import datetime import random import typing import db import errors import stagismo # python-telegram-bot has a different name # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from telegram import Bot, Update, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton # noinspection PyPackageRequirements from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler import dice import sys import os import cast import re import logging import configparser import markovify import raven import coloredlogs # Markov model try: with open("markovmodel.json") as file: model = markovify.Text.from_json( except Exception: model = None logging.getLogger().disabled = True logger = logging.getLogger(__name__) os.environ["COLOREDLOGS_LOG_FORMAT"] = "%(asctime)s %(levelname)s %(name)s %(message)s" coloredlogs.install(level="DEBUG", logger=logger) # Init the config reader config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") discord_connection = None # Init the Sentry client sentry = raven.Client(config["Sentry"]["token"], release=raven.fetch_git_sha(os.path.dirname(__file__)), install_logging_hook=False, hook_libraries=[]) def catch_and_report(func: "function"): def new_func(bot: Bot, update: Update): # noinspection PyBroadException try: return func(bot, update) except Exception: logger.error(f"Critical error: {sys.exc_info()}") # noinspection PyBroadException try: bot.send_message(int(config["Telegram"]["main_group"]), "☢ **ERRORE CRITICO!** \n" f"Il bot ha ignorato il comando.\n" f"Una segnalazione di errore è stata automaticamente mandata a @Steffo.\n\n" f"Dettagli dell'errore:\n" f"```\n" f"{sys.exc_info()}\n" f"```", parse_mode="Markdown") except Exception: logger.error(f"Double critical error: {sys.exc_info()}") if not __debug__: sentry.user_context({ "id":, "telegram": { "username": update.effective_user.username, "first_name": update.effective_user.first_name, "last_name": update.effective_user.last_name } }) sentry.extra_context({ "update": update.to_dict() }) sentry.captureException() return new_func @catch_and_report def cmd_ping(bot: Bot, update: Update): bot.send_message(, "🏓 Pong!") @catch_and_report def cmd_register(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: username = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Non hai specificato un username!") session.close() return try: t = db.Telegram.create(session, royal_username=username, telegram_user=update.message.from_user) except errors.AlreadyExistingError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram è già collegato a un account RYG o" " l'account RYG che hai specificato è già collegato a un account" " Telegram.") session.close() return session.add(t) session.commit() bot.send_message(, "✅ Sincronizzazione completata!") session.close() @catch_and_report def cmd_discord(bot: Bot, update: Update): if discord_connection is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il bot non è collegato a Discord al momento.") return # dirty hack as usual if update.message.text.endswith("full"): discord_connection.send("get cv full") else: discord_connection.send("get cv") message = discord_connection.recv() bot.send_message(, message, disable_web_page_preview=True, parse_mode="HTML") @catch_and_report def cmd_cast(bot: Bot, update: Update): try: spell: str = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Non hai specificato nessun incantesimo!\n" "Sintassi corretta: `/cast `", parse_mode="Markdown") return # Open a new db session session = db.Session() # Find a target for the spell target = random.sample(session.query(db.Telegram).all(), 1)[0] # Close the session session.close() # END bot.send_message(, cast.cast(spell_name=spell, target_name=target.username if target.username is not None else target.first_name, platform="telegram"), parse_mode="HTML") @catch_and_report def cmd_color(bot: Bot, update: Update): bot.send_message(, "I am sorry, unknown error occured during working with your request," " Admin were notified") @catch_and_report def cmd_smecds(bot: Bot, update: Update): ds = random.sample(stagismo.listona, 1)[0] bot.send_message(, f"Secondo me, è colpa {ds}.") @catch_and_report def cmd_ciaoruozi(bot: Bot, update: Update): if update.message.from_user.username.lstrip("@") == "MeStakes": bot.send_message(, "Ciao me!") else: bot.send_message(, "Ciao Ruozi!") @catch_and_report def cmd_ahnonlosoio(bot: Bot, update: Update): if update.message.reply_to_message is not None and update.message.reply_to_message.text in [ "/ahnonlosoio", "/ahnonlosoio@royalgamesbot", "Ah, non lo so io!", "Ah, non lo so neppure io!" ]: bot.send_message(, "Ah, non lo so neppure io!") else: bot.send_message(, "Ah, non lo so io!") @catch_and_report def cmd_balurage(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb!\n\n" "Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.", parse_mode="Markdown") return try: reason = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: reason = None br = db.BaluRage(royal_id=user.royal_id, reason=reason) session.add(br) session.commit() bot.send_message(, f"😡 Stai sfogando la tua ira sul bot!") except Exception: raise finally: session.close() @catch_and_report def cmd_diario(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb!" " Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.", parse_mode="Markdown") return try: text = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] author = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( saver = author except IndexError: if update.message.reply_to_message is None: bot.send_message(, f"⚠ Non hai specificato cosa aggiungere al diario!\n\n" f"Puoi rispondere `/diario@royalgamesbot` al messaggio che vuoi salvare nel diario" f" oppure scrivere `/diario@royalgamesbot `" f" per aggiungere quel messaggio nel diario.", parse_mode="Markdown") return text = update.message.reply_to_message.text author = session.query(db.Telegram)\ .filter_by(\ .one_or_none() saver = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if text is None: bot.send_message(, f"⚠ Il messaggio a cui hai risposto non contiene testo.") return diario = db.Diario(, saver=saver, author=author, text=text) session.add(diario) session.commit() bot.send_message(, f"✅ Riga [#{}]({}) aggiunta al diario!", parse_mode="Markdown", disable_web_page_preview=True) except Exception: raise finally: session.close() @catch_and_report def cmd_vote(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb!" " Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.", parse_mode="Markdown") return try: _, mode, question = update.message.text.split(" ", 2) except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non hai specificato tutti i parametri necessari!" "Sintassi: `/vote@royalgamesbot `", parse_mode="Markdown") return if mode == "public": vote = db.VoteQuestion(question=question, anonymous=False) elif mode == "secret": vote = db.VoteQuestion(question=question, anonymous=True) else: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non hai specificato una modalità valida!" "Sintassi: `/vote@royalgamesbot `", parse_mode="Markdown") return session.add(vote) session.flush() inline_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton("🔵 Sì", callback_data="vote_yes")], [InlineKeyboardButton("🔴 No", callback_data="vote_no")], [InlineKeyboardButton("⚫️ Astieniti", callback_data="vote_abstain")]]) message = bot.send_message(, vote.generate_text(session=session), reply_markup=inline_keyboard, parse_mode="HTML") vote.message_id = message.message_id session.commit() except Exception: raise finally: session.close() @catch_and_report def on_callback_query(bot: Bot, update: Update): if == "vote_yes": choice = db.VoteChoices.YES emoji = "🔵" elif == "vote_no": choice = db.VoteChoices.NO emoji = "🔴" elif == "vote_abstain": choice = db.VoteChoices.ABSTAIN emoji = "⚫️" else: raise NotImplementedError() if"vote_"): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.answer_callback_query(, show_alert=True, text="⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb!" " Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.", parse_mode="Markdown") return question = session.query(db.VoteQuestion)\ .filter_by(message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id)\ .one() answer = session.query(db.VoteAnswer).filter_by(question=question, user=user).one_or_none() if answer is None: answer = db.VoteAnswer(question=question, choice=choice, user=user) session.add(answer) bot.answer_callback_query(, text=f"Hai votato {emoji}.", cache_time=1) elif answer.choice == choice: session.delete(answer) bot.answer_callback_query(, text=f"Hai ritratto il tuo voto.", cache_time=1) else: answer.choice = choice bot.answer_callback_query(, text=f"Hai cambiato il tuo voto in {emoji}.", cache_time=1) session.commit() inline_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton("🔵 Sì", callback_data="vote_yes")], [InlineKeyboardButton("🔴 No", callback_data="vote_no")], [InlineKeyboardButton("⚫️ Astieniti", callback_data="vote_abstain")]]) bot.edit_message_text(message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id,, text=question.generate_text(session), reply_markup=inline_keyboard, parse_mode="HTML") except Exception: raise finally: session.close() @catch_and_report def cmd_eat(bot: Bot, update: Update): try: food: str = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1].capitalize() except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Non hai specificato cosa mangiare!\n" "Sintassi corretta: `/eat `", parse_mode="Markdown") return if "tonnuooooooro" in food.lower(): bot.send_message(, "👻 Il pesce che hai mangiato era posseduto.\n" "Spooky!") return bot.send_message(, f"🍗 Hai mangiato {food}!") @catch_and_report def cmd_ship(bot: Bot, update: Update): try: _, name_one, name_two = update.message.text.split(" ", 2) except ValueError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Non hai specificato correttamente i due nomi!\n" "Sintassi corretta: `/ship `", parse_mode="Markdown") return name_one = name_one.lower() name_two = name_two.lower() part_one ="^[A-Za-z][^aeiouAEIOU]*[aeiouAEIOU]?", name_one) part_two ="[^aeiouAEIOU]*[aeiouAEIOU]?[A-Za-z]$", name_two) try: mixed = + except Exception: bot.send_message(, "⚠ I nomi specificati non sono validi.\n" "Riprova con dei nomi diversi!") return if part_one is None or part_two is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ I nomi specificati non sono validi.\n" "Riprova con dei nomi diversi!") return bot.send_message(, f"💕 {name_one.capitalize()} + {name_two.capitalize()} =" f" {mixed.capitalize()}") @catch_and_report def cmd_profile(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( session.close() if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non sei connesso a Royalnet!\n" "Per registrarti, utilizza il comando /register.") return bot.send_message(, f"👤 [Profilo di {user.royal.username}]" f"({user.royal.username})\n" f"Attualmente, hai **{user.royal.fiorygi}** fiorygi.", parse_mode="Markdown") @catch_and_report def cmd_bridge(bot: Bot, update: Update): try: data = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non hai specificato un comando!\n" "Sintassi corretta: `/bridge `", parse_mode="Markdown") return discord_connection.send(f"!{data}") result = discord_connection.recv() if result == "error": bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il comando specificato non esiste.") if result == "success": bot.send_message(, "⏩ Comando eseguito su Discord.") def parse_timestring(timestring: str) -> typing.Union[datetime.timedelta, datetime.datetime]: # Unix time try: unix_timestamp = float(timestring) return datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(unix_timestamp) except ValueError: pass # Dashed time try: split_date = timestring.split("-") now = if len(split_date) == 5: # yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm return datetime.datetime(year=int(split_date[0]), month=int(split_date[1]), day=int(split_date[2]), hour=int(split_date[3]), minute=int(split_date[4])) elif len(split_date) == 4: return now.replace(month=int(split_date[0]), day=int(split_date[1]), hour=int(split_date[2]), minute=int(split_date[3])) elif len(split_date) == 3: return now.replace(day=int(split_date[0]), hour=int(split_date[1]), minute=int(split_date[2])) elif len(split_date) == 2: return now.replace(hour=int(split_date[0]), minute=int(split_date[1])) except (IndexError, ValueError): pass # Simple time from now try: if timestring.endswith("w"): return datetime.timedelta(weeks=float(timestring[:-1])) elif timestring.endswith("d"): return datetime.timedelta(days=float(timestring[:-1])) elif timestring.endswith("h"): return datetime.timedelta(hours=float(timestring[:-1])) elif timestring.endswith("m"): return datetime.timedelta(minutes=float(timestring[:-1])) except Exception: pass # Nothing found raise ValueError("Nothing was found.") @catch_and_report def cmd_newevent(bot: Bot, update: Update): try: _, timestring, name_desc = update.message.text.split(" ", 2) except ValueError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n" "Sintassi corretta:\n" "```/newevent \n" "[descrizione]```", parse_mode="Markdown") return try: name, description = name_desc.split("\n", 1) except ValueError: name = name_desc description = None # Parse the timestring try: parsed_time = parse_timestring(timestring) if parsed_time < raise errors.PastDateError() except ValueError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non è stato possibile leggere la data.\n" "Sintassi corretta:\n" "```/newevent \n" "[descrizione]```", parse_mode="Markdown") return except errors.PastDateError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ La data inserita è una data passata.\n" "per favore inserisci una data futura.\n", parse_mode="Markdown") return # Create the event session = db.Session() telegram_user = session.query(db.Telegram)\ .filter_by(\ .join(db.Royal)\ .one_or_none() event = db.Event(author=telegram_user.royal, name=name, description=description, time=datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(0)) # Set the time if isinstance(parsed_time, datetime.datetime): event.time = parsed_time else: event.time_left = parsed_time # Save the event session.add(event) session.commit() session.close() bot.send_message(, "✅ Evento aggiunto al Calendario Royal Games!") @catch_and_report def cmd_calendar(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() next_events = session.query(db.Event).filter(db.Event.time > session.close() msg = "📆 Prossimi eventi\n" for event in next_events: if event.time_left.days >= 1: msg += event.time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M') else: msg += f"{int(event.time_left.total_seconds() // 3600)}h" \ f" {int((event.time_left.total_seconds() % 3600) // 60)}m" msg += f" {}\n" msg += '\nPer ulteriori dettagli, visita Royalnet' bot.send_message(, msg, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=True) @catch_and_report def cmd_markov(bot: Bot, update: Update): if model is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Il modello Markov non è disponibile.") return try: _, first_word = update.message.text.split(" ", 1) except ValueError: sentence = model.make_sentence(tries=1000) if sentence is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Complimenti! Hai vinto la lotteria di Markov!\n" "O forse l'hai persa.\n" "Non sono riuscito a generare una frase, riprova.") return bot.send_message(, sentence) else: sentence = model.make_sentence_with_start(first_word, tries=1000) if sentence is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non è stato possibile generare frasi partendo da questa" " parola.") return bot.send_message(, sentence) @catch_and_report def cmd_roll(bot: Bot, update: Update): dice_string = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] try: result = dice.roll(f"{dice_string}t") except dice.DiceBaseException: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tiro dei dadi è fallito. Controlla la sintassi!") return bot.send_message(, f"🎲 {result}") def process(arg_discord_connection): if arg_discord_connection is not None: global discord_connection discord_connection = arg_discord_connection"Creating updater...") u = Updater(config["Telegram"]["bot_token"])"Registering handlers...") u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ping", cmd_ping)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("register", cmd_register)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("discord", cmd_discord)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("cv", cmd_discord)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("cast", cmd_cast)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("color", cmd_color)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("smecds", cmd_smecds)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ciaoruozi", cmd_ciaoruozi)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ahnonlosoio", cmd_ahnonlosoio)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("balurage", cmd_balurage)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("diario", cmd_diario)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("spaggia", cmd_diario)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("vote", cmd_vote)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("eat", cmd_eat)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ship", cmd_ship)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("profile", cmd_profile)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("bridge", cmd_bridge)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("newevent", cmd_newevent)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("calendar", cmd_calendar)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("markov", cmd_markov)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("roll", cmd_roll)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("r", cmd_roll)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(on_callback_query))"Handlers registered.") u.start_polling()"Polling started.") u.idle() if __name__ == "__main__": process(None)