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Delete old commands

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2019-09-04 01:19:01 +02:00
parent 11b808e778
commit e7b98880e0
14 changed files with 0 additions and 438 deletions

View file

@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
from ..utils import Command, Call
from ..database.tables import Royal, Telegram, Discord
class AuthorCommand(Command):
command_name = "author"
command_description = "Ottieni informazioni sull'autore di questa chiamata."
command_syntax = ""
require_alchemy_tables = {Royal, Telegram, Discord}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
author = await call.get_author()
if author is None:
await call.reply(f"☁️ L'autore di questa chiamata è sconosciuto.")
await call.reply(f"🌞 {str(author)} è l'autore di questa chiamata.")

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@ -1,19 +0,0 @@
import datetime
import dateparser
from ..utils import Command, Call
class DateparserCommand(Command):
command_name = "dateparser"
command_description = "Legge e comprende la data inserita."
command_syntax = "(data)"
async def common(cls, call: Call):
text = call.args.joined(require_at_least=1)
date: datetime.datetime = dateparser.parse(text)
if date is None:
await call.reply("🕕 La data inserita non è valida.")
await call.reply(f"🕐 La data inserita è {date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}")

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
from ..utils import Command, Call, asyncify
from ..database.tables import Royal, Alias
class DebugCreateCommand(Command):
command_name = "debug_create"
command_description = "Crea un nuovo account Royalnet"
command_syntax = "(newusername)"
require_alchemy_tables = {Royal, Alias}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
royal = call.alchemy.Royal(username=call.args[0], role="Member")
alias = call.alchemy.Alias(royal=royal, alias=royal.username.lower())
await asyncify(call.session.commit)
await call.reply(f"✅ Utente {royal} creato!")

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@ -1,55 +0,0 @@
import logging as _logging
from ..utils import Command, Call
from ..error import *
log = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ErrorHandlerCommand(Command):
command_name = "error_handler"
command_description = "Gestisce gli errori causati dagli altri comandi."
command_syntax = ""
async def common(cls, call: Call):
exception: Exception = call.kwargs["exception"]
if isinstance(exception, NoneFoundError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ L'elemento richiesto non è stato trovato.\n[p]{exception}[/p]")
elif isinstance(exception, TooManyFoundError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ La richiesta effettuata è ambigua, pertanto è stata annullata.\n[p]{exception}[/p]")
elif isinstance(exception, UnregisteredError):
await call.reply("⚠️ Devi essere registrato a Royalnet per usare questo comando.\nUsa il comando [c]sync[/c] per registrarti!")
elif isinstance(exception, UnsupportedError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Il comando richiesto non è disponibile tramite l'interfaccia [c]{call.interface_name}[/c].")
elif isinstance(exception, InvalidInputError):
command = call.kwargs["previous_command"]
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Sintassi non valida.\nSintassi corretta: [c]{call.interface_prefix}{command.command_name} {command.command_syntax}[/c]")
elif isinstance(exception, InvalidConfigError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Il bot non è stato configurato correttamente, quindi questo comando non può essere eseguito.\n[p]{exception}[/p]")
elif isinstance(exception, RoyalnetRequestError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ La richiesta a Royalnet ha restituito un errore:\n"
elif isinstance(exception, ExternalError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Una risorsa esterna necessaria per l'esecuzione del comando non ha funzionato correttamente, quindi il comando è stato annullato.\n[p]{exception}[/p]")
elif isinstance(exception, RoyalnetResponseError):
log.warning(f"Invalid response from Royalnet - {exception.__class__.__name__}: {exception}")
await call.reply(f"❌ La risposta ricevuta da Royalnet non è valida: [p]{exception}[/p]")
elif isinstance(exception, CurrentlyDisabledError):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Il comando richiesto è temporaneamente disabilitato.\n[p]{exception}[/p]")
elif __debug__:
log.error(f"Unhandled exception - {exception.__class__.__name__}: {exception}")
await call.reply(f"❌ Eccezione non gestita durante l'esecuzione del comando:\n[b]{exception.__class__.__name__}[/b]\n[p]{exception}[/p]")

View file

@ -1,26 +0,0 @@
import telegram
import discord
import typing
from ..utils import Command, Call
class IdCommand(Command):
command_name = "id"
command_description = "Visualizza l'id della chat attuale."
command_syntax = ""
async def telegram(cls, call: Call):
chat: telegram.Chat = call.channel
await call.reply(f"🔢 L'id di questa chat è [b]{chat.id}[/b].")
async def discord(cls, call: Call):
channel = call.channel
if isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel):
await call.reply(f"🔢 L'id di questa chat è [b]{channel.id}[/b].")
elif isinstance(channel, discord.DMChannel):
await call.reply(f"🔢 L'id di questa chat è [b]{channel.id}[/b].")
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Questo tipo di chat non è supportato.")

View file

@ -1,37 +0,0 @@
from ..database.tables import ActiveKvGroup, Royal, Keyvalue, Keygroup
from ..utils import Command, Call, asyncify
class KvCommand(Command):
command_name = "kv"
command_description = "Visualizza o modifica un valore kv."
command_syntax = "(chiave) [valore]"
require_alchemy_tables = {ActiveKvGroup, Royal, Keyvalue, Keygroup}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
key = call.args[0].lower()
value = call.args.optional(1)
author = await call.get_author(error_if_none=True)
active = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.ActiveKvGroup).filter_by(royal=author).one_or_none)
if active is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ Devi prima attivare un gruppo con il comando [c]kvactive[/c]!")
keyvalue = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Keyvalue).filter_by(group=active.group, key=key).one_or_none)
if value is None:
# Get
if keyvalue is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ La chiave specificata non esiste.")
await call.reply(f" Valore della chiave:\n{keyvalue}")
# Set/kv asdf 1000
if keyvalue is None:
keyvalue = call.alchemy.Keyvalue(group=active.group, key=key, value=value)
keyvalue.value = value
await asyncify(call.session.commit)
await call.reply(f"✅ Chiave aggiornata:\n{keyvalue}")

View file

@ -1,32 +0,0 @@
from ..database.tables import ActiveKvGroup, Royal, Keygroup
from ..utils import Command, Call, asyncify
class KvactiveCommand(Command):
command_name = "kvactive"
command_description = "Seleziona un gruppo di valori kv."
command_syntax = "(nomegruppo)"
require_alchemy_tables = {ActiveKvGroup, Royal, Keygroup}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
group_name = call.args[0].lower()
author = await call.get_author(error_if_none=True)
active = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.ActiveKvGroup).filter_by(royal=author).one_or_none)
if active is None:
group = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Keygroup).filter_by(group_name=group_name).one_or_none)
if group is None:
group = call.alchemy.Keygroup(group_name=group_name)
active = call.alchemy.ActiveKvGroup(royal=author, group=group)
group = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Keygroup).filter_by(group_name=group_name).one_or_none)
if group is None:
group = call.alchemy.Keygroup(group_name=group_name)
active.group = group
await asyncify(call.session.commit)
await call.reply(f"✅ Hai attivato il gruppo [b]{group_name}[/b].")

View file

@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
import random
from ..database.tables import ActiveKvGroup, Royal, Keygroup, Keyvalue
from ..utils import Command, Call, asyncify, plusformat
class KvrollCommand(Command):
command_name = "kvroll"
command_description = "Lancia 1d20, poi aggiungici il valore della kv selezionata."
command_syntax = "(chiave) [modifier]"
require_alchemy_tables = {ActiveKvGroup, Royal, Keyvalue, Keygroup}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
key = call.args[0].lower()
normal_mod_str = call.args.optional(1, 0)
normal_modifier = int(normal_mod_str)
except ValueError:
await call.reply("⚠️ Il modificatore specificato non è un numero.")
author = await call.get_author(error_if_none=True)
active = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.ActiveKvGroup).filter_by(royal=author).one_or_none)
if active is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ Devi prima attivare un gruppo con il comando [c]kvactive[/c]!")
keyvalue = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Keyvalue).filter_by(group=active.group, key=key).one_or_none)
if keyvalue is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ La chiave specificata non esiste.")
kv_modifier = int(keyvalue.value)
except ValueError:
await call.reply("⚠️ Il valore della chiave specificata non è un numero.")
roll = random.randrange(1, 21)
result = roll + kv_modifier + normal_modifier
await call.reply(f"🎲 {roll}{plusformat(kv_modifier)}{plusformat(normal_modifier)} = [b]{result}[/b]")

View file

@ -1,17 +0,0 @@
import asyncio
import logging as _logging
from ..utils import Command, Call
log = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
class MissingCommand(Command):
command_name = "missing"
command_description = "Informa che il comando non esiste."
command_syntax = ""
async def common(cls, call: Call):
await call.reply(f"⚠️ Il comando richiesto non esiste.")

View file

@ -1,12 +0,0 @@
from ..utils import Command, Call
class NullCommand(Command):
command_name = "null"
command_description = "Non fa nulla."
command_syntax = ""
async def common(cls, call: Call):

View file

@ -1,25 +0,0 @@
import datetime
import dateparser
import typing
from ..utils import Command, Call, sleep_until
class ReminderCommand(Command):
command_name = "reminder"
command_description = "Ripete quello che gli avevi chiesto dopo un po' di tempo."
command_syntax = "[ (data) ] (testo)"
async def common(cls, call: Call):
date_str, reminder_text = call.args.match(r"\[ *(.+?) *] *(.+?) *$")
date: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = dateparser.parse(date_str)
except OverflowError:
date = None
if date is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ La data che hai inserito non è valida.")
await call.reply(f"✅ Promemoria impostato per [b]{date.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')}[/b]")
await sleep_until(date)
await call.reply(f"❗️ Promemoria: [b]{reminder_text}[/b]")

View file

@ -1,20 +0,0 @@
import asyncio
from ..utils import Command, Call
from ..database.tables import Royal, Telegram, Discord
class RoyalnetprofileCommand(Command):
command_name = "royalnetprofile"
command_description = "Invia in chat il link al tuo profilo Royalnet!"
command_syntax = ""
require_alchemy_tables = {Royal, Telegram, Discord}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
author = await call.get_author(error_if_none=True)
if author is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ Devi essere registrato a Royalnet per usare questo comando!")
await call.reply(f"🔗 https://ryg.steffo.eu/profile/{author.username}")

View file

@ -1,81 +0,0 @@
import typing
from telegram import Update, User
from discord import Message, Member
from ..utils import Command, Call, asyncify
from ..error import UnsupportedError
from ..database.tables import Royal, Telegram, Discord
class SyncCommand(Command):
command_name = "sync"
command_description = "Connetti il tuo account attuale a Royalnet!"
command_syntax = "(royalnetusername)"
require_alchemy_tables = {Royal, Telegram, Discord}
async def common(cls, call: Call):
raise UnsupportedError()
async def telegram(cls, call: Call):
update: Update = call.kwargs["update"]
# Find the user
user: typing.Optional[User] = update.effective_user
if user is None:
raise ValueError("Trying to sync a None user.")
# Find the Royal
royal = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Royal).filter_by(username=call.args[0]).one_or_none)
if royal is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ Non esiste alcun account Royalnet con quel nome. Ricorda, gli username sono [b]case-sensitive[/b]!")
# Find if the user is already synced
telegram = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Telegram).filter_by(tg_id=user.id).one_or_none)
if telegram is None:
# Create a Telegram to connect to the Royal
# Avatar is WIP
telegram = call.alchemy.Telegram(royal=royal,
await call.reply(f"✅ Connessione completata: {str(royal)}{str(telegram)}")
# Update the Telegram data
telegram.first_name = user.first_name
telegram.last_name = user.last_name
telegram.username = user.username
await call.reply(f"✅ Connessione aggiornata: {str(royal)}{str(telegram)}")
# Commit the session
await asyncify(call.session.commit)
async def discord(cls, call: Call):
message: Message = call.kwargs["message"]
user: typing.Optional[Member] = message.author
# Find the Royal
royal = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Royal).filter_by(username=call.args[0]).one_or_none)
if royal is None:
await call.reply("⚠️ Non esiste alcun account Royalnet con quel nome. Ricorda, gli username sono [b]case-sensitive[/b]!")
# Find if the user is already synced
discord = await asyncify(call.session.query(call.alchemy.Discord).filter_by(discord_id=user.id).one_or_none)
if discord is None:
# Create a Discord to connect to the Royal
discord = call.alchemy.Discord(royal=royal,
await call.reply(f"✅ Connessione completata: {str(royal)}{str(discord)}")
# Update the Discord data
discord.username = user.name
discord.discriminator = user.discriminator
discord.avatar_hash = user.avatar
await call.reply(f"✅ Connessione aggiornata: {str(royal)}{str(discord)}")
# Commit the session
await asyncify(call.session.commit)

View file

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
import asyncio
from ..utils import Command, Call, asyncify
from ..audio import YtdlInfo
class VideoinfoCommand(Command):
command_name = "videoinfo"
command_description = "Visualizza le informazioni di un video."
command_syntax = "(url)"
async def common(cls, call: Call):
url = call.args[0]
info_list = await asyncify(YtdlInfo.retrieve_for_url, url)
for info in info_list:
info_dict = info.__dict__
message = f"🔍 Dati di [b]{info}[/b]:\n"
for key in info_dict:
# Skip description
if key == "description":
# Skip formats
if key == "formats":
if key == "requested_formats":
# Skip subtitles
if key == "subtitles":
# Skip empty keys
if info_dict[key] is None:
message += f"[c]{key}[/c]: {info_dict[key]}\n"
await call.reply(message)
await asyncio.sleep(0.2)