a curse.

a curse lies in waiting for the night of the dead.
you and your friends are in danger.
stop it before it activates.

i'm willing to help you.
you will have to perform a ritual.
here are the steps.

you can perform them in any order, except for the final step.
i'll reveal that when all others are complete, just to be safe.
{% for quest in g.event_progress %}
{% if quest %} {% else %} {% endif %}
{% if loop.index == 1 %} {# hecarim o chaos knight #}

unleash the horsemen

you'll need the help of the horsemen of the apocalypse to dispel the curse.
lead Chaos to victory in the battle of the ancients, or the War from the shadow isles to victory on the rift, and you'll gain their support.
{% elif loop.index == 2 %} {# la zucca di balu e max #}

carve the ritual pumpkin

prepare a pumpkin, and empty its inside.
carve something on its exterior then put a light inside of it.
when dusk has come, take a picture, and post it to the owl captain.
{% elif loop.index == 3 %} {# https://osu.ppy.sh/beatmapsets/385#osu/2038 #}

circle the sound

find the 2038th sound of halloween.
then, follow the circle pattern.

it is rather dashing, isn't it?
{% elif loop.index == 4 %}

uproot the evil

listen to the sounds in here.
do you hear the evil that stole your voice?
answer it.
{% elif loop.index == 5 %}

remove the ghosts

during the ritual something strange might happen.
in that case, the ghosts probably will be to blame.
to be safe, i would remove them...

who should you call?
{% elif loop.index == 6 %}

conquer the mansion

a mansion has appeared.
prove yourself worthy, and find the words hidden deep inside.
only then i can trust you to completely perform the ritual.
{% elif loop.index == 7 %}

{% endif %}
{% endfor %}