
Various bot interfaces, and a generic class to create new ones.

class royalnet.bots.TelegramBot(*, telegram_config: royalnet.bots.telegram.TelegramConfig, royalnet_config: Optional[] = None, database_config: Optional[royalnet.database.databaseconfig.DatabaseConfig] = None, command_prefix: str = '/', commands: List[Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command]] = None, missing_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command] = <class 'royalnet.commands.null.NullCommand'>, error_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command] = <class 'royalnet.commands.null.NullCommand'>)

A bot that connects to Telegram.

_call_factory() → Type[]

Create the TelegramCall class, representing a command call. It should inherit from royalnet.utils.Call.


The created TelegramCall class.

_handle_update(update: telegram.update.Update)

Create the telegram.Bot, and set the starting offset.


Generate a string to be pasted in the “Edit Commands” BotFather prompt.

interface_name = 'telegram'

A blocking coroutine that should make the bot start listening to commands and requests.

class royalnet.bots.TelegramConfig(token: str)

The specific configuration to be used for royalnet.database.TelegramBot.

class royalnet.bots.DiscordBot(*, discord_config: royalnet.bots.discord.DiscordConfig, royalnet_config: Optional[] = None, database_config: Optional[royalnet.database.databaseconfig.DatabaseConfig] = None, command_prefix: str = '!', commands: List[Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command]] = None, missing_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command] = <class 'royalnet.commands.null.NullCommand'>, error_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command] = <class 'royalnet.commands.null.NullCommand'>)

A bot that connects to Discord.

_bot_factory() → Type[discord.client.Client]

Create a custom DiscordClient class inheriting from discord.Client.

_call_factory() → Type[]

Create the TelegramCall class, representing a command call. It should inherit from royalnet.utils.Call.


The created TelegramCall class.


Create an instance of the DiscordClient class created in royalnet.bots.DiscordBot._bot_factory().


Initialize the variables needed for the connection to voice chat.

add_to_music_data(dfiles: List[], guild: discord.guild.Guild)

Add a list of to the corresponding music_data object.

advance_music_data(guild: discord.guild.Guild)

Try to play the next song, while it exists. Otherwise, just return.

interface_name = 'discord'

Login to Discord, then run the bot.


Change the bot’s presence (using discord.Client.change_presence()) to match the current listening status.

If multiple guilds are using the bot, the bot will always have an empty presence.

class royalnet.bots.DiscordConfig(token: str)

The specific configuration to be used for royalnet.bots.DiscordBot.

class royalnet.bots.GenericBot(*, royalnet_config: Optional[] = None, database_config: Optional[royalnet.database.databaseconfig.DatabaseConfig] = None, command_prefix: str, commands: List[Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command]] = None, missing_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command] = <class 'royalnet.commands.null.NullCommand'>, error_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command] = <class 'royalnet.commands.null.NullCommand'>, loop: = None)

A generic bot class, to be used as base for the other more specific classes, such as royalnet.bots.TelegramBot and royalnet.bots.DiscordBot.

_call_factory() → Type[]

Create the TelegramCall class, representing a command call. It should inherit from royalnet.utils.Call.


The created TelegramCall class.

_init_commands(command_prefix: str, commands: List[Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command]], missing_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command], error_command: Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command]) → None

Generate the commands dictionary required to handle incoming messages, and the network_handlers dictionary required to handle incoming requests.

_init_database(commands: List[Type[royalnet.utils.command.Command]], database_config: royalnet.database.databaseconfig.DatabaseConfig)

Create an royalnet.database.Alchemy with the tables required by the commands. Then, find the chain that links the master_table to the identity_table.


Create a, and run it as a asyncio.Task.

_network_handler(request_dict: dict) → dict

Handle a single dict received from the


Another dict, formatted as a

call(command_name: str, channel, parameters: List[str] = None, **kwargs)

Call the command with the specified name.

If it doesn’t exist, call self.missing_command.

If an exception is raised during the execution of the command, call self.error_command.

interface_name = NotImplemented

A blocking coroutine that should make the bot start listening to commands and requests.