import asyncio loop = asyncio.get_event_loop() import aiohttp import async_timeout import datetime class TelegramAPIError(Exception): pass class UpdateError(Exception): pass class Bot: def __init__(self, token): self.token = token self.user_data = None self.updates = list() self.chats = list() self.commands = dict() self.offset = 0 # Update user_data loop.create_task(self.update_bot_data()) def __repr__(self): return f"" def __hash__(self): return hash(self.token) async def update_bot_data(self): """Update self.user_data with the latest information from /getMe.""" data = await self.api_request("getMe") self.user_data = User(data) async def get_updates(self): """Get the latest updates from the Telegram API with /getUpdates.""" try: data = await self.api_request("getUpdates", offset=self.offset, timeout=300) except asyncio.TimeoutError: return for update in data: try: self.updates.append(Update(update)) except NotImplementedError: pass if len(data) > 0: self.offset = self.updates[-1].update_id + 1 async def parse_update(self): """Parse the first update in the list.""" update = self.updates[0] if not in self.chats: self.chats.append( chat = self.find_chat( if update.message.sent_from not in chat.users: chat.users.append(update.message.sent_from) if not update.message.edited: chat.messages.append(update.message) else: try: i = chat.messages.index(chat.find_message(update.message.msg_id)) except ValueError: pass else: chat.messages[i] = update.message del self.updates[0] def find_chat(self, chat_id): for chat in self.chats: if chat.chat_id == chat_id: return chat async def api_request(self, endpoint, **params): """Send a request to the Telegram API at the specified endpoint.""" # Request timeout is 10 seconds. with async_timeout.timeout(10): # Create a new session for each request. async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as session: # Send the request to the Telegram API token = self.token async with session.request("GET", f"{token}/{endpoint}", params=params) as response: # Check for errors in the request if response.status != 200: raise TelegramAPIError(f"Request returned {response.status} {response.reason}") # Parse the json data as soon it's ready data = await response.json() # Check for errors in the response if not data["ok"]: error = data["description"] raise TelegramAPIError(f"Response returned an error: {error}") # Return a dictionary containing the data return data["result"] class Update: def __init__(self, upd_dict): self.update_id = upd_dict["update_id"] if "message" in upd_dict: self.message = Message(upd_dict["message"]) elif "edited_message" in upd_dict: self.message = Message(upd_dict["edited_message"], edited=True) elif "channel_post" in upd_dict: self.message = Message(upd_dict["channel_post"]) elif "edited_channel_post" in upd_dict: self.message = Message(upd_dict["edited_channel_post"], edited=True) else: raise NotImplementedError("No inline support yet.") class Chat: def __init__(self, chat_dict): self.chat_id = chat_dict["id"] self.type = chat_dict["type"] self.users = list() self.admins = list() self.messages = list() self.chat_photo = None if self.type == "private": self.first_name = chat_dict["first_name"] if "last_name" in chat_dict: self.last_name = chat_dict["last_name"] else: self.last_name = None if "username" in chat_dict: self.username = chat_dict["username"] else: self.username = None self.title = f"{self.first_name} {self.last_name}" self.everyone_is_admin = True elif self.type == "group" or self.type == "supergroup" or self.type == "channel": self.first_name = None self.last_name = None if self.type == "supergroup" or self.type == "channel": self.everyone_is_admin = False if "username" in chat_dict: self.username = chat_dict["username"] else: self.username = None else: self.everyone_is_admin = chat_dict["all_members_are_administrators"] self.username = None self.title = chat_dict["title"] else: raise UpdateError(f"Unknown message type: {self.type}") def __repr__(self): return f"<{self.type} Chat {self.title}>" def __hash__(self): return self.chat_id def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, Chat): return self.chat_id == other.chat_id else: TypeError("Can't compare Chat to a different object.") def find_message(self, msg_id): for msg in self.messages: if msg.msg_id == msg_id: return msg class User: def __init__(self, user_dict): self.user_id = user_dict["id"] self.first_name = user_dict["first_name"] if "last_name" in user_dict: self.last_name = user_dict["last_name"] else: self.last_name = None if "username" in user_dict: self.username = user_dict["username"] else: self.username = None def __repr__(self): if self.username is not None: return f"" else: return f"" def __hash__(self): return self.user_id def __eq__(self, other): if isinstance(other, User): return self.user_id == other.user_id else: TypeError("Can't compare User to a different object.") class Message: def __init__(self, msg_dict, edited=False): self.msg_id = msg_dict["message_id"] = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(msg_dict["date"]) = Chat(msg_dict["chat"]) self.edited = edited if "from" in msg_dict: self.sent_from = User(msg_dict["from"]) else: self.sent_from = None self.forwarded = "forward_date" in msg_dict if self.forwarded: if "forward_from" in msg_dict: self.original_sender = User(msg_dict["forward_from"]) elif "forward_from_chat" in msg_dict: self.original_sender = Chat(msg_dict["forward_from_chat"]) # TODO: Add forward_from_message_id if "reply_to_message" in msg_dict: self.is_reply_to = Message(msg_dict["reply_to_message"]) else: self.is_reply_to = None if "text" in msg_dict: self.content = msg_dict["text"] # TODO: Check for MessageEntities elif "audio" in msg_dict: self.content = Audio(msg_dict["audio"]) elif "document" in msg_dict: self.content = Document(msg_dict["document"]) elif "game" in msg_dict: self.content = Game(msg_dict["game"]) elif "photo" in msg_dict: self.content = Photo(msg_dict["photo"]) elif "sticker" in msg_dict: self.content = Sticker(msg_dict["sticker"]) elif "video" in msg_dict: self.content = Video(msg_dict["video"]) elif "voice" in msg_dict: self.content = Voice(msg_dict["voice"]) elif "contact" in msg_dict: self.content = Contact(msg_dict["contact"]) elif "location" in msg_dict: self.content = Location(msg_dict["location"]) elif "venue" in msg_dict: self.content = Venue(msg_dict["venue"]) elif "new_chat_member" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("new_chat_member", User(msg_dict["new_chat_member"])) elif "left_chat_member" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("left_chat_member", User(msg_dict["left_chat_member"])) elif "new_chat_title" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("new_chat_title", msg_dict["new_chat_title"]) elif "new_chat_photo" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("new_chat_photo", Photo(msg_dict["new_chat_photo"])) elif "delete_chat_photo" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("delete_chat_photo") elif "group_chat_created" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("group_chat_created") elif "supergroup_chat_created" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("supergroup_chat_created") elif "channel_chat_created" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("channel_chat_created") elif "migrate_to_chat_id" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("migrate_to_chat_id", msg_dict["migrate_to_chat_id"]) elif "migrate_from_chat_id" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("migrate_from_chat_id", msg_dict["migrate_from_chat_id"]) elif "pinned_message" in msg_dict: self.content = ServiceMessage("pinned_message", Message(msg_dict["pinned_message"])) else: raise UpdateError("Message doesn't contain anything.") def __repr__(self): if isinstance(self.content, str): return f"" else: return f"" class ServiceMessage: def __init__(self, msg_type, extra=None): self.type = msg_type self.content = extra class Audio: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Document: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Game: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Photo: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Sticker: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Video: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Voice: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Contact: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Location: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") class Venue: def __init__(self, init_dict): raise NotImplementedError("Not yet.") b = Bot("infopz pls non sono così stupido") while True: loop.run_until_complete(b.get_updates()) while len(b.updates) > 0: loop.create_task(b.parse_update()) print("Completed.")