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mirror of https://github.com/RYGhub/royalnet.git synced 2025-03-22 16:23:29 +00:00

More logging never hurts, right?

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2018-09-19 01:04:48 +02:00
parent fe6e3ba1a6
commit 3fadd2cefa
2 changed files with 70 additions and 20 deletions

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@ -298,6 +298,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if not isinstance(self.main_guild, discord.Guild):
raise InvalidConfigError("The main guild does not exist!")
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=None)
logger.info("Bot is ready!")
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
if message.channel != self.main_channel or message.author.bot:
@ -318,6 +319,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if data[0] not in self.commands:
await message.channel.send(":warning: Comando non riconosciuto.")
logger.debug(f"Received command: {message.content}")
"command": data[0],
"message": message
@ -351,7 +353,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
await self.wait_until_ready()
while True:
msg = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, connection.recv)
logger.debug(f"Received \"{msg}\" from the Telegram-Discord pipe.")
logger.debug(f"Received from the Telegram-Discord pipe: {msg}")
if msg == "get cv":
discord_members = list(self.main_guild.members)
channels = {0: None}
@ -369,13 +371,17 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
# Edit the message, sorted by channel
for channel in channels:
for channel in sorted(channels, key=lambda c: -c):
members_in_channels[channel].sort(key=lambda x: x.nick if x.nick is not None else x.name)
if channel == 0:
message += "Non in chat vocale:\n"
message += "<b>Non in chat vocale:</b>\n"
message += f"In #{channels[channel].name}:\n"
message += f"<b>In #{channels[channel].name}:</b>\n"
for member in members_in_channels[channel]:
# Ignore not-connected non-notable members
if channel == 0 and len(member.roles) < 2:
# Ignore offline members
if member.status == discord.Status.offline and member.voice is None:
# Online status emoji
@ -405,22 +411,29 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
message += member.name
# Game or stream
if member.activity is not None:
if member.activity == discord.ActivityType.playing:
if member.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.playing:
message += f" | 🎮 {member.activity.name}"
elif member.activity == discord.ActivityType.streaming:
# Rich presence
if member.activity.state:
message += f" ({member.activity.state})"
elif member.activity.details:
message += f" ({member.activity.details})"
elif member.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.streaming:
message += f" | 📡 [{member.activity.name}]({member.activity.url})"
elif member.activity == discord.ActivityType.listening:
elif member.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.listening:
message += f" | 🎧 {member.activity.name}"
elif member.activity.type == discord.ActivityType.watching:
message += f" | 📺 {member.activity.name}"
message += "\n"
message += "\n"
logger.debug(f"Answered successfully cvlist request.")
elif msg.startswith("!"):
data = msg.split(" ")
if data[0] not in self.commands:
logger.debug(f"Received command: {msg}")
await self.main_channel.send(f"{msg}\n"
f"_(da Telegram)_")
await self.commands[data[0]](channel=self.main_channel,
@ -437,6 +450,8 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
with async_timeout.timeout(int(config["YouTube"]["download_timeout"])):
await video.download()
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
logger.warning(f"Video download took more than {config['YouTube']['download_timeout']}s:"
f" {video.plain_text()}")
await self.main_channel.send(f"⚠️ Il download di {str(video)} ha richiesto più di"
f" {config['YouTube']['download_timeout']} secondi, pertanto è stato"
f" rimosso dalla coda.")
@ -449,6 +464,18 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
del self.video_queue[index]
except Exception as e:
"discord": {
"discord_id": video.enqueuer.id,
"name": video.enqueuer.name,
"discriminator": video.enqueuer.discriminator
"video": video.plain_text()
logger.error(f"Video download error: {str(e)}")
await self.main_channel.send(f"⚠️ E' stato incontrato un errore durante il download di "
f"{str(video)}, quindi è stato rimosso dalla coda.\n\n"
f"**Dettagli sull'errore:**\n"
@ -468,18 +495,18 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if len(self.video_queue) == 0:
self.now_playing = None
await self.change_presence()
now_playing = self.video_queue[0]
audio_source = now_playing.create_audio_source()
except FileNotDownloadedError:
logger.info(f"Started playing {repr(now_playing)}")
logger.info(f"Started playing {repr(now_playing)}.")
del self.video_queue[0]
activity = discord.Activity(name=now_playing.plain_text(),
logger.debug(f"Updated bot presence to {now_playing.plain_text()}.")
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=activity)
if now_playing.enqueuer is not None:
@ -511,29 +538,32 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if voice_client.is_connected():
logger.info("Disconnecting due to inactivity.")
await voice_client.disconnect()
await self.main_channel.send("💤 Mi sono disconnesso dalla cv per inattività.")
async def add_video_from_url(self, url, index: typing.Optional[int] = None, enqueuer: discord.Member = None):
# Retrieve info
logger.debug(f"Retrieving info for {url}.")
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"quiet": True,
"ignoreerrors": True,
"simulate": True}) as ytdl:
info = await loop.run_in_executor(executor,
functools.partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=url, download=False))
if info is None:
logger.debug(f"No video found at {url}.")
await self.main_channel.send(f"⚠ Non è stato trovato nessun video all'URL `{url}`,"
f" pertanto non è stato aggiunto alla coda.")
if "entries" in info:
# This is a playlist
logger.debug(f"Playlist detected at {url}.")
for entry in info["entries"]:
if index is not None:
self.video_queue.insert(index, Video(url=entry["webpage_url"], info=entry, enqueuer=enqueuer))
self.video_queue.append(Video(url=entry["webpage_url"], info=entry, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# This is a single video
logger.debug(f"Single video detected at {url}.")
if index is not None:
self.video_queue.insert(index, Video(url=url, info=info, enqueuer=enqueuer))
@ -598,10 +628,12 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
# Check if there's already a connected client
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if voice_client.channel in self.main_guild.channels and voice_client.is_connected():
logger.info(f"Moving to {author.voice.channel.name}.")
await voice_client.move_to(author.voice.channel)
await channel.send(f"⤵️ Mi sono spostato in <#{author.voice.channel.id}>.")
logger.info(f"Connecting to {author.voice.channel.name}.")
await author.voice.channel.connect()
await channel.send(f"⤵️ Mi sono connesso in <#{author.voice.channel.id}>.")
@ -621,12 +653,14 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
self.next_radio_message_in = int(config["Discord"]["radio_messages_every"])
await self.add_video_from_url(radio_message)
await channel.send(f"📻 Aggiunto un messaggio radio, disattiva con `!radiomessages off`.")
logger.info(f"Radio message added to the queue.")
# Parse the parameter as URL
url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
if url is not None:
# This is a url
await self.add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added {url} to the queue as URL.")
# Parse the parameter as file
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "opusfiles"), " ".join(params[1:]))
@ -634,18 +668,21 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added {file_path} to the queue as file.")
file_path += ".opus"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added {file_path} to the queue as file.")
# Search the parameter on youtube
search = " ".join(params[1:])
# This is a search
await self.add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added ytsearch:{search} to the queue as YouTube search.")
@ -654,6 +691,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if voice_client.is_playing():
await channel.send(f"⏩ Video saltato.")
logger.debug(f"A song was skipped.")
await channel.send("⚠ Non c'è nessun video in riproduzione.")
@ -680,6 +718,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
video = self.video_queue.pop(index)
await channel.send(f":regional_indicator_x: {str(video)} è stato rimosso dalla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Removed from queue: {video.plain_text()}")
start = int(params[1]) - 1
@ -709,6 +748,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
del self.video_queue[start:end]
await channel.send(f":regional_indicator_x: {end - start} video rimossi dalla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Removed from queue {end - start} videos.")
async def cmd_queue(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
@ -730,6 +770,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
await channel.send("⚠ Non ci sono video in coda!")
logger.info(f"The queue was shuffled by {author.name}#{author.discriminator}.")
await channel.send("♠️ ♦️ ♣️ ♥️ Shuffle completo!")
@ -739,6 +780,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
await channel.send("⚠ Non ci sono video in coda!")
self.video_queue = []
logger.info(f"The queue was cleared by {author.name}#{author.discriminator}.")
await channel.send(":regional_indicator_x: Tutti i video in coda rimossi.")
@ -751,31 +793,36 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if voice_client.is_playing():
logger.info(f"Video play was forced by {author.name}#{author.discriminator}.")
# Parse the parameter as URL
url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
if url is not None:
# This is a url
await self.add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author, index=0)
await channel.send(f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
await self.add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced {url} as URL.")
# Parse the parameter as file
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "opusfiles"), " ".join(params[1:]))
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author, index=0)
await channel.send(f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced {file_path} as file.")
file_path += ".opus"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author, index=0)
await channel.send(f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced {file_path} as file.")
# Search the parameter on youtube
search = " ".join(params[1:])
# This is a search
await self.add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author, index=0)
await channel.send(f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
await self.add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced ytsearch:{search} as YouTube search.")
async def cmd_radiomessages(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
@ -790,6 +837,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
await channel.send("⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n"
"Sintassi: `!radiomessages [on|off]`")
logger.info(f"Radio messages status toggled to {self.radio_messages}.")
await channel.send(f"📻 Messaggi radio **{'attivati' if self.radio_messages else 'disattivati'}**.")
@ -798,6 +846,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if voice_client.is_playing():
logger.debug(f"The audio stream was paused.")
await channel.send(f"⏸ Riproduzione messa in pausa.\n"
f"Riprendi con `!resume`.")
@ -807,6 +856,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if voice_client.is_playing():
logger.debug(f"The audio stream was resumed.")
await channel.send(f"⏯ Riproduzione ripresa.")

View file

@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ def cmd_discord(bot: Bot, update: Update):
discord_connection.send("get cv")
message = discord_connection.recv()
bot.send_message(update.message.chat.id, message, disable_web_page_preview=True)
bot.send_message(update.message.chat.id, message, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="HTML")