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Rimuovi tutti i comandi relativi alla chat vocale

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2020-07-21 22:43:20 +02:00
parent cb0666598f
commit b7f099d499
27 changed files with 0 additions and 898 deletions

View file

@ -11,58 +11,32 @@ from .diarioquote import DiarioquoteCommand
from .diarioshuffle import DiarioshuffleCommand from .diarioshuffle import DiarioshuffleCommand
from .dota import DotaCommand from .dota import DotaCommand
from .eat import EatCommand from .eat import EatCommand
from .elevatormusic import ElevatormusicCommand
from .emojify import EmojifyCommand from .emojify import EmojifyCommand
from .eval import EvalCommand from .eval import EvalCommand
from .exec import ExecCommand from .exec import ExecCommand
from .fortune import FortuneCommand from .fortune import FortuneCommand
from .funkwhale import FunkwhaleCommand
from .funkwhalealbum import FunkwhalealbumCommand
from .funkwhaleplaylist import FunkwhaleplaylistCommand
from .givefiorygi import GivefiorygiCommand from .givefiorygi import GivefiorygiCommand
from .givetreasure import GivetreasureCommand from .givetreasure import GivetreasureCommand
from .googlevideo import GooglevideoCommand
from .help import HelpCommand from .help import HelpCommand
from .lazyfunkwhale import LazyfunkwhaleCommand
from .lazyfunkwhalealbum import LazyfunkwhalealbumCommand
from .lazyfunkwhaleplaylist import LazyfunkwhaleplaylistCommand
from .lazygooglevideo import LazygooglevideoCommand
from .lazypeertube import LazypeertubeCommand
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
from .lazysoundcloud import LazysoundcloudCommand
from .lazyyahoovideo import LazyyahoovideoCommand
from .lazyyoutube import LazyyoutubeCommand
from .leagueoflegends import LeagueoflegendsCommand from .leagueoflegends import LeagueoflegendsCommand
from .magickfiorygi import MagickfiorygiCommand from .magickfiorygi import MagickfiorygiCommand
from .magicktreasure import MagicktreasureCommand from .magicktreasure import MagicktreasureCommand
from .matchmaking import MatchmakingCommand from .matchmaking import MatchmakingCommand
from .pause import PauseCommand
from .peertube import PeertubeCommand
from .peertubeupdates import PeertubeUpdatesCommand from .peertubeupdates import PeertubeUpdatesCommand
from .ping import PingCommand from .ping import PingCommand
from .play import PlayCommand
from .playmode import PlaymodeCommand
from .pmots import PmotsCommand from .pmots import PmotsCommand
from .dog import DogCommand from .dog import DogCommand
from .queue import QueueCommand
from .rage import RageCommand from .rage import RageCommand
from .reminder import ReminderCommand from .reminder import ReminderCommand
from .royalpackversion import RoyalpackCommand from .royalpackversion import RoyalpackCommand
from .ship import ShipCommand from .ship import ShipCommand
from .skip import SkipCommand
from .smecds import SmecdsCommand from .smecds import SmecdsCommand
from .soundcloud import SoundcloudCommand
from .spell import SpellCommand from .spell import SpellCommand
from .steammatch import SteammatchCommand from .steammatch import SteammatchCommand
from .steampowered import SteampoweredCommand from .steampowered import SteampoweredCommand
from .summon import SummonCommand
from .treasure import TreasureCommand from .treasure import TreasureCommand
from .trivia import TriviaCommand from .trivia import TriviaCommand
from .userinfo import UserinfoCommand from .userinfo import UserinfoCommand
from .videochannel import VideochannelCommand
from .voicestatus import VoicestatusCommand
from .yahoovideo import YahoovideoCommand
from .youtube import YoutubeCommand
# Enter the commands of your Pack here! # Enter the commands of your Pack here!
available_commands = [ available_commands = [
@ -78,58 +52,32 @@ available_commands = [
DiarioshuffleCommand, DiarioshuffleCommand,
DotaCommand, DotaCommand,
EatCommand, EatCommand,
EmojifyCommand, EmojifyCommand,
EvalCommand, EvalCommand,
ExecCommand, ExecCommand,
FortuneCommand, FortuneCommand,
GivefiorygiCommand, GivefiorygiCommand,
GivetreasureCommand, GivetreasureCommand,
HelpCommand, HelpCommand,
LeagueoflegendsCommand, LeagueoflegendsCommand,
MagickfiorygiCommand, MagickfiorygiCommand,
MagicktreasureCommand, MagicktreasureCommand,
MatchmakingCommand, MatchmakingCommand,
PeertubeUpdatesCommand, PeertubeUpdatesCommand,
PingCommand, PingCommand,
PmotsCommand, PmotsCommand,
DogCommand, DogCommand,
RageCommand, RageCommand,
ReminderCommand, ReminderCommand,
RoyalpackCommand, RoyalpackCommand,
ShipCommand, ShipCommand,
SmecdsCommand, SmecdsCommand,
SpellCommand, SpellCommand,
SteammatchCommand, SteammatchCommand,
SteampoweredCommand, SteampoweredCommand,
TreasureCommand, TreasureCommand,
TriviaCommand, TriviaCommand,
UserinfoCommand, UserinfoCommand,
] ]
# Don't change this, it should automatically generate __all__ # Don't change this, it should automatically generate __all__

View file

@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import random
import royalnet.commands as rc
from .play import PlayCommand
class ElevatormusicCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "elevatormusic"
aliases = ["elevator", "em"]
description: str = "Aggiungi un po' di musica da ascensore alla chat vocale."
syntax = "[indice]"
_pool = [
async def get_urls(self, args):
index = args.optional(0)
if index is not None:
return [self._pool[int(index)]]
except ValueError:
raise rc.InvalidInputError("L'indice deve essere un numero.\n"
f"Gli indici delle canzoni iniziano a [c]0[/c] e finiscono a"
f" [c]{len(self._pool) - 1}[/c].")
except IndexError:
raise rc.InvalidInputError(f"Indice non valido.\n"
f"Gli indici delle canzoni iniziano a [c]0[/c] e finiscono a"
f" [c]{len(self._pool) - 1}[/c].")
return [random.sample(self._pool, 1)[0]]

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
import royalnet.commands as rc
from .play import PlayCommand
class FunkwhaleCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "funkwhale"
aliases = ["fuckwhale", "fw", "royalwhale", "rw"]
description: str = "Cerca una canzone su RoyalWhale e aggiungila alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
def get_embed_color(self):
return 0x009FE3
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/search?query={search}") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
if len(j["tracks"]) < 1:
raise rc.UserError("Nessun file audio trovato con il nome richiesto.")
return [f'{self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"]}{j["tracks"][0]["listen_url"]}']

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
import royalnet.commands as rc
from .play import PlayCommand
class FunkwhalealbumCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "funkwhalealbum"
aliases = ["fwa", "fwalbum", "funkwhalea"]
description: str = "Cerca un album su RoyalWhale e aggiungila alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
def get_embed_color(self):
return 0x009FE3
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/search?query={search}") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
if len(j["albums"]) < 1:
raise rc.UserError("Nessun file audio trovato con il nome richiesto.")
album = j["albums"][0]
return [f'{self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"]}{track["listen_url"]}' for track in album["tracks"]]

View file

@ -1,38 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
import royalnet.commands as rc
from .play import PlayCommand
class FunkwhaleplaylistCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "funkwhaleplaylist"
aliases = ["fwp", "fwplaylist", "funkwhalep"]
description: str = "Cerca una playlist su RoyalWhale e aggiungila alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
def get_embed_color(self):
return 0x009FE3
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/playlists/?q={search}&ordering=-creation_date&playable=true") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
if len(j["results"]) < 1:
raise rc.UserError("Nessuna playlist trovata con il nome richiesto.")
playlist = j["results"][0]
playlist_id = playlist["id"]
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
return list(map(lambda t: f'{self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"]}{t["track"]["listen_url"]}', j["results"]))

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .play import PlayCommand
class GooglevideoCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "googlevideo"
aliases = ["gv"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su Google Video e lo aggiunge alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"gvsearch:{args.joined()}"]
# Too bad gvsearch: always finds nothing.

View file

@ -1,31 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.commands as rc
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazyfunkwhaleCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazyfunkwhale"
aliases = ["lazyfuckwhale", "lfw", "lazyroyalwhale", "lrw"]
description: str = "Cerca una canzone su RoyalWhale e aggiungila (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
def get_embed_color(self):
return 0x009FE3
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/search?query={search}") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
if len(j["tracks"]) < 1:
raise rc.UserError("Nessun file audio trovato con il nome richiesto.")
return [f'{self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"]}{j["tracks"][0]["listen_url"]}']

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.commands as rc
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazyfunkwhalealbumCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazyfunkwhalealbum"
aliases = ["lfwa", "lfwalbum", "lazyfunkwhalea"]
description: str = "Cerca un album su RoyalWhale e aggiungilo (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
def get_embed_color(self):
return 0x009FE3
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/search?query={search}") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
if len(j["albums"]) < 1:
raise rc.UserError("Nessun file audio trovato con il nome richiesto.")
album = j["albums"][0]
return [f'{self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"]}{track["listen_url"]}' for track in album["tracks"]]

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
import royalnet.commands as rc
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazyfunkwhaleplaylistCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazyfunkwhaleplaylist"
aliases = ["lfwp", "lfwplaylist", "lazyfunkwhalep"]
description: str = "Cerca una playlist su RoyalWhale e aggiungila (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
def get_embed_color(self):
return 0x009FE3
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/playlists/?q={search}&ordering=-creation_date&playable=true") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
if len(j["results"]) < 1:
raise rc.UserError("Nessuna playlist trovata con il nome richiesto.")
playlist = j["results"][0]
playlist_id = playlist["id"]
async with session.get(self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/playlists/{playlist_id}/tracks") as response:
if response.status >= 400:
raise rc.ExternalError(f"Request returned {response.status}")
j = await response.json()
return list(map(lambda t: f'{self.config["Funkwhale"]["instance_url"]}{t["track"]["listen_url"]}', j["results"]))

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazygooglevideoCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazygooglevideo"
aliases = ["lgv"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su Google Video e lo aggiunge (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"gvsearch:{args.joined()}"]
# Too bad gvsearch: always finds nothing.

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.commands as rc
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazypeertubeCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazypeertube"
aliases = ["lpt", "lazyroyaltube", "lrt"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su RoyalTube e lo aggiunge (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Peertube"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/search/videos?search={search}") as response:
j = await response.json()
if j["total"] < 1:
raise rc.InvalidInputError("Nessun video trovato.")
return [f'{self.config["Peertube"]["instance_url"]}/videos/watch/{j["data"][0]["uuid"]}']

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import discord
import asyncio as aio
import royalnet.commands as rc
import royalnet.backpack.tables as rbt
class LazyplayCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "lazyplay"
aliases = ["lp"]
description: str = "Aggiunge un url alla coda della chat vocale, ma lo scarica solo quando sta per essere" \
" riprodotto."
syntax = "{url}"
async def get_urls(self, args: rc.CommandArgs):
url = args.joined(require_at_least=1)
if not (url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://")):
raise rc.InvalidInputError(f"L'URL specificato non inizia con il nome di un protocollo supportato"
f" ([c]http://[/c] o [c]https://[/c]).")
return [url]
def get_embed_color(self) -> Optional[int]:
return None
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
if guild is None:
guild_id = None
guild_id: Optional[int] = guild.id
guild_id = None
user: rbt.User = await data.get_author()
user_str = None
if user is not None:
user_discord: rbt.Discord = user.discord[0]
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
user_str = str(user)
user_str = str(f"<@{user_discord.discord_id}>")
urls = await self.get_urls(args)
play_task: aio.Task = self.loop.create_task(
self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_lazy_play",
await data.reply("⌛ Attendi un attimo...")
await play_task

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazysoundcloudCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazysoundcloud"
aliases = ["lsc"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su SoundCloud e lo aggiunge (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"scsearch:{args.joined()}"]

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazyyahoovideoCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazyyahoovideo"
aliases = ["lyv"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su Yahoo Video e lo aggiunge (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"yvsearch:{args.joined()}"]
# Too bad yvsearch: always finds nothing.

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .lazyplay import LazyplayCommand
class LazyyoutubeCommand(LazyplayCommand):
name: str = "lazyyoutube"
aliases = ["lyt"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su YouTube e lo aggiunge (lazy) alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"ytsearch:{args.joined()}"]

View file

@ -1,27 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import discord
import royalnet.commands as rc
class PauseCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "pause"
aliases = ["resume"]
description: str = "Metti in pausa o riprendi la riproduzione di un file."
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
guild_id: Optional[int] = guild.id
guild_id = None
response: Dict[str, Any] = await self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_pause",
if response["action"] == "paused":
await data.reply("⏸ Riproduzione messa in pausa.")
elif response["action"] == "resumed":
await data.reply("▶️ Riproduzione ripresa!")

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.commands as rc
import aiohttp
import urllib.parse
from .play import PlayCommand
class PeertubeCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "peertube"
aliases = ["pt", "royaltube", "rt"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su RoyalTube e lo aggiunge alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
search = urllib.parse.quote(args.joined(require_at_least=1))
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session:
async with session.get(self.config["Peertube"]["instance_url"] +
f"/api/v1/search/videos?search={search}") as response:
j = await response.json()
if j["total"] < 1:
raise rc.InvalidInputError("Nessun video trovato.")
return [f'{self.config["Peertube"]["instance_url"]}/videos/watch/{j["data"][0]["uuid"]}']

View file

@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import discord
import asyncio as aio
import royalnet.commands as rc
import royalnet.backpack.tables as rbt
class PlayCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "play"
aliases = ["p"]
description: str = "Aggiunge un url alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{url}"
async def get_urls(self, args: rc.CommandArgs):
url = args.joined(require_at_least=1)
if not (url.startswith("http://") or url.startswith("https://")):
raise rc.InvalidInputError(f"L'URL specificato non inizia con il nome di un protocollo supportato"
f" ([c]http://[/c] o [c]https://[/c]).")
return [url]
def get_embed_color(self) -> Optional[int]:
return None
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
if guild is None:
guild_id = None
guild_id: Optional[int] = guild.id
guild_id = None
user: rbt.User = await data.get_author()
user_str = None
if user is not None:
user_discord: rbt.Discord = user.discord[0]
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
user_str = str(user)
user_str = str(f"<@{user_discord.discord_id}>")
urls = await self.get_urls(args)
play_task: aio.Task = self.loop.create_task(
self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_play",
if len(urls) > 1:
await data.reply("⌛ Attendi qualche minuto...")
await data.reply("⌛ Attendi un attimo...")
await play_task

View file

@ -1,56 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.commands as rc
import discord
import royalnet.backpack.tables as rbt
class PlaymodeCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "playmode"
aliases = ["pm"]
description: str = "Seleziona la modalità di riproduzione musicale."
syntax: str = "{queue|pool}"
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
if guild is None:
guild_id = None
guild_id: Optional[int] = guild.id
guild_id = None
user: rbt.User = await data.get_author()
user_str = None
if user is not None:
user_discord: rbt.Discord = user.discord[0]
except (AttributeError, IndexError):
user_str = str(user)
user_str = str(f"<@{user_discord.discord_id}>")
response = await self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_playmode",
if response["name"] == "RoyalQueue":
await data.reply(f"✅ Modalità di riproduzione impostata a [b]Queue[/b]:\n"
f"- Riproduci le canzoni nell'ordine scelto\n"
f"- Rimuovi le canzoni dopo averle riprodotte")
elif response["name"] == "RoyalPool":
await data.reply(f"✅ Modalità di riproduzione impostata a [b]Pool[/b]:\n"
f"- Aggiungi canzoni al pool con [c]!p[/c], [c]!yt[/c] e [c]!fw[/c]\n"
f"- Riproduci all'infinito canzoni casuali dal pool\n"
f"- Non è possibile rimuovere canzoni dal pool, [c]!skip[/c]parle manderà solo avanti il pool\n"
f"- Interrompi la riproduzione del pool cambiando modalità di riproduzione")
await data.reply(f"✅ Modalità di riproduzione impostata a [c]{response['name']}[/c]!")

View file

@ -1,62 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import pickle
import base64
import discord
import royalnet.commands as rc
import royalnet.utils as ru
class QueueCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "queue"
aliases = ["q"]
description: str = "Visualizza la coda di riproduzione attuale."
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
guild_id: Optional[int] = guild.id
guild_id = None
response: Dict[str, Any] = await self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_queue",
queue_type = response["type"]
if queue_type == "RoyalQueue":
next_up = response["next_up"]
now_playing = response["now_playing"]
await data.reply(f" La coda contiene {len(next_up)} file.\n\n")
if now_playing is not None:
reply = f"Attualmente, sta venendo riprodotto:\n"
if self.interface.name == "discord":
await data.reply(reply)
embed = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(bytes(now_playing["stringified_base64_pickled_discord_embed"],
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
await message.channel.send(embed=embed)
reply += f"▶️ {now_playing['title']}\n\n"
await data.reply(reply)
await data.reply("⏹ Attualmente, non sta venendo riprodotto nulla.")
reply = ""
if len(next_up) >= 1:
reply += "I prossimi file in coda sono:\n"
if self.interface.name == "discord":
await data.reply(reply)
for item in next_up[:5]:
embed = pickle.loads(base64.b64decode(bytes(item["stringified_base64_pickled_discord_embed"],
# noinspection PyUnboundLocalVariable
await message.channel.send(embed=embed)
reply += ru.numberemojiformat([a["title"] for a in next_up[:5]])
await data.reply(reply)
await data.reply(" Non ci sono altri file in coda.")
raise rc.CommandError(f"Non so come visualizzare il contenuto di un [c]{queue_type}[/c].")

View file

@ -1,21 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import discord
import royalnet.commands as rc
class SkipCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "skip"
aliases = ["s"]
description: str = "Salta il file attualmente in riproduzione."
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild: discord.Guild = message.guild
guild_id: Optional[int] = guild.id
guild_id = None
response: Dict[str, Any] = await self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_skip", guild_id=guild_id)
await data.reply("⏩ File attuale saltato!")

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .play import PlayCommand
class SoundcloudCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "soundcloud"
aliases = ["sc"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su SoundCloud e lo aggiunge alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"scsearch:{args.joined()}"]

View file

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.commands as rc
import discord
class SummonCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "summon"
aliases = ["cv"]
description: str = "Evoca il bot in un canale vocale."
syntax: str = "[nomecanale]"
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
channel_name = args.joined()
if self.interface.name == "discord":
message: discord.Message = data.message
guild_id = message.guild.id
user_id = message.author.id
guild_id = None
user_id = None
response = await self.interface.call_herald_event("discord", "discord_summon",
channel_name=channel_name, guild_id=guild_id, user_id=user_id)
if self.interface.name == "discord":
await data.reply(f"✅ Mi sono connesso in <#{response['channel']['id']}>!")
await data.reply(f"✅ Mi sono connesso in [b]#{response['channel']['name']}[/b]!")

View file

@ -1,49 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import discord
import royalnet.commands as rc
class VideochannelCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "videochannel"
aliases = ["golive", "live", "video"]
description: str = "Converti il canale vocale in un canale video."
syntax = "[nomecanale]"
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name != "discord":
raise rc.UnsupportedError(f"{self} non è supportato su {self.interface.name}.")
bot: discord.Client = self.serf.client
message: discord.Message = data.message
channel_name: str = args.optional(0)
if channel_name:
guild: Optional[discord.Guild] = message.guild
if guild is not None:
channels: List[discord.abc.GuildChannel] = guild.channels
channels = bot.get_all_channels()
matching_channels: List[discord.VoiceChannel] = []
for channel in channels:
if isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel):
if channel.name == channel_name:
if len(matching_channels) == 0:
raise rc.InvalidInputError("Non esiste alcun canale vocale con il nome specificato.")
elif len(matching_channels) > 1:
raise rc.UserError("Esiste più di un canale vocale con il nome specificato.")
channel = matching_channels[0]
author: discord.Member = message.author
voice: Optional[discord.VoiceState] = author.voice
if voice is None:
raise rc.InvalidInputError("Non sei connesso a nessun canale vocale.")
channel = voice.channel
if author.is_on_mobile():
await data.reply(f"📹 Per entrare in modalità video, clicca qui:\n"
f"[b]Attenzione: la modalità video non funziona su Android e iOS![/b]")
await data.reply(f"📹 Per entrare in modalità video, clicca qui:\n"

View file

@ -1,44 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
import royalnet.serf.discord as rsd
import royalnet.commands as rc
class VoicestatusCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "voicestatus"
description: str = "Visualizza lo stato interno dei voice player del bot."
syntax: str = ""
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
if self.interface.name != "discord":
raise rc.UnsupportedError("Questo comando funziona solo su Discord.")
serf: rsd.DiscordSerf = self.interface.serf
message = []
for index, voice_player in enumerate(serf.voice_players):
message.append(f"🎵 [b]Voice Player #{index}[/b]")
voice_client = voice_player.voice_client
if voice_client.is_connected():
message.append(f"🔵 Connected")
message.append(f"🔴 Disconnected")
if voice_client.is_playing():
message.append(f"🔵 Playing")
message.append(f"⚪ Not playing")
if voice_client.is_paused():
message.append(f"⚪ Paused")
message.append(f"🔵 Not paused")
playable = voice_player.playing
message.append(f"🔉 {playable.__class__.__name__}")
if len(serf.voice_players) == 0:
message.append("[i]Nessun voice player.[/i]")
await data.reply("\n".join(message))

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .play import PlayCommand
class YahoovideoCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "yahoovideo"
aliases = ["yv"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su Yahoo Video e lo aggiunge alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"yvsearch:{args.joined()}"]
# Too bad yvsearch: always finds nothing.

View file

@ -1,15 +0,0 @@
from typing import *
from .play import PlayCommand
class YoutubeCommand(PlayCommand):
name: str = "youtube"
aliases = ["yt"]
description: str = "Cerca un video su YouTube e lo aggiunge alla coda della chat vocale."
syntax = "{ricerca}"
async def get_urls(self, args):
return [f"ytsearch:{args.joined()}"]