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2019-11-24 20:46:14 +01:00
2019-11-25 13:31:28 +01:00
# Enable the herald module, allowing different parts of Royalnet to talk to each other
# Requires the `herald` extra to be installed
enabled = true
2019-11-24 20:46:14 +01:00
# Run locally a Herald web server (websocket) that other parts of Royalnet can connect to
enabled = true
# The address of the network interface on which the Herald server should listen for connections
# If, listen for connections on all interfaces
# If, listen only for connections coming from the local machine
address = ""
# The port on which the Herald server should run
port = 44444
# A password required to connect to the local Herald server
secret = "CHANGE-ME"
# Use HTTPS instead of HTTP for Herald connections
secure = false # Not supported yet!
# Use a different HTTP path for Herald connections
path = "/" # Different values aren't supported yet
# Connect to a remote Herald web server (websocket)
# Requires the `herald` extra to be installed
enabled = false
# The address of the remote Herald server
address = ""
# The port of the remote Herald server
port = 44444
# The password required to connect to the remote Herald server
secret = "CHANGE-ME"
# Use HTTPS instead of HTTP for Herald connections
secure = false # Not supported yet!
# Use a different HTTP path for Herald connections
path = "/" # Different values aren't supported yet
# Use the Alchemy module of Royalnet to connect to a PostgreSQL server
# Requires either the `alchemy_easy` or the `alchemy_hard` extras to be installed
enabled = true
# The URL of the database you want to connect to, in sqlalchemy format:
# https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/core/engines.html#database-urls
database_url = "postgresql://username:password@host:port/database"
# Run locally a Constellation web server (uvicorn+starlette) serving the Stars contained in the enabled Packs
# Requires the `constellation` extra to be installed
enabled = true
# The address of the network interface on which the Constellation should listen for requests
# If, listen for requests on all interfaces
# If, listen only for requests coming from the local machine
address = ""
# The port on which the Constellation should run
port = 44445
# Use the Telegram Serf (python-telegram-bot) included in Royalnet
# Requires the `telegram` extra to be installed
enabled = true
# The Bot API Token of the bot you want to use for Royalnet
# Obtain one at https://t.me/BotFather
# The size of the Connection Pool used by python-telegram-bot
# 8 should be fine, but if you start getting `TimeoutError: QueuePool limit of size X overflow Y reached" errors,
# increasing this number should fix them
pool_size = 8
# The maximum amount of time to wait for a response from Telegram before raising a `TimeoutError`
# It also is the time that python-telegram-bot will wait before sending a new request if no updates are being received.
read_timeout = 60
# Use the Discord Serf (discord.py) included in Royalnet
# Requires the `discord` extra to be installed
enabled = true
# The Discord Bot Token of the bot you want to use for Royalnet
# Obtain one at https://discordapp.com/developers/applications/ > Bot > Token
2019-12-22 19:25:28 +01:00
# Use the Matrix Serf (matrix-nio) included in Royalnet
# Requires the `matrix` extra to be installed
enabled = true
# The homeserver to login at
homeserver = "https://example.org"
# The full matrix id to login as
matrix_id = "@username:example.org"
# The password of the matrix account to login as
password = "xxxxxxx"
2019-11-24 20:46:14 +01:00
2019-12-04 18:46:42 +01:00
# The output format for the Royalnet logs
# See https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes for {}-formatting
2019-12-01 23:53:50 +01:00
log_format = "{asctime}\t| {processName}\t| {name}\t| {message}"
2019-12-04 18:46:42 +01:00
# Set the logging levels for the various loggers
# Valid levels are FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG
root = "WARNING"
2019-12-01 23:53:50 +01:00
"royalnet" = "INFO"
# "royalnet.commands" = "DEBUG"
# "websockets.protocol" = "ERROR"
# ...
2019-11-24 20:46:14 +01:00
# Connect Royalnet to a https://sentry.io/ project for error logging
# Requires the `sentry` extra to be installed
enabled = false
# Get one at https://sentry.io/settings/YOUR-ORG/projects/YOUR-PROJECT/keys/
2019-11-25 13:31:28 +01:00
dsn = "https://aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa@sentry.io/1111111"
2019-11-24 20:46:14 +01:00
# The Python package name of the Packs you want to be usable in Royalnet
# Please note that the `royalnet.backpack` Pack should always be available!
active = [
# "yourpack",
# Configuration settings for specific packs
2019-11-25 13:31:28 +01:00
2019-11-24 20:46:14 +01:00
# Enable exception debug commands and stars
exc_debug = false
# Add your packs config here!
2019-11-25 13:31:28 +01:00
# [Packs."yourpack"]