# royalbot A Telegram bot for our private gaming community. Also, the worst code I've ever written. ## Features * Fun messages for the chat! * Check who's online on Steam and what game they are playing! * Check Discord server status * Display the latest osu score of a specified user * Display the current League of Legends free rotation * Create a public daily journal ## Installation Create a `lastid.txt` file with the latest update_id received by the telegram bot. Create an empty `diario.txt` file. Create a `hearthstoneapi.txt` file containing the Mashape API key to access the [Hearthstone Unofficial API](https://market.mashape.com/omgvamp/hearthstone). Create a `osuapi.txt` file containing the [Osu API key](https://osu.ppy.sh/p/API). Create a `lolapi.txt` file containing the [Riot Games API key](https://developer.riotgames.com/). Create a `steamapi.txt` file containing the [Steam API key](http://steamcommunity.com/dev/apikey). Create a `telegramapi.txt` file containing the token you received from [@BotFather](http://telegram.me/botfather).