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mirror of https://github.com/RYGhub/royalnet.git synced 2025-03-13 20:14:46 +00:00

Merge pull request #6 from Steffo99/newqueue

New queue
This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2018-12-04 16:58:00 +00:00 committed by GitHub
commit 8a2036e21e
Signed by: github
GPG key ID: 4AEE18F83AFDEB23
3 changed files with 467 additions and 262 deletions

View file

@ -15,11 +15,12 @@ import configparser
import async_timeout
import raven
import logging
import errors
import datetime
import sqlalchemy.exc
import coloredlogs
import errors
import math
import enum
logging.getLogger().disabled = True
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
@ -38,19 +39,10 @@ queue_emojis = [":one:",
# Zalgo text
zalgo_up = ['̍', '̎', '̄', '̅', '̿', '̑', '̆', '̐', '͒', '͗', '͑', '̇', '̈', '̊', '͂', '̓', '̈́', '͊',
'͋', '͌', '̃', '̂', '̌', '͐', '́', '̋', '̏', '̽', '̉', 'ͣ', 'ͤ', 'ͥ', 'ͦ', 'ͧ', 'ͨ', 'ͩ',
'ͪ', 'ͫ', 'ͬ', 'ͭ', 'ͮ', 'ͯ', '̾', '͛', '͆', '̚', ]
zalgo_down = ['̖', '̗', '̘', '̙', '̜', '̝', '̞', '̟', '̠', '̤', '̥', '̦', '̩', '̪', '̫', '̬', '̭', '̮',
'̯', '̰', '̱', '̲', '̳', '̹', '̺', '̻', '̼', 'ͅ', '͇', '͈', '͉', '͍', '͎', '͓', '͔', '͕',
'͖', '͙', '͚', '', ]
zalgo_middle = ['̕', '̛', '̀', '́', '͘', '̡', '̢', '̧', '̨', '̴', '̵', '̶', '͜', '͝', '͞', '͟', '͠', '͢',
'̸', '̷', '͡', ]
# Init the event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# TODO: remove me
# Init the config reader
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
@ -118,7 +110,7 @@ class Succ:
def __bool__(self):
return False
def __getattr__(self):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
return Succ()
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
@ -131,102 +123,223 @@ class Succ:
return "<Succ>"
# Init the Sentry client
if config.get("Sentry") and config["Sentry"].get("token"):
sentry = raven.Client(config["Sentry"]["token"],
logger.warning("Sentry not set, ignoring all calls to it.")
sentry = Succ()
# if config.get("Sentry") and config["Sentry"].get("token"):
# sentry = raven.Client(config["Sentry"]["token"],
# release=raven.fetch_git_sha(os.path.dirname(__file__)),
# install_logging_hook=False,
# hook_libraries=[])
# else:
logger.warning("Sentry not set, ignoring all calls to it.")
sentry = Succ()
class Video:
def __init__(self, url: str = None, file: str = None, info: dict = None, enqueuer: discord.Member = None):
self.url = url
if file is None and info is None:
self.file = str(hash(url)) + ".opus"
elif info is not None:
self.file = "./opusfiles/" + re.sub(r'[/\\?*"<>|!:]', "_", info["title"]) + ".opus"
self.file = file
self.downloaded = False if file is None else True
self.info = info
def __init__(self, enqueuer: typing.Optional[discord.Member] = None):
self.is_ready = False
self.name = None
self.enqueuer = enqueuer
self.duration = None
self.audio_source = None
def __str__(self):
if self.info is None or "title" not in self.info:
return f"`{self.file}`"
return f"_{self.info['title']}_"
def __repr__(self):
return f"<discordbot.Video {str(self)}>"
if self.name is None:
return "_Untitled_"
return self.name
def plain_text(self):
if self.info is None or "title" not in self.info:
return self.file
return self.info['title']
"""Title without formatting to be printed on terminals."""
if self.name is None:
return "Untitled"
return self.name
async def download(self, progress_hooks: typing.List["function"] = None):
# File already downloaded
if self.downloaded:
raise errors.AlreadyDownloadedError()
# No progress hooks
if progress_hooks is None:
progress_hooks = []
# Check if under max duration
self.duration = datetime.timedelta(seconds=self.info.get("duration", 0))
if self.info is not None and self.duration.total_seconds() > int(config["YouTube"]["max_duration"]):
raise errors.DurationError()
def database_text(self):
"""The text to be stored in the database for the stats. Usually the same as plain_text()."""
if self.name is None:
raise errors.VideoHasNoName()
return self.name
def __repr__(self):
return f"<Video {self.name} ({'' if self.is_ready else 'not '}ready) added by {self.enqueuer}>"
def ready_up(self):
"""Prepare the video for playback in some way. For example, download it."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def make_audio_source(self):
"""Create an AudioSource to be played through Discord, and store and return it."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def get_suggestion(self):
"""Get the next suggested video, to be used when the queue is in LoopMode.FOLLOW_SUGGESTION"""
raise NotImplementedError()
class YoutubeDLVideo(Video):
"""A file sourcing from YoutubeDL."""
def __init__(self, url, enqueuer: typing.Optional[discord.Member] = None):
self.url = url
self.info = None
def get_info(self):
"""Get info about the video."""
if self.info:
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"quiet": True,
"ignoreerrors": True,
"simulate": True}) as ytdl:
data = ytdl.extract_info(url=self.url, download=False)
if data is None:
raise errors.VideoInfoExtractionFailed()
if "entries" in data:
raise errors.VideoIsPlaylist()
self.info = data
self.name = data.get("title")
def __str__(self):
if self.info is None:
return f"`{self.url}`"
return f"_{self.name}_"
def plain_text(self):
if self.info is None:
return self.url
if not self.name.isprintable():
return self.url
return self.name
def get_filename(self):
"""Generate the filename of the video."""
if self.info is None:
raise errors.VideoInfoUnknown()
return "./opusfiles/{}.opus".format(re.sub(r'[/\\?*"<>|!:]', "_", self.info.get("title", self.info["id"])))
def ready_up(self):
"""Download the video."""
# Skip download if it is already ready
if self.is_ready:
# Retrieve info about the video
# Check if the file to download already exists
if os.path.exists(self.get_filename()):
self.is_ready = True
# Download the file
logger.info(f"Now downloading {repr(self)}.")
logger.info(f"Starting youtube_dl download of {repr(self)}")
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"noplaylist": True,
"format": "best",
"postprocessors": [{
"key": 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
"preferredcodec": 'opus'
"outtmpl": self.file,
"progress_hooks": progress_hooks,
"outtmpl": self.get_filename(),
"quiet": True}) as ytdl:
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, functools.partial(ytdl.download, [self.url]))
logger.info(f"Download of {repr(self)} complete.")
self.downloaded = True
logger.info(f"Completed youtube_dl download of {repr(self)}")
self.is_ready = True
def create_audio_source(self) -> discord.PCMVolumeTransformer:
# Check if the file has been downloaded
if not self.downloaded:
raise errors.FileNotDownloadedError()
return discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(f"{self.file}", **ffmpeg_settings))
def make_audio_source(self):
if not self.is_ready:
raise errors.VideoIsNotReady()
self.audio_source = discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(self.get_filename(), **ffmpeg_settings))
return self.audio_source
class SecretVideo(Video):
class LoopMode(enum.Enum):
NORMAL = enum.auto()
LOOP_QUEUE = enum.auto()
LOOP_SINGLE = enum.auto()
AUTO_SHUFFLE = enum.auto()
LOOPING_SHUFFLE = enum.auto()
def __str__(self):
final_string = ""
for letter in self.file:
final_string += random.sample(zalgo_up, 1)[0]
final_string += random.sample(zalgo_middle, 1)[0]
final_string += random.sample(zalgo_down, 1)[0]
final_string += letter
return final_string
def plain_text(self):
final_string = ""
for letter in self.file:
final_string += random.sample(zalgo_up, 1)[0]
final_string += random.sample(zalgo_middle, 1)[0]
final_string += random.sample(zalgo_down, 1)[0]
final_string += letter
return final_string
class VideoQueue:
"""The queue of videos to be played."""
def create_audio_source(self) -> discord.PCMVolumeTransformer:
# Check if the file has been downloaded
if not self.downloaded:
raise errors.FileNotDownloadedError()
return discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(f"./opusfiles/{self.file}", **ffmpeg_settings))
def __init__(self):
self.list: typing.List[Video] = []
self.now_playing: typing.Optional[Video] = None
self.loop_mode = LoopMode.NORMAL
def __len__(self) -> int:
return len(self.list)
def __next__(self) -> Video:
video = self.next_video()
return video
def __repr__(self) -> str:
return f"<VideoQueue of length {len(self)}>"
def add(self, video: Video, position: int = None) -> None:
if position is None:
self.list.insert(position, video)
def advance_queue(self):
"""Advance the queue to the next video."""
if self.loop_mode == LoopMode.NORMAL:
self.now_playing = self.list.pop(0)
except IndexError:
self.now_playing = None
elif self.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOP_QUEUE:
self.now_playing = self.list.pop(0)
elif self.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOP_SINGLE:
elif self.loop_mode == LoopMode.FOLLOW_SUGGESTIONS:
if self.now_playing is None:
self.now_playing = None
self.now_playing = self.now_playing.get_suggestion()
elif self.loop_mode == LoopMode.AUTO_SHUFFLE:
self.now_playing = self.list.pop(0)
except IndexError:
self.now_playing = None
elif self.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOPING_SHUFFLE:
self.now_playing = self.list.pop(0)
def next_video(self) -> typing.Optional[Video]:
if len(self.list) == 0:
return None
return self.list[0]
def shuffle(self):
def clear(self):
self.list = None
self.now_playing = None
def find_video(self, name: str) -> typing.Optional[Video]:
"""Returns the first video with a certain name."""
for video in self.list:
if name in video.name:
return video
return None
def not_ready_videos(self, limit: typing.Optional[int] = None):
"""Return the non-ready videos in the first limit positions of the queue."""
video_list = []
for video in self.list[:limit]:
if not video.is_ready:
return video_list
def __getitem__(self, index: int) -> Video:
"""Get an element from the list."""
return self.list[index]
def escape(message: str):
@ -328,31 +441,79 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
"!shuffle": self.cmd_shuffle,
"!clear": self.cmd_clear,
"!register": self.cmd_register,
"!forceplay": self.cmd_forceplay,
"!fp": self.cmd_forceplay,
"!radiomessages": self.cmd_radiomessages,
"!yes": self.null,
"!no": self.null,
"!pause": self.cmd_pause,
"!resume": self.cmd_resume
"!resume": self.cmd_resume,
"!loop": self.cmd_loop,
"!l": self.cmd_loop
self.video_queue: typing.List[Video] = []
self.now_playing = None
self.radio_messages = True
self.next_radio_message_in = int(config["Discord"]["radio_messages_every"])
self.video_queue: VideoQueue = VideoQueue()
self.inactivity_timer = 0
# noinspection PyAttributeOutsideInit
def load_config(self, filename):
# Init the config reader
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# Token
self.token = config["Discord"]["bot_token"]
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise errors.InvalidConfigError("Missing Discord bot token.")
# Main channels, will be fully loaded when ready
self.main_guild_id = int(config["Discord"]["server_id"])
self.main_channel_id = int(config["Discord"]["main_channel"])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
raise errors.InvalidConfigError("Missing main guild and channel ids.")
# Max enqueable video duration
# Defined in the YoutubeDLVideo class
# Max videos to predownload
self.max_videos_to_predownload = int(config["Video"]["cache_size"])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
logger.warning("Max videos to predownload is not set, setting it to infinity.")
self.max_videos_to_predownload = None
# Max time to ready a video
self.max_video_ready_time = int(config["Video"]["max_ready_time"])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
logger.warning("Max time to ready a video is not set, setting it to infinity. ")
self.max_video_ready_time = math.inf
# Radio messages
self.radio_messages_enabled = True if config["Discord"]["radio_messages_enabled"] == "True" else False
self.radio_messages_every = int(config["Discord"]["radio_messages_every"])
self.radio_messages_next_in = self.radio_messages_every
except (KeyError, ValueError):
logger.warning("Radio messages config error, disabling them.")
self.radio_messages_enabled = False
self.radio_messages_every = math.inf
self.radio_messages_next_in = math.inf
# Activity reporting
self.activity_report_sample_time = int(config["Discord"]["activityreport_sample_time"])
except (KeyError, ValueError):
logger.warning("Activity reporting config error, disabling it.")
self.activity_report_sample_time = math.inf
# noinspection PyAsyncCall
async def on_ready(self):
# Get the main channel
self.main_channel = self.get_channel(int(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]))
if not isinstance(self.main_channel, discord.TextChannel):
raise errors.InvalidConfigError("The main channel is not a TextChannel!")
# Get the main guild
self.main_guild = self.get_guild(int(config["Discord"]["server_id"]))
self.main_guild = self.get_guild(self.main_guild_id)
if not isinstance(self.main_guild, discord.Guild):
raise errors.InvalidConfigError("The main guild does not exist!")
# Get the main channel
self.main_channel = self.get_channel(self.main_channel_id)
if not isinstance(self.main_channel, discord.TextChannel):
raise errors.InvalidConfigError("The main channel is not a TextChannel!")
# Show yourself!
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=None)
logger.info("Bot is ready!")
# Start the bot tasks
@ -369,13 +530,13 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if not message.content.startswith("!"):
await message.channel.send(f":warning: In questa chat sono consentiti solo comandi per il bot.\n"
await message.channel.send(f"⚠️ In questa chat sono consentiti solo comandi per il bot.\n"
f"Riinvia il tuo messaggio in un altro canale!")
await message.delete()
data = message.content.split(" ")
if data[0] not in self.commands:
await message.channel.send(":warning: Comando non riconosciuto.")
await message.channel.send("⚠️ Comando non riconosciuto.")
logger.debug(f"Received command: {message.content}")
@ -389,7 +550,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
async def on_error(self, event_method, *args, **kwargs):
ei = sys.exc_info()
logger.error(f"Critical error: {repr(ei[1])}")
logger.critical(f"Critical error: {repr(ei)}")
# noinspection PyBroadException
await self.main_channel.send(f"☢️ **ERRORE CRITICO NELL'EVENTO** `{event_method}`!\n"
@ -397,7 +558,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
f"Una segnalazione di errore è stata automaticamente mandata a Steffo.\n\n"
f"Dettagli dell'errore:\n"
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.invisible)
await self.close()
@ -506,25 +667,18 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
async def queue_predownload_videos(self):
while True:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue[:int(config["YouTube"]["predownload_videos"])].copy()):
if video.downloaded:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Might have some problems with del
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.not_ready_videos(self.max_videos_to_predownload)):
with async_timeout.timeout(int(config["YouTube"]["download_timeout"])):
await video.download()
with async_timeout.timeout(self.max_video_ready_time):
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, video.ready_up)
except asyncio.TimeoutError:
logger.warning(f"Video download took more than {config['YouTube']['download_timeout']}s:"
f" {video.plain_text()}")
await self.main_channel.send(f"⚠️ Il download di {str(video)} ha richiesto più di"
f" {config['YouTube']['download_timeout']} secondi, pertanto è stato"
f" rimosso dalla coda.")
del self.video_queue[index]
except DurationError:
await self.main_channel.send(f"⚠️ {str(video)} dura più di"
f" {str(int(config['YouTube']['max_duration']) // 60)}"
f" minuti, quindi è stato rimosso dalla coda.")
del self.video_queue[index]
f"Video {repr(video)} took more than {self.max_video_ready_time} to download, skipping...")
await self.main_channel.send(
f"⚠️ La preparazione di {video} ha richiesto più di {self.max_video_ready_time} secondi, pertanto è stato rimosso dalla coda.")
del self.video_queue.list[index]
except Exception as e:
@ -538,60 +692,72 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
"video": video.plain_text()
logger.error(f"Video download error: {str(e)}")
logger.error(f"Uncaught video download error: {e}")
await self.main_channel.send(f"⚠️ E' stato incontrato un errore durante il download di "
f"{str(video)}, quindi è stato rimosso dalla coda.\n\n"
f"**Dettagli sull'errore:**\n"
del self.video_queue[index]
del self.video_queue.list[index]
await asyncio.sleep(1)
async def queue_play_next_video(self):
await self.wait_until_ready()
while True:
# Fun things will happen with multiple voice clients!
await asyncio.sleep(1)
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if not voice_client.is_connected() or voice_client.is_playing() or voice_client.is_paused():
# Do not add play videos if something else is playing!
if not voice_client.is_connected():
if len(self.video_queue) == 0:
self.now_playing = None
if voice_client.is_playing():
now_playing = self.video_queue[0]
audio_source = now_playing.create_audio_source()
except errors.FileNotDownloadedError:
if voice_client.is_paused():
logger.info(f"Started playing {repr(now_playing)}.")
# Advance the queue
# Try to generate an AudioSource
if self.video_queue.now_playing is None:
while True:
audio_source = self.video_queue.now_playing.make_audio_source()
except errors.VideoIsNotReady:
await asyncio.sleep(1)
# Start playing the AudioSource
logger.info(f"Started playing {self.video_queue.now_playing.plain_text()}.")
del self.video_queue[0]
activity = discord.Activity(name=now_playing.plain_text(),
# Update the voice_client activity
activity = discord.Activity(name=self.video_queue.now_playing.plain_text(),
logger.debug(f"Updated bot presence to {now_playing.plain_text()}.")
logger.debug("Updating bot presence...")
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=activity)
if now_playing.enqueuer is not None:
# Record the played song in the database
if self.video_queue.now_playing.enqueuer is not None:
logger.debug(f"Adding {self.video_queue.now_playing.plain_text()} to db.PlayedMusic...")
session = db.Session()
enqueuer = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.query(db.Discord)
played_music = db.PlayedMusic(enqueuer=enqueuer,
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.commit)
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.close)
except sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError:
# Send a message in chat
for key in song_special_messages:
if key in now_playing.file.lower():
await self.main_channel.send(song_special_messages[key].format(song=str(now_playing)))
if key in self.video_queue.now_playing.name.lower():
await self.main_channel.send(
await self.main_channel.send(f":arrow_forward: Ora in riproduzione: {str(now_playing)}")
await asyncio.sleep(1)
await self.main_channel.send(
f":arrow_forward: Ora in riproduzione: {str(self.video_queue.now_playing)}")
async def inactivity_countdown(self):
while True:
@ -643,13 +809,14 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
async def activity_task(self):
await self.wait_until_ready()
time_to_wait = int(config["Discord"]["activityreport_sample_time"])
if self.activity_report_sample_time == math.inf:
while True:
await self.create_activityreport()
logger.debug(f"Waiting {time_to_wait} seconds before the next record.")
await asyncio.sleep(time_to_wait)
logger.debug(f"Waiting {self.activity_report_sample_time} seconds before the next record.")
await asyncio.sleep(self.activity_report_sample_time)
async def add_video_from_url(self, url, index: typing.Optional[int] = None, enqueuer: discord.Member = None):
async def add_video_from_url(self, url: str, index: typing.Optional[int] = None, enqueuer: discord.Member = None):
# Retrieve info
logger.debug(f"Retrieving info for {url}.")
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"quiet": True,
@ -659,28 +826,16 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
functools.partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=url, download=False))
if info is None:
logger.debug(f"No video found at {url}.")
await self.main_channel.send(f" Non è stato trovato nessun video all'URL `{url}`,"
await self.main_channel.send(f" Non è stato trovato nessun video all'URL `{url}`,"
f" pertanto non è stato aggiunto alla coda.")
if "entries" in info:
logger.debug(f"Playlist detected at {url}.")
for entry in info["entries"]:
if index is not None:
self.video_queue.insert(index, Video(url=entry["webpage_url"], info=entry, enqueuer=enqueuer))
self.video_queue.append(Video(url=entry["webpage_url"], info=entry, enqueuer=enqueuer))
self.video_queue.add(YoutubeDLVideo(entry["webpage_url"], enqueuer=enqueuer), index)
logger.debug(f"Single video detected at {url}.")
if index is not None:
self.video_queue.insert(index, Video(url=url, info=info, enqueuer=enqueuer))
self.video_queue.append(Video(url=url, info=info, enqueuer=enqueuer))
async def add_video_from_file(self, file, index: typing.Optional[int] = None, enqueuer: discord.Member = None):
if index is not None:
self.video_queue.insert(index, Video(file=file, enqueuer=enqueuer))
self.video_queue.append(Video(file=file, enqueuer=enqueuer))
self.video_queue.add(YoutubeDLVideo(url, enqueuer=enqueuer), index)
async def null(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
@ -703,7 +858,7 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
except errors.AlreadyExistingError:
await channel.send(" Il tuo account Discord è già collegato a un account RYG "
await channel.send(" Il tuo account Discord è già collegato a un account RYG "
"o l'account RYG che hai specificato è già collegato a un account Discord.")
@ -715,13 +870,13 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
async def cmd_cv(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
"""Summon the bot in the author's voice channel."""
if author is None:
await channel.send(" Questo comando richiede un autore.")
await channel.send(" Questo comando richiede un autore.")
if author.voice is None:
await channel.send(" Non sei in nessun canale!")
await channel.send(" Non sei in nessun canale!")
if author.voice.channel == self.main_guild.afk_channel:
await channel.send(" Non posso connettermi al canale AFK!")
await channel.send(" Non posso connettermi al canale AFK!")
if author.voice.channel.bitrate < 64000:
await channel.send(" Sei in un canale con un bitrate ridotto.\n"
@ -748,48 +903,32 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
async def cmd_play(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
if len(params) < 2:
await channel.send(" Non hai specificato una canzone da riprodurre!\n"
await channel.send(" Non hai specificato una canzone da riprodurre!\n"
"Sintassi: `!play <url|ricercayoutube|nomefile>`")
# If the radio messages are enabled...
if self.radio_messages:
self.next_radio_message_in -= 1
if self.next_radio_message_in <= 0:
radio_message = random.sample(radio_messages, 1)[0]
self.next_radio_message_in = int(config["Discord"]["radio_messages_every"])
await self.add_video_from_url(radio_message)
await channel.send(f"📻 Aggiunto un messaggio radio, disattiva con `!radiomessages off`.")
logger.info(f"Radio message added to the queue.")
self.radio_messages_next_in -= 1
if self.radio_messages_next_in <= 0:
radio_message = random.sample(radio_messages, 1)[0]
# pycharm are you drunk
self.radio_messages_next_in = self.radio_messages_every
await self.add_video_from_url(radio_message)
await channel.send(f"📻 Aggiunto un messaggio radio, disattiva con `!radiomessages off`.")
logger.info(f"Radio message added to the queue.")
# Parse the parameter as URL
url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:|scsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
if url is not None:
# This is a url
await self.add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added {url} to the queue as URL.")
# Parse the parameter as file
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "opusfiles"), " ".join(params[1:]))
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added {file_path} to the queue as file.")
file_path += ".opus"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added {file_path} to the queue as file.")
# Search the parameter on youtube
search = " ".join(params[1:])
# This is a search
await self.add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Added ytsearch:{search} to the queue as YouTube search.")
logger.debug(f"Added ytsearch:{search} to the queue.")
@ -801,13 +940,13 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
logger.debug(f"A song was skipped.")
await channel.send(" Non c'è nessun video in riproduzione.")
await channel.send(" Non c'è nessun video in riproduzione.")
async def cmd_remove(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
if len(self.video_queue) == 0:
await channel.send(" Non c'è nessun video in coda.")
await channel.send(" Non c'è nessun video in coda.")
if len(params) == 1:
index = len(self.video_queue) - 1
@ -815,59 +954,111 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
index = int(params[1]) - 1
except ValueError:
await channel.send(" Il numero inserito non è valido.\n"
await channel.send(" Il numero inserito non è valido.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
if len(params) < 3:
if abs(index) >= len(self.video_queue):
await channel.send(" Il numero inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella playlist.\n"
await channel.send(" Il numero inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella playlist.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
video = self.video_queue.pop(index)
video = self.video_queue.list.pop(index)
await channel.send(f":regional_indicator_x: {str(video)} è stato rimosso dalla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Removed from queue: {video.plain_text()}")
start = int(params[1]) - 1
except ValueError:
await channel.send(" Il numero iniziale inserito non è valido.\n"
await channel.send(" Il numero iniziale inserito non è valido.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
if start >= len(self.video_queue):
await channel.send(" Il numero iniziale inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella"
await channel.send(" Il numero iniziale inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella"
" playlist.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
end = int(params[2]) - 2
except ValueError:
await channel.send(" Il numero finale inserito non è valido.\n"
await channel.send(" Il numero finale inserito non è valido.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
if end >= len(self.video_queue):
await channel.send(" Il numero finale inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella"
await channel.send(" Il numero finale inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella"
" playlist.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
if start > end:
await channel.send(" Il numero iniziale è maggiore del numero finale.\n"
await channel.send(" Il numero iniziale è maggiore del numero finale.\n"
"Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
del self.video_queue[start:end]
del self.video_queue.list[start:end]
await channel.send(f":regional_indicator_x: {end - start} video rimossi dalla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Removed from queue {end - start} videos.")
async def cmd_queue(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
if len(self.video_queue) == 0:
await channel.send("**Video in coda:**\n"
msg = "**Video in coda:**\n"
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue[:10]):
msg += f"{queue_emojis[index]} {str(video)}\n"
if len(self.video_queue) > 10:
msg += f"più altri {len(self.video_queue) - 10} video!"
msg = ""
if self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.NORMAL:
msg += "Modalità attuale: :arrow_right: **Nessuna ripetizione**\n"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOP_QUEUE:
msg += "Modalità attuale: :repeat: **Ripeti intera coda**\n"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOP_SINGLE:
msg += "Modalità attuale: :repeat_one: **Ripeti canzone singola**\n"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.FOLLOW_SUGGESTIONS:
msg += "Modalità attuale: :arrows_clockwise: **Continua con video suggeriti**\n"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.AUTO_SHUFFLE:
msg += "Modalità attuale: :twisted_rightwards_arrows: **Video casuale dalla coda**\n"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOPING_SHUFFLE:
msg += "Modalità attuale: :arrows_counterclockwise: **Ripeti casualmente dalla coda**\n"
msg += "**Video in coda:**\n"
if self.video_queue.now_playing is None:
msg += ":cloud: _nessuno_"
msg += f":arrow_forward: {str(self.video_queue.now_playing)}\n"
if self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.NORMAL:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.list[:10]):
msg += f"{queue_emojis[index]} {str(video)}\n"
if len(self.video_queue) > 10:
msg += f"più altri {len(self.video_queue) - 10} video!"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOP_QUEUE:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.list[:10]):
msg += f"{queue_emojis[index]} {str(video)}\n"
if len(self.video_queue) > 10:
msg += f"più altri {len(self.video_queue) - 10} video che si ripetono!"
if len(self.video_queue) < 6:
count = len(self.video_queue)
while count < 10:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.list[:10]):
msg += f":asterisk: {str(video)}\n"
count += len(self.video_queue)
msg += "e avanti così!"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOP_SINGLE:
video = self.video_queue.now_playing
for index in range(9):
msg += f":asterisk: {str(video)}\n"
msg += "all'infinito!"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.FOLLOW_SUGGESTIONS:
msg += ":rainbow:"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.AUTO_SHUFFLE:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.list[:10]):
msg += f":hash: {str(video)}\n"
if len(self.video_queue) > 10:
msg += f"più altri {len(self.video_queue) - 10} video!"
elif self.video_queue.loop_mode == LoopMode.LOOPING_SHUFFLE:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.list[:10]):
msg += f":hash: {str(video)}\n"
if len(self.video_queue) > 10:
msg += f"più altri {len(self.video_queue) - 10} video che si ripetono!"
if len(self.video_queue) < 6:
count = len(self.video_queue)
while count < 10:
for index, video in enumerate(self.video_queue.list[:10]):
msg += f":asterisk: {str(video)}\n"
count += len(self.video_queue)
msg += "a ripetizione casuale!"
await channel.send(msg)
@ -876,8 +1067,8 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if len(self.video_queue) == 0:
await channel.send("⚠ Non ci sono video in coda!")
logger.info(f"The queue was shuffled by {author.name}#{author.discriminator}.")
await channel.send("♠️ ♦️ ♣️ ♥️ Shuffle completo!")
@ -886,66 +1077,30 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
if len(self.video_queue) == 0:
await channel.send("⚠ Non ci sono video in coda!")
self.video_queue = []
logger.info(f"The queue was cleared by {author.name}#{author.discriminator}.")
await channel.send(":regional_indicator_x: Tutti i video in coda rimossi.")
async def cmd_forceplay(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
if len(params) < 2:
await channel.send("⚠ Non hai specificato una canzone da riprodurre!\n"
"Sintassi: `!forceplay <url|ricercayoutube|nomefile>`")
for voice_client in self.voice_clients:
if voice_client.is_playing():
logger.info(f"Video play was forced by {author.name}#{author.discriminator}.")
# Parse the parameter as URL
url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
if url is not None:
# This is a url
await self.add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced {url} as URL.")
# Parse the parameter as file
file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "opusfiles"), " ".join(params[1:]))
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced {file_path} as file.")
file_path += ".opus"
if os.path.exists(file_path):
# This is a file
await self.add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced {file_path} as file.")
# Search the parameter on youtube
search = " ".join(params[1:])
# This is a search
await self.add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author)
await channel.send(f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
logger.debug(f"Forced ytsearch:{search} as YouTube search.")
async def cmd_radiomessages(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
if not self.radio_messages_enabled:
await channel.send("⚠ I messaggi radio sono stati disabilitati dall'amministratore del bot.")
if len(params) < 2:
self.radio_messages = not self.radio_messages
await channel.send("⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n"
"Sintassi: `!radiomessages <on|off>`")
if params[1].lower() == "on":
self.radio_messages = True
self.radio_messages_next_in = self.radio_messages_every
elif params[1].lower() == "off":
self.radio_messages = False
self.radio_messages_next_in = math.inf
await channel.send("⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n"
"Sintassi: `!radiomessages [on|off]`")
"Sintassi: `!radiomessages <on|off>`")
logger.info(f"Radio messages status toggled to {self.radio_messages}.")
await channel.send(f"📻 Messaggi radio **{'attivati' if self.radio_messages else 'disattivati'}**.")
logger.info(f"Radio messages status to {'enabled' if self.radio_messages_next_in < math.inf else 'disabled'}.")
await channel.send(
f"📻 Messaggi radio **{'attivati' if self.radio_messages_next_in < math.inf else 'disattivati'}**.")
@ -966,6 +1121,35 @@ class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
logger.debug(f"The audio stream was resumed.")
await channel.send(f"⏯ Riproduzione ripresa.")
async def cmd_loop(self, channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
if len(params) < 2:
await channel.send("⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n"
"Sintassi: `!loop <off|loop1|loopall|suggest|shuffle|loopshuffle>`")
if params[1] == "off":
self.video_queue.loop_mode = LoopMode.NORMAL
await channel.send("➡️ Modalità di coda impostata: **Nessuna ripetizione**")
elif params[1] == "loop1":
self.video_queue.loop_mode = LoopMode.LOOP_SINGLE
await channel.send("🔂 Modalità di coda impostata: **Ripeti canzone singola**")
elif params[1] == "loopall":
self.video_queue.loop_mode = LoopMode.LOOP_QUEUE
await channel.send("🔁 Modalità di coda impostata: **Ripeti intera coda**")
elif params[1] == "suggest":
# self.video_queue.loop_mode = LoopMode.FOLLOW_SUGGESTIONS
await channel.send("⚠️ La modalità **Continua con video suggeriti** non è ancora stata implementata.")
elif params[1] == "shuffle":
self.video_queue.loop_mode = LoopMode.AUTO_SHUFFLE
await channel.send("🔀 Modalità di coda impostata: **Video casuale dalla coda**")
elif params[1] == "loopshuffle":
self.video_queue.loop_mode = LoopMode.LOOPING_SHUFFLE
await channel.send("🔄 Modalità di coda impostata: **Ripeti casualmente dalla coda**")
await channel.send("⚠️ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n"
"Sintassi: `!loop <off|loop1|loopall|suggest|shuffle|loopshuffle>`")
def process(users_connection=None):
logger.info("Initializing the bot...")
@ -974,7 +1158,7 @@ def process(users_connection=None):
logger.info("Initializing Telegram-Discord connection...")
logger.info("Logging in...")
loop.run_until_complete(bot.login(config["Discord"]["bot_token"], bot=True))
loop.run_until_complete(bot.login(bot.token, bot=True))
logger.info("Now stopping...")

View file

@ -28,3 +28,23 @@ class AlreadyDownloadedError(Exception):
class InvalidConfigError(Exception):
class VideoHasNoName(Exception):
class VideoInfoExtractionFailed(Exception):
class VideoIsPlaylist(Exception):
class VideoInfoUnknown(Exception):
class VideoIsNotReady(Exception):

View file

@ -15,6 +15,7 @@ bot_token =
server_id =
main_channel =
afk_timer = 10
radio_messages_enabled = True
radio_messages_every = 5
activityreport_sample_time = 600