ha vinto self.victoryconditions() def startpreset(self): """Inizio della fase di preset""" self.newphase("Preset") # Crea la tastiera kbmarkup = InlineKeyboardMarkup([ [ InlineKeyboardButton(s.preset_simple, callback_data="simple"), InlineKeyboardButton(s.preset_classic, callback_data="classic") ], [ InlineKeyboardButton(s.preset_oneofall, callback_data="oneofall") ] ]) # Manda la tastiera self.bot.sendMessage(self.groupid, s.preset_choose, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=kbmarkup) def loadpreset(self, preset: str): """Fine della fase di preset: carica il preset selezionato o passa a config""" if preset == "simple": # Preset semplice (solo Royal, Mifiosi e Investigatori) self.roleconfig = { "Mifioso": math.floor(len(self.players) / 8) + 1, # 1 Mifioso ogni 8 giocatori "Investigatore": math.floor(len(self.players) / 12) + 1, # 1 Detective ogni 12 giocatori "Corrotto": 0, "Angelo": 0, "Terrorista": 0, "Derek": 0, "Disastro": 0, "Mamma": 0, "Stagista": 0, "SignoreDelCaos": 0, "Servitore": 0 } self.votingmifia = True self.message(s.preset_simple_selected.format(mifioso=self.roleconfig["Mifioso"], investigatore=self.roleconfig["Investigatore"], royal=len(self.players) - self.roleconfig["Mifioso"] - self.roleconfig["Investigatore"])) self.endconfig() elif preset == "classic": # Preset classico (solo Royal, Mifiosi, Investigatori, Angeli e Terroristi) self.roleconfig = { "Mifioso": math.floor(len(self.players) / 8) + 1, # 1 Mifioso ogni 8 giocatori "Investigatore": math.floor(len(self.players) / 12) + 1, # 1 Detective ogni 12 giocatori "Corrotto": 0, "Angelo": math.floor(len(self.players) / 10) + 1, # 1 Angelo ogni 10 giocatori "Terrorista": 1 if random.randrange(0, 100) >= 50 else 0, # 50% di avere un terrorista "Derek": 0, "Disastro": 0, "Mamma": 0, "Stagista": 0, "SignoreDelCaos": 0, "Servitore": 0 } self.votingmifia = True self.message(s.preset_classic_selected.format(mifioso=self.roleconfig["Mifioso"], investigatore=self.roleconfig["Investigatore"], angelo=self.roleconfig["Angelo"], royal=len(self.players) - self.roleconfig["Mifioso"] - self.roleconfig["Investigatore"] - self.roleconfig["Angelo"], royalmenouno=len(self.players) - self.roleconfig["Mifioso"] - self.roleconfig["Investigatore"] - self.roleconfig["Angelo"] - 1)) self.endconfig() elif preset == "oneofall": self.roleconfig = { "Mifioso": 1, "Investigatore": 1, "Corrotto": 1, "Angelo": 1, "Terrorista": 1, "Derek": 1, "Disastro": 1, "Mamma": 1, "Stagista": 1, "SignoreDelCaos": 0, "Servitore": 0 } unassignedplayers = len(self.players) - 9 availableroles = list() while unassignedplayers > 0: if len(availableroles) == 0: availableroles = rolepriority.copy() availableroles.remove(SignoreDelCaos) availableroles.remove(Servitore) random.shuffle(availableroles) self.roleconfig[availableroles.pop().__name__] += 1 unassignedplayers -= 1 self.votingmifia = False self.message(s.preset_oneofall_selected) self.endconfig() def endconfig(self): """Fine della fase di config, inizio assegnazione ruoli""" # Controlla che ci siano abbastanza giocatori per avviare la partita requiredplayers = 0 for selectedrole in self.roleconfig: requiredplayers += self.roleconfig[selectedrole] # Se non ce ne sono abbastanza, torna alla fase di join if requiredplayers > len(self.players): self.message(s.error_not_enough_players) self.newphase("Join") else: self.newphase("Voting", silent=True) self.nextday() self.players.sort(key=lambda p: p.tusername) self.assignroles() self.message(s.roles_assigned_successfully) for player in self.players: player.role.onstartgame() def revealallroles(self): text = s.status_header.format(name=self.name, admin=self.admin.tusername, phase=self.phase) self.updatevotes() # Aggiungi l'elenco dei giocatori for player in self.players: text += s.status_basic_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername) self.message(text) def endgame(self): self.newphase("End") self.revealallroles() inprogress.remove(self) def save(self): # Crea il file. try: file = open(str(self.groupid) + ".p", 'x') except FileExistsError: pass else: file.close() # Scrivi sul file. file = open(str(self.groupid) + ".p", 'wb') pickle.dump(self, file) file.close() # Crea un file uguale ma con un timestamp # Non sono troppo sicuro che il timestamp si faccia così però funziona t = datetime.datetime(2000,1,1,1,1).now() try: file = open("{group}-{yy}-{mm}-{dd}-{hh}-{mi}.p".format(group=str(self.groupid), yy=t.year, mm=t.month, dd=t.day, hh=t.hour, mi=t.minute), 'x') except FileExistsError: pass else: file.close() # Scrivi sul file. file = open("{group}-{yy}-{mm}-{dd}-{hh}-{mi}.p".format(group=str(self.groupid), yy=t.year, mm=t.month, dd=t.day, hh=t.hour, mi=t.minute), 'wb') pickle.dump(self, file) self.adminmessage(s.game_saved.format(name=self.name)) file.close() def victoryconditions(self): """Controlla se qualcuno ha completato le condizioni di vittoria.""" good = 0 evil = 0 alive = 0 for player in self.players: if player.alive: if player.role.team == 'Evil': evil += 1 elif player.role.team == 'Good': good += 1 alive += 1 # Distruzione atomica! if alive == 0: self.message(s.end_game_wiped) for player in self.players: player.message(s.end_game_wiped + s.tie) self.endgame() # I mifiosi vincono se sono più dei royal elif evil >= good: self.message(s.end_mifia_outnumber + s.victory_mifia) for player in self.players: if player.role.team == 'Good': player.message(s.end_mifia_outnumber + s.defeat) elif player.role.team == 'Evil': player.message(s.end_mifia_outnumber + s.victory) elif player.role.team == 'Chaos': player.message(s.end_game_chaos + s.victory) self.endgame() # Male distrutto elif evil == 0: self.message(s.end_mifia_killed + s.victory_royal) for player in self.players: if player.role.team == 'Good': player.message(s.end_mifia_killed + s.victory) elif player.role.team == 'Evil': player.message(s.end_mifia_killed + s.defeat) elif player.role.team == 'Chaos': player.message(s.end_game_chaos + s.victory) self.endgame() def changerole(self, player: Player, newrole): """Cambia il ruolo di un giocatore, aggiornando tutti i valori""" # Aggiorna le liste dei ruoli if player.role.__class__ != Royal: self.playersinrole[player.role.__class__.__name__].remove(player) if newrole != Royal: self.playersinrole[newrole.__name__].append(player) # Cambia il ruolo al giocatore player.role = newrole(player) # Manda i messaggi del nuovo ruolo player.message(s.role_assigned.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.role.name)) if player.role.powerdesc is not None: player.message(player.role.powerdesc.format(gamename=self.name)) # Manda ai mifiosi l'elenco dei loro compagni di squadra text = s.mifia_team_intro for player in self.playersinrole['Mifioso']: text += s.mifia_team_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername) for player in self.playersinrole['Corrotto']: text += s.mifia_team_player.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.tusername) self.mifiamessage(text) def joinplayer(self, player: Player, silent=False): self.players.append(player) if not silent: self.message(s.player_joined.format(name=player.tusername, players=len(self.players))) # Se è il primo giocatore ad unirsi, diventa admin if len(self.players) == 1: self.admin = player def getrandomrole(self): availableroles = list() for existingrole in self.playersinrole: if len(existingrole) > 0: availableroles.append(existingrole) return globals()[random.sample(availableroles, 1)[0]] # EWWW def newphase(self, phase: str, silent: bool=False): self.phase = phase if not silent: self.updategroupname() def nextday(self, silent: bool=False): self.day += 1 if not silent: self.updategroupname() # Partite in corso inprogress = list() def findgamebyid(gid: int) -> Game: """Trova una partita con un certo id.""" for game in inprogress: if game.groupid == gid: return game def findgamebyname(name: str) -> Game: """Trova una partita con un certo nome.""" for game in inprogress: if game.name.lower() == name.lower(): return game # Comandi a cui risponde il bot def ping(bot: Bot, update): """Ping!""" bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.pong, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def newgame(bot: Bot, update): """Crea una nuova partita.""" if update.message.chat.type != 'supergroup': bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_chat_type, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_game_in_progress, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Controlla che il bot sia un amministratore nel supergruppo admins = bot.getChatAdministrators(update.message.chat.id) for admin in admins: if admin.user.id == bot.id: break else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.warning_bot_not_admin) game = Game(bot, update.message.chat.id) inprogress.append(game) game.message(s.new_game.format(name=game.name)) join(bot, update) def join(bot: Bot, update): """Unisciti a una partita.""" game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) # Nessuna partita in corso if game is None: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return # Fase di join finita if game.phase != 'Join': game.message(s.error_join_phase_ended) return p = game.findplayerbyid(update.message.from_user['id']) # Giocatore già in partita if p is not None: game.message(s.error_player_already_joined) return # Giocatore senza username if update.message.from_user.username is None: game.message(s.error_no_username) return p = Player(game, update.message.from_user.id, update.message.from_user.username) try: p.message(s.you_joined.format(game=game.name, adminname=game.admin.tusername if game.admin is not None else p.tusername)) except Unauthorized: # Bot bloccato dall'utente game.message(s.error_chat_unavailable) return # Aggiungi il giocatore alla partita game.joinplayer(p) # Salva game.save() def debugjoin(bot: Bot, update): """Aggiungi dei bot alla partita.""" if __debug__: game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is None: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return if game.phase != 'Join': game.message(s.error_join_phase_ended) return arg = update.message.text.split(" ") for name in range(1, int(arg[1]) + 1): p = Player(game, int(name), str(name), True) try: game.joinplayer(p, silent=True) except RetryAfter: pass def status(bot: Bot, update): """Visualizza lo stato della partita.""" game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None: text = str() if __debug__: text += s.debug_mode text += s.status_header.format(name=game.name, admin=game.admin.tusername if game.admin is not None else "-", phase=game.phase) game.updatevotes() # Aggiungi l'elenco dei giocatori for player in game.players: if not player.alive: text += s.status_dead_player.format(name=player.tusername) elif game.day > 1: text += s.status_alive_player.format(icon="\U0001F610", name=player.tusername, votes=str(player.votes)) else: text += s.status_basic_player.format(icon="\U0001F610", name=player.tusername) game.message(text) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def endjoin(bot: Bot, update): """Termina la fase di join e inizia quella di votazione.""" game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None and game.phase == 'Join': if update.message.from_user.id == game.admin.tid: game.message(s.join_phase_ended) game.startpreset() else: game.message(s.error_not_admin) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def vote(bot: Bot, update): """Vota per uccidere una persona.""" # Trova la partita game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is None: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return elif game.phase is not 'Voting': bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return elif game.day <= 1: game.message(s.error_no_votes_on_first_day) return # Genera la tastiera table = list() for player in game.players: if not player.alive: continue row = list() row.append(InlineKeyboardButton(s.vote_keyboard_line.format(player=player, votes=player.votes), callback_data=player.tusername)) table.append(row) row = list() row.append(InlineKeyboardButton(s.vote_keyboard_nobody, callback_data="-")) table.append(row) keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup(table) # Manda la tastiera bot.sendMessage(game.groupid, s.vote_keyboard, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN, reply_markup=keyboard) def endday(_: Bot, update): """Termina la giornata attuale.""" game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None and game.phase is 'Voting' and update.message.from_user.id == game.admin.tid: game.endday() def power(bot: Bot, update): """Attiva il potere del tuo ruolo.""" if update.message.chat.type == 'private': cmd = update.message.text.split(' ', 2) game = findgamebyname(cmd[1]) # Se non lo trovi con il nome, prova con l'id if game is None: try: game = findgamebyid(int(cmd[1])) except ValueError: pass if game is not None: player = game.findplayerbyid(int(update.message.from_user.id)) if player is not None: if player.alive: if len(cmd) > 2: player.role.power(cmd[2]) else: player.message(s.error_missing_parameters) else: player.message(s.error_dead) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_not_in_game, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_private_required, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def role(bot: Bot, update): """Visualizza il tuo ruolo.""" game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None and game.phase is 'Voting': player = game.findplayerbyid(update.message.from_user.id) if player is not None: if player.alive: player.message(s.role_assigned.format(icon=player.role.icon, name=player.role.name)) game.message(s.check_private) else: game.message(s.error_dead) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_not_in_game, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def kill(bot: Bot, update): """Uccidi un giocatore in partita.""" if __debug__: game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None and game.phase is 'Voting': if update.message.from_user.id == game.admin.tid: target = game.findplayerbyusername(update.message.text.split(' ')[1]) if target is not None: target.kill() game.message(s.admin_killed.format(name=target.tusername, icon=target.role.icon, role=target.role.name)) else: game.message(s.error_username) else: game.message(s.error_not_admin) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def delete(bot: Bot, update): """Elimina una partita in corso.""" if update.message.chat.type == 'private': if update.message.from_user.username != "Steffo": bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_not_owner, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) return cmd = update.message.text.split(' ', 2) game = findgamebyname(cmd[1]) # Se non lo trovi con il nome, prova con l'id if game is None: game = findgamebyid(int(cmd[1])) # Ehhh pazienza non c'è neanche con l'id if game is None: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found) game.message(s.owner_ended) game.endgame() else: # Trova la partita game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) # Controlla che la partita esista if game is None: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found) return # Controlla se è admin if game.admin.tid != update.message.from_user.id: game.message(s.error_not_admin) return game.endgame() def load(bot: Bot, update): """Carica una partita salvata.""" file = open(str(update.message.chat.id) + ".p", "rb") game = pickle.load(file) inprogress.append(game) game.message(bot, s.game_loaded) def save(bot: Bot, update): """Salva una partita su file.""" game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None: game.save() else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def debug(bot: Bot, update): """Visualizza tutti i ruoli e gli id.""" if __debug__: game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None: game.revealallroles() else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def debugchangerole(bot: Bot, update): """Cambia il ruolo a un giocatore.""" if __debug__: game = findgamebyid(update.message.chat.id) if game is not None: cmd = update.message.text.split(' ', 2) game.changerole(game.findplayerbyusername(cmd[1]), globals()[cmd[2]]) else: bot.sendMessage(update.message.chat.id, s.error_no_games_found, parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def debuggameslist(bot: Bot, update): """Visualizza l'elenco delle partite in corso.""" if __debug__: bot.sendMessage(update.message.from_user.id, repr(inprogress), parse_mode=ParseMode.MARKDOWN) def inlinekeyboard(bot: Bot, update): """Seleziona un preset dalla tastiera.""" game = findgamebyid(update.callback_query.message.chat.id) if game is None: bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.error_no_games_found, show_alert=True) return if game.phase is 'Preset': if update.callback_query.from_user.id != game.admin.tid: bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.error_not_admin, show_alert=True) return game.loadpreset(update.callback_query.data) bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.preset_selected.format(selected=update.callback_query.data)) elif game.phase is 'Voting': # Trova il giocatore player = game.findplayerbyid(update.callback_query.from_user.id) if player is None: bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.error_not_in_game, show_alert=True) return if not player.alive: bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.error_dead, show_alert=True) return if update.callback_query.data == "-": # Annulla il voto player.votingfor = None game.message(s.vote_none.format(player=player)) bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.vote_none_fp) else: # Cambia il voto target = game.findplayerbyusername(update.callback_query.data) player.votingfor = target game.message(s.vote.format(voting=player.tusername, voted=target.tusername)) bot.answerCallbackQuery(callback_query_id=update.callback_query.id, text=s.vote_fp.format(voted=target.tusername)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('ping', ping)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('newgame', newgame)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('join', join)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('debugjoin', debugjoin)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('endjoin', endjoin)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('vote', vote)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('endday', endday)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('power', power)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('status', status)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('role', role)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('debug', debug)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('debuggameslist', debuggameslist)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('kill', kill)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('save', save)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('load', load)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('delete', delete)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler('debugchangerole', debugchangerole)) updater.dispatcher.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(inlinekeyboard)) if __name__ == "__main__": updater.start_polling() while True: try: updater.idle() except TimedOut: time.sleep(10)