mirror of
synced 2024-11-23 19:44:20 +00:00
This commit is contained in:
1 changed files with 37 additions and 276 deletions
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ async def status_typing(bot, thing):
raise TypeError("thing must be either a telegram.Update or a discord.Message")
raise TypeError("thing must be either a telegram.Update or a discord.Message")
async def display_help(bot, thing, specified_function):
async def display_help(bot, thing, function):
"""Display the help command of a function"""
"""Display the help command of a function"""
# Telegram bot commands start with /
# Telegram bot commands start with /
if isinstance(thing, telegram.Update):
if isinstance(thing, telegram.Update):
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ async def display_help(bot, thing, specified_function):
raise TypeError("thing must be either a telegram.Update or a discord.Message")
raise TypeError("thing must be either a telegram.Update or a discord.Message")
# Display the help message
# Display the help message
await answer(bot, thing, specified_function.__doc__.format(symbol=symbol))
await answer(bot, thing, function.__doc__.format(symbol=symbol))
def find_date(thing):
def find_date(thing):
@ -159,210 +159,39 @@ Sintassi: {symbol}leggi <numero>"""
async def markov_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
async def helpme(bot, thing, arguments):
"""Genera una frase del diario utilizzando le catene di Markov.
"""Visualizza il messaggio di aiuto di un comando.
Puoi specificare con che parole (massimo 2) deve iniziare la frase generata.
Sintassi: `/helpme [comando]`"""
Se non vengono specificate, verrà scelta una parola a caso.
Sintassi: `/markov [inizio]`"""
# Set status to typing
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
await status_typing(bot, thing)
if len(arguments) > 2:
# If no command is specified, show the help message for this command.
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/markov [inizio]`")
if len(arguments) == 0 or len(arguments) > 1:
file = open("diario.txt", "r", encoding="utf8")
await answer(bot, thing, helpme.__doc__)
# Clean the diario
clean_diario = str()
# Remove the timestamps in each row
for row in file:
clean_diario += row.split("|", 1)[1].lower()
# The text is split by newlines
generator = markovify.NewlineText(clean_diario)
if len(arguments) == 0:
# Generate a sentence with a random start
text = generator.make_sentence(tries=50)
# Generate a sentence with a specific start
start_with = " ".join(arguments)
text = generator.make_sentence_with_start(start_with, tries=100)
# No entry can start in that word.
except KeyError:
await update.message.reply(bot, f"⚠ Non sono state trovate corrispondenze nel diario dell'inizio che hai specificato.", parse_mode="Markdown")
if text is not None:
# Check the list of telegram commands if the message was sent from Telegram
# Sanitize the text to prevent TelegramErrors
if isinstance(thing, telegram.Update):
text = text.replace("_", "\_").replace("*", "\*").replace("`", "\`").replace("[", "\[")
await update.message.reply(bot, f"*Frase generata:*\n{text}", parse_mode="Markdown")
await update.message.reply(bot, f"⚠ Il bot non è riuscito a generare una nuova frase.\nSe è la prima volta che vedi questo errore, riprova, altrimenti prova a cambiare configurazione.")
async def help_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
"""Visualizza la descrizione di un comando.
Sintassi: `/help [comando]`"""
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
if len(arguments) == 0:
await update.message.reply(bot, help.__doc__, parse_mode="Markdown")
elif len(arguments) > 1:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/help [comando]`", parse_mode="Markdown")
if arguments[0] in b.commands:
if arguments[0] in b.commands:
await update.message.reply(bot, b.commands[arguments[0] + "_telegram"].__doc__, parse_mode="Markdown")
await answer(bot, thing, b.commands[arguments[0]].__doc__)
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Il comando specificato non esiste.")
await answer(bot, thing, "⚠ Il comando specificato non esiste.")
# Check the list of discord commands if the message was sent from Discord
if isinstance(thing, extradiscord.discord.Message):
async def help_discord(bot, message, arguments):
if arguments[0] in d.commands:
"""Visualizza la descrizione di un comando.
await answer(bot, thing, d.commands[arguments[0]].__doc__)
Sintassi: `!help [comando]`"""
if len(arguments) == 0:
bot.send_message(message.channel, help.__doc__)
elif len(arguments) > 1:
bot.send_message(message.channel, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`!help [comando]`")
if arguments[0] in b.commands:
await answer(bot, thing, "⚠ Il comando specificato non esiste.")
bot.send_message(message.channel, b.commands[arguments[0] + "_discord"].__doc__)
bot.send_message(message.channel, "⚠ Il comando specificato non esiste.")
async def discord_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
async def cv(bot, thing, arguments):
"""Manda un messaggio a #chat di Discord.
Sintassi: `/discord <messaggio>`"""
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
# Try to login
logged_user = currently_logged_in(update)
# Check if the user is logged in
if not logged_user:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Non hai ancora eseguito l'accesso! Usa `/sync`.", parse_mode="Markdown")
# Check if the currently logged in user is a Royal Games member
if not logged_user.royal:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Non sei autorizzato a eseguire questo comando.")
# Check the command syntax
if len(arguments) == 0:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/discord <messaggio>`", parse_mode="Markdown")
message = " ".join(arguments)
# Find the message sender's Discord username
users = list(d.client.get_all_members())
for user in users:
if user.id == logged_user.discord_id:
username = user.name
# Use the telegram username
username = f"{update.message.sent_from}"
# Parameters to send
params = {
"username": username,
"content": f"{message}"
# Headers to send
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
# Request timeout is 10 seconds.
with async_timeout.timeout(10):
# Create a new session for each request.
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
# Send the request to the Discord webhook
async with session.request("POST", royalbotconfig.discord_webhook, data=json.dumps(params), headers=headers) as response:
# Check if the request was successful
if response.status != 204:
# Request failed
# Answer on Telegram
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ L'invio del messaggio è fallito. Oops!", parse_mode="Markdown")
# TODO: handle Discord webhooks errors
raise Exception("Qualcosa è andato storto durante l'invio del messaggio a Discord.")
# Answer on Telegram
await update.message.reply(bot, "✅ Richiesta inviata.", parse_mode="Markdown")
async def sync_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
"""Connetti il tuo account Telegram al Database Royal Games.
Sintassi: `/sync <username> <password>`"""
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
if len(arguments) != 2:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/sync <username> <password>`", parse_mode="Markdown")
# Try to login
session, logged_user = database.login(arguments[0], arguments[1])
# Check if the login is successful
if logged_user is not None:
# Add the telegram_id to the user if it's missing
if logged_user.telegram_id is None:
logged_user.telegram_id = update.message.sent_from.user_id
print(f"{logged_user} ha sincronizzato l'account di Telegram.")
await update.message.reply(bot, f"Sincronizzazione riuscita!\nSei loggato come `{logged_user}`.", parse_mode="Markdown")
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ L'account è già stato sincronizzato.", parse_mode="Markdown")
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Username o password non validi.", parse_mode="Markdown")
async def sync_discord(bot, message, arguments):
"""Connetti il tuo account Discord al Database Royal Games.
Sintassi: `!sync <username> <password>`"""
if len(arguments) != 2:
await bot.send_message(message.channel, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`!sync <username> <password>`")
# Try to login
session, logged_user = database.login(arguments[0], arguments[1])
# Check if the login is successful
if logged_user is not None:
# Add the discord_id to the user if it's missing
if logged_user.discord_id is None:
logged_user.discord_id = int(message.author.id)
print(f"{logged_user} ha sincronizzato l'account di Discord.")
await bot.send_message(message.channel, f"Sincronizzazione riuscita!\nSei loggato come `{logged_user}`.")
await bot.send_message(message.channel, "⚠ L'account è già stato sincronizzato.")
await bot.send_message(message.channel, "⚠ Username o password non validi.")
async def changepassword_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
"""Cambia la tua password del Database Royal Games.
Sintassi: `/changepassword <newpassword>`"""
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
if len(arguments) != 2:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/changepassword <oldpassword> <newpassword>`", parse_mode="Markdown")
# TODO: this can be improved, maybe?
logged_user = currently_logged_in(update)
# Check if the login is successful
if logged_user is not None:
# Change the password
database.change_password(logged_user.username, arguments[1])
await update.message.reply(bot, f"Il cambio password è riuscito!\n\nLa tua password è hashata nel database come_ `{logged_user.password}`_, io non la posso vedere in nessun modo!_", parse_mode="Markdown")
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Username o password non validi.", parse_mode="Markdown")
async def cv_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
"""Visualizza lo stato attuale della chat vocale Discord.
"""Visualizza lo stato attuale della chat vocale Discord.
Sintassi: `/cv`"""
Sintassi: `{symbol}cv`"""
# Set status to typing
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
await status_typing(bot, thing)
# Check command syntax
if len(arguments) != 0:
if len(arguments) != 0:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/cv`", parse_mode="Markdown")
await answer(bot, thing, cv.__doc__)
# Wait for the Discord bot to login
# Wait for the Discord bot to login
while not d.client.is_logged_in:
while not d.client.is_logged_in:
@ -434,103 +263,35 @@ Sintassi: `/cv`"""
to_send += f"{volume} {status} {name} {game}\n"
to_send += f"{volume} {status} {name} {game}\n"
# Channel footer
# Channel footer
to_send += "\n"
to_send += "\n"
await update.message.reply(bot, to_send, parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=1)
await answer(bot, thing, to_send)
async def roll_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
async def roll(bot, thing, arguments):
"""Lancia un dado a N facce.
"""Lancia un dado a N facce.
Sintassi: `/roll <max>`"""
Sintassi: `{symbol}roll <max>`"""
# Set status to typing
# Set status to typing
await update.message.chat.set_chat_action(bot, "typing")
await status_typing(bot, thing)
# Check the command syntax
# Check the command syntax
if len(arguments) != 1:
if len(arguments) != 1:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/roll <max>`",
await answer(bot, thing, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/roll <max>`",)
# Roll the dice!
# Roll the dice!
await update.message.reply(bot, f"*Numero generato:* {random.randrange(0, int(arguments[0])) + 1}", parse_mode="Markdown")
await answer(bot, thing, f"*Numero generato:* {random.randrange(0, int(arguments[0])) + 1}")
async def roll_discord(bot, message, arguments):
"""Lancia un dado a N facce.
Sintassi: `!roll <max>`"""
# Check the command syntax
if len(arguments) != 1:
await bot.send_message(message.channel, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`!roll <max>`")
# Roll the dice!
await bot.send_message(message.channel, f"*Numero generato:* {random.randrange(0, int(arguments[0])) + 1}")
async def register_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
"""Registrati al database Royal Games!
Sintassi: `/register <username> <password>`"""
# One account per user only!
if currently_logged_in(update) is not None:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sei già registrato!")
# Check if the username is printable
if not arguments[0].isprintable():
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Username non valido.")
# Try to create a new user
database.create_user(arguments[0], arguments[1], False)
except database.sqlalchemy.exc.DBAPIError:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Qualcosa è andato storto nella creazione dell'utente. Per altre info, guarda i log del bot.")
session, logged_user = database.login(arguments[0], arguments[1])
logged_user.telegram_id = update.message.sent_from.user_id
print(f"{logged_user} ha sincronizzato l'account di Telegram.")
await update.message.reply(bot, f"Sincronizzazione riuscita!\nSei loggato come `{logged_user}`.", parse_mode="Markdown")
async def toggleroyal_telegram(bot, update, arguments):
"""Inverti lo stato di Royal di un utente.
Devi essere un Royal per poter eseguire questo comando.
Sintassi: `/toggleroyal <username>`"""
# Check if the user is logged in
if not currently_logged_in(update):
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Non hai ancora eseguito l'accesso! Usa `/sync`.", parse_mode="Markdown")
# Check if the currently logged in user is a Royal Games member
if not currently_logged_in(update).royal:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Non sei autorizzato a eseguire questo comando.")
# Check the command syntax
if len(arguments) != 1:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n`/toggleroyal <username>`", parse_mode="Markdown")
# Find the specified user
session, user = database.find_user(arguments[0])
# Check if the user exists
if user is None:
await update.message.reply(bot, "⚠ L'utente specificato non esiste.")
# Toggle his Royal status
user.royal = not user.royal
# Save the change
# Answer on Telegram
if user.royal:
await update.message.reply(bot, f"✅ L'utente `{user.username}` ora è un Royal.", parse_mode="Markdown")
await update.message.reply(bot, f"✅ L'utente `{user.username}` non è più un Royal.", parse_mode="Markdown")
if __name__ == "__main__":
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Init universal bot commands
# Init universal bot commands
b.commands["start"] = start
b.commands["start"] = start
d.commands["start"] = start
d.commands["start"] = start
b.commands["diario"] = diario
b.commands["diario"] = diario
d.commands["diario"] = diario
d.commands["diario"] = diario
b.commands["leggi"] = leggi
b.commands["d"] = diario
d.commands["leggi"] = leggi
b.commands["help"] = helpme
b.commands["helpme"] = helpme
d.commands["help"] = helpme
d.commands["helpme"] = helpme
b.commands["cv"] = cv
# Init Telegram bot
# Init Telegram bot
print("Telegram bot start scheduled!")
print("Telegram bot start scheduled!")
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