# Royal Bot the Third [![Build Status](https://travis-ci.org/Steffo99/royal-bot-the-third.svg?branch=master)](https://travis-ci.org/Steffo99/royal-bot-the-third) A _(not yet)_ modular multiservice bot written in **Python 3.6**! Development has just started, so it isn't ready yet for use. ## Dependencies To install the dependencies (on Linux) you need to install `python3.6-dev` and `libffi-dev`. - `aiohttp` - `async_timeout` _(actually, not anymore, even in it will be reintroduced soon)_ - `sqlalchemy` to access the Royal Games database - `markovify` for the /markov command - `discord.py[voice]` to connect to Discord - `bcrypt` to encrypt passwords in the database