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mirror of https://github.com/RYGhub/royalnet.git synced 2025-03-27 10:30:29 +00:00

More progress has been done

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2019-07-30 22:34:11 +02:00
parent a98b6c79fc
commit 638e113edb
8 changed files with 103 additions and 254 deletions

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@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
"""Video and audio downloading related classes, mainly used for Discord voice bots."""
from .playmodes import PlayMode, Playlist, Pool
from .youtubedl import YtdlFile, YtdlInfo
from .ytdlfile import YtdlFile, YtdlInfo
from .royalpcmfile import RoyalPCMFile
from .royalpcmaudio import RoyalPCMAudio

royalnet/audio/errors.py Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
class YtdlError(Exception):
class NotFoundError(YtdlError):
class MultipleFilesError(YtdlError):
class MissingInfoError(YtdlError):
class AlreadyDownloadedError(YtdlError):

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@ -1,72 +0,0 @@
from discord import AudioSource
from discord.opus import Encoder as OpusEncoder
import typing
from .royalpcmfile import RoyalPCMFile
class RoyalPCMAudio(AudioSource):
"""A :py:class:`discord.AudioSource` that keeps data in a file instead of in memory."""
def __init__(self, rpf: "RoyalPCMFile"):
"""Create a :py:class:`discord.audio.RoyalPCMAudio` from a :py:class:`royalnet.audio.RoyalPCMFile`.
Not recommended, use :py:func:`royalnet.audio.RoyalPCMAudio.create_from_url` or :py:func:`royalnet.audio.RoyalPCMAudio.create_from_ytsearch` instead."""
self.rpf: "RoyalPCMFile" = rpf
self._file = open(self.rpf.audio_filename, "rb")
def create_from_url(url: str) -> typing.List["RoyalPCMAudio"]:
"""Download a file with youtube_dl and create a list of RoyalPCMAudios.
url: The url of the file to download.
A :py:class:`list` of RoyalPCMAudios, each corresponding to a downloaded video."""
rpf_list = RoyalPCMFile.create_from_url(url)
return [RoyalPCMAudio(rpf) for rpf in rpf_list]
def create_from_ytsearch(search: str, amount: int = 1) -> typing.List["RoyalPCMAudio"]:
"""Search a string on YouTube and download the first ``amount`` number of videos, then download those with youtube_dl and create a list of RoyalPCMAudios.
search: The string to search on YouTube.
amount: The number of videos to download.
A :py:class:`list` of RoyalPCMAudios, each corresponding to a downloaded video."""
rpf_list = RoyalPCMFile.create_from_ytsearch(search, amount)
return [RoyalPCMAudio(rpf) for rpf in rpf_list]
def is_opus(self):
"""This audio file isn't Opus-encoded, but PCM-encoded.
return False
def read(self):
"""Reads 20ms worth of audio.
If the audio is complete, then returning an empty :py:class:`bytes`-like object to signal this is the way to do so."""
data: bytes = self._file.read(OpusEncoder.FRAME_SIZE)
# If the file was externally closed, it means it was deleted
if self._file.closed:
return b""
if len(data) != OpusEncoder.FRAME_SIZE:
# Close the file as soon as the playback is finished
# Reopen the file, so it can be reused
self._file = open(self.rpf.audio_filename, "rb")
return b""
return data
def delete(self):
"""Permanently delete the downloaded file."""
def __repr__(self):
return f"<RoyalPCMAudio {self.rpf.audio_filename}>"

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@ -1,102 +0,0 @@
import logging
import ffmpeg
import os
import typing
import time
import datetime
from .youtubedl import YtdlFile, YtdlInfo
from ..error import FileTooBigError
from ..utils import fileformat
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class RoyalPCMFile(YtdlFile):
ytdl_args = {
"format": "bestaudio" # Fetch the best audio format available
def __init__(self, info: "YtdlInfo", **ytdl_args):
# Preemptively initialize info to be able to generate the filename
self.info = info
# If the video is longer than 3 hours, don't download it
if self.info.duration >= datetime.timedelta(hours=3):
raise FileTooBigError("File is over 3 hours long")
# Set the time to generate the filename
self._time = time.time()
# Ensure the file doesn't already exist
if os.path.exists(self.ytdl_filename) or os.path.exists(self.audio_filename):
raise FileExistsError("Can't overwrite file")
# Overwrite the new ytdl_args
self.ytdl_args = {**self.ytdl_args, **ytdl_args}
log.info(f"Now downloading {info.webpage_url}")
super().__init__(info, outtmpl=self.ytdl_filename, **self.ytdl_args)
# Find the audio_filename with a regex (should be video.opus)
log.info(f"Converting {self.video_filename}...")
# Convert the video to pcm
ffmpeg.input(f"./{self.video_filename}") \
.output(self.audio_filename, format="s16le", ac=2, ar="48000") \
.overwrite_output() \
except ffmpeg.Error as exc:
log.error(f"FFmpeg error: {exc.stderr}")
# Delete the video file
log.info(f"Deleting {self.video_filename}")
def __repr__(self):
return f"<RoyalPCMFile {self.audio_filename}>"
def create_from_url(url: str, **ytdl_args) -> typing.List["RoyalPCMFile"]:
"""Download a file with youtube_dl and create a list of :py:class:`discord.audio.RoyalPCMFile`.
url: The url of the file to download.
ytdl_args: Extra arguments to be passed to YoutubeDL while downloading.
A :py:class:`list` of RoyalPCMAudios, each corresponding to a downloaded video."""
info_list = YtdlInfo.create_from_url(url)
return [RoyalPCMFile(info, **ytdl_args) for info in info_list]
def create_from_ytsearch(search: str, amount: int = 1, **ytdl_args) -> typing.List["RoyalPCMFile"]:
"""Search a string on YouTube and download the first ``amount`` number of videos, then download those with youtube_dl and create a list of :py:class:`discord.audio.RoyalPCMFile`.
search: The string to search on YouTube.
amount: The number of videos to download.
ytdl_args: Extra arguments to be passed to YoutubeDL while downloading.
A :py:class:`list` of RoyalPCMFiles, each corresponding to a downloaded video."""
url = f"ytsearch{amount}:{search}"
info_list = YtdlInfo.create_from_url(url)
return [RoyalPCMFile(info, **ytdl_args) for info in info_list]
def ytdl_filename(self) -> str:
The name of the downloaded video file, as a :py:class:`str`.
It's going to be deleted as soon as the :py:func:`royalnet.audio.RoyalPCMFile.__init__` function has completed, so it's probably not going to be very useful...
return f"./downloads/{fileformat(self.info.title)}-{fileformat(str(int(self._time)))}.ytdl"
def audio_filename(self) -> str:
The name of the downloaded and PCM-converted audio file."""
return f"./downloads/{fileformat(self.info.title)}-{fileformat(str(int(self._time)))}.pcm"
def delete_audio_file(self):
"""Delete the PCM-converted audio file."""
log.info(f"Deleting {self.audio_filename}")

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@ -1,71 +0,0 @@
from .ytdlinfo import YtdlInfo
class YtdlFile:
"""Information about a youtube-dl downloaded file."""
def __init__(self,
url: str,
info: YtdlInfo = None,
filename: str):
class OldYtdlFile:
"""A wrapper around a youtube_dl downloaded file."""
ytdl_args = {
"logger": log, # Log messages to a logging.Logger instance.
"quiet": True, # Do not print messages to stdout.
"noplaylist": True, # Download single video instead of a playlist if in doubt.
"no_warnings": True, # Do not print out anything for warnings.
def __init__(self, info: "YtdlInfo", outtmpl="%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s", **ytdl_args):
self.info: "YtdlInfo" = info
self.video_filename: str
# Create a local args copy
ytdl_args["outtmpl"] = outtmpl
self.ytdl_args = {**self.ytdl_args, **ytdl_args}
# Create the ytdl
ytdl = YoutubeDL(ytdl_args)
# Find the file name
self.video_filename = ytdl.prepare_filename(self.info.__dict__)
# Download the file
# Final checks
assert os.path.exists(self.video_filename)
def __repr__(self):
return f"<YtdlFile {self.video_filename}>"
def create_from_url(url, outtmpl="%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s", **ytdl_args) -> typing.List["YtdlFile"]:
"""Download the videos at the specified url.
url: The url to download the videos from.
outtmpl: The filename that the downloaded videos are going to have. The name can be formatted according to the `outtmpl documentation <https://github.com/ytdl-org/youtube-dl/blob/master/README.md#output-template>`_.
ytdl_args: Other arguments to be passed to the YoutubeDL object.
A :py:class:`list` of YtdlFiles."""
info_list = YtdlInfo.create_from_url(url)
return [info.download(outtmpl, **ytdl_args) for info in info_list]
def _stop_download(self):
"""I have no clue of what this does, or why is it here. Possibly remove it?
InterruptDownload: ...uhhh, always?"""
raise InterruptDownload()
def delete_video_file(self):
"""Delete the file located at ``self.video_filename``.
No checks are done when deleting, so it may try to delete a non-existing file and raise an exception or do some other weird stuff with weird filenames."""

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@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
import discord
from .ytdlfile import YtdlFile

View file

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
import contextlib
import os
import typing
import youtube_dl
from .ytdlinfo import YtdlInfo
from .errors import NotFoundError, MultipleFilesError, MissingInfoError, AlreadyDownloadedError
class YtdlFile:
"""Information about a youtube-dl downloaded file."""
_default_ytdl_args = {
"quiet": True, # Do not print messages to stdout.
"noplaylist": True, # Download single video instead of a playlist if in doubt.
"no_warnings": True, # Do not print out anything for warnings.
"outtmpl": "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" # Use the default outtmpl.
def __init__(self,
url: str,
info: YtdlInfo = None,
filename: str = None):
self.url: str = url
self.info: YtdlInfo = info
self.filename: str = filename
def has_info(self) -> bool:
return self.info is not None
def is_downloaded(self) -> bool:
return self.filename is not None and os.path.exists(self.filename)
def open(self):
if not self.is_downloaded():
raise FileNotFoundError("The file hasn't been downloaded yet.")
with open(self.filename, "r") as file:
yield file
def update_info(self, **ytdl_args) -> None:
infos = YtdlInfo.retrieve_for_url(self.url, **ytdl_args)
if len(infos) == 0:
raise NotFoundError()
elif len(infos) > 1:
raise MultipleFilesError()
self.info = infos[0]
def download_file(self, **ytdl_args) -> None:
if not self.has_info():
raise MissingInfoError()
if self.is_downloaded():
raise AlreadyDownloadedError()
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({**self._default_ytdl_args, **ytdl_args}) as ytdl:
self.filename = ytdl.prepare_filename(self.info.__dict__)
def delete_file(self):
"""Delete the file located at ``self.filename``."""
if not self.is_downloaded():
raise FileNotFoundError("The file hasn't been downloaded yet.")
self.filename = None
def download_from_url(cls, url: str, **ytdl_args) -> typing.List["YtdlFile"]:
infos = YtdlInfo.retrieve_for_url(url, **ytdl_args)
files = []
for info in infos:
file = YtdlFile(url=info.webpage_url, info=info)
return files

View file

@ -9,6 +9,13 @@ import royalnet.utils as u
class YtdlInfo:
"""A wrapper around youtube_dl extracted info."""
_default_ytdl_args = {
"quiet": True, # Do not print messages to stdout.
"noplaylist": True, # Download single video instead of a playlist if in doubt.
"no_warnings": True, # Do not print out anything for warnings.
"outtmpl": "%(title)s-%(id)s.%(ext)s" # Use the default outtmpl.
def __init__(self, info: typing.Dict[str, typing.Any]):
"""Create a YtdlInfo from the dict returned by the :py:func:`youtube_dl.YoutubeDL.extract_info` function.
@ -71,19 +78,14 @@ class YtdlInfo:
self.abr: typing.Optional[int] = info.get("abr")
self.ext: typing.Optional[str] = info.get("ext")
def retrieve_for_url(url, **ytdl_args) -> typing.List["YtdlInfo"]:
def retrieve_for_url(cls, url, **ytdl_args) -> typing.List["YtdlInfo"]:
"""Fetch the info for an url through YoutubeDL.
A :py:class:`list` containing the infos for the requested videos."""
# So many redundant options!
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({
"quiet": True, # Do not print messages to stdout.
"noplaylist": True, # Download single video instead of a playlist if in doubt.
"no_warnings": True, # Do not print out anything for warnings.
ytdl = youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({**cls._default_ytdl_args, **ytdl_args})
first_info = ytdl.extract_info(url=url, download=False)
# If it is a playlist, create multiple videos!
if "entries" in first_info: