2019-12-03 18:00:52 +00:00
import logging
from typing import Optional, List, AsyncGenerator, Tuple, Any, Dict
2020-02-03 16:22:44 +00:00
from royalnet.bard.discord import YtdlDiscord
2019-12-03 18:00:52 +00:00
from royalnet.serf.discord import Playable
import discord
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RoyalQueue(Playable):
"""A queue of :class:`YtdlDiscord` to be played in sequence."""
def __init__(self, start_with: Optional[List[YtdlDiscord]] = None):
self.contents: List[YtdlDiscord] = []
self.now_playing: Optional[YtdlDiscord] = None
if start_with is not None:
self.contents = [*self.contents, *start_with]
log.debug(f"Created new {self.__class__.__qualname__} containing: {self.contents}")
async def _generator(self) \
-> AsyncGenerator[Optional["discord.AudioSource"], Tuple[Tuple[Any, ...], Dict[str, Any]]]:
while True:
log.debug(f"Dequeuing an item...")
# Try to get the first YtdlDiscord of the queue
self.now_playing: YtdlDiscord = self.contents.pop(0)
except IndexError:
# If there isn't anything, yield None
log.debug(f"Nothing to dequeue, yielding None.")
yield None
log.debug(f"Yielding FileAudioSource from: {self.now_playing}")
# Create a FileAudioSource from the YtdlDiscord
# If the file hasn't been fetched / downloaded / converted yet, it will do so before yielding
async with self.now_playing.spawn_audiosource() as fas:
# Yield the resulting AudioSource
yield fas
# Delete the YtdlDiscord file
log.debug(f"Deleting: {self.now_playing}")
await self.now_playing.delete_asap()
log.debug(f"Deleting: {self.now_playing.ytdl_file}")
await self.now_playing.ytdl_file.delete_asap()
log.debug(f"Deleted successfully!")
2020-02-03 23:54:39 +00:00
self.now_playing = None
2020-03-28 20:02:20 +00:00
async def destroy(self):
log.debug(f"Deleting: {self.now_playing}")
await self.now_playing.delete_asap()
log.debug(f"Deleting: {self.now_playing.ytdl_file}")
await self.now_playing.ytdl_file.delete_asap()
log.debug(f"Deleted successfully!")
self.now_playing = None
for file in self.contents:
log.debug(f"Deleting: {file}")
await file.delete_asap()
log.debug(f"Deleting: {file.ytdl_file}")
await file.ytdl_file.delete_asap()
log.debug(f"Deleted successfully!")
self.contents = []