# Imports go here! from .roll import RollCommand from .dice import DiceCommand from .dndactive import DndactiveCommand from .dndinfo import DndinfoCommand from .dndnew import DndnewCommand from .dndedit import DndeditCommand from .dndroll import DndrollCommand from .dnditem import DnditemCommand from .dndspell import DndspellCommand from .testhealth import TesthealthCommand from .testfaction import TestfactionCommand # Enter the commands of your Pack here! available_commands = [ RollCommand, DiceCommand, DndactiveCommand, DndinfoCommand, DndnewCommand, DndeditCommand, DndrollCommand, DnditemCommand, DndspellCommand, TesthealthCommand, TestfactionCommand, ] # Don't change this, it should automatically generate __all__ __all__ = [command.__name__ for command in available_commands]