import datetime import random import math import db import errors import stagismo from telegram import Bot, Update, InlineKeyboardMarkup, InlineKeyboardButton from telegram.ext import Updater, CommandHandler, CallbackQueryHandler import telegram.error from discord import Status as DiscordStatus import subprocess import os import time # Init the config reader import configparser config = configparser.ConfigParser()"config.ini") discord_connection = None # Find the latest git tag if __debug__: version = "Dev" else: # Find the latest git tag old_wd = os.getcwd() try: os.chdir(os.path.dirname(__file__)) version = str(subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags"]), encoding="utf8").strip() except Exception: version = "❓" finally: os.chdir(old_wd) def cmd_register(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: username = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Non hai specificato un username!") session.close() return try: t = db.Telegram.create(session, royal_username=username, telegram_user=update.message.from_user) except errors.AlreadyExistingError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram è già collegato a un account RYG o l'account RYG che hai specificato è già collegato a un account Telegram.") session.close() return session.add(t) session.commit() bot.send_message(, "✅ Sincronizzazione completata!") session.close() def cmd_discord(bot: Bot, update: Update): if discord_connection is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il bot non è sincronizzato con Discord al momento.") return discord_connection.send("/cv") server_members = discord_connection.recv() channels = {0:None} members_in_channels = {0:[]} message = "" # Find all the channels for member in server_members: if member.voice.voice_channel is not None: channel = members_in_channels.get( if channel is None: members_in_channels[] = list() channel = members_in_channels[] channels[] = member.voice.voice_channel channel.append(member) else: members_in_channels[0].append(member) # Edit the message, sorted by channel for channel in channels: members_in_channels[channel].sort(key=lambda x: x.nick if x.nick is not None else if channel == 0: message += "Non in chat vocale:\n" else: message += f"In #{channels[channel].name}:\n" for member in members_in_channels[channel]: if member.status == DiscordStatus.offline and member.voice.voice_channel is None: continue # Online status emoji if message += "🤖 " elif member.status == message += "🔵 " elif member.status == DiscordStatus.idle: message += "⚫️ " elif member.status == DiscordStatus.dnd: message += "🔴 " elif member.status == DiscordStatus.offline: message += "⚪️ " # Voice if channel != 0: # Voice status if member.voice.self_deaf: message += f"🔇 " elif member.voice.self_mute: message += f"🔈 " else: message += f"🔊 " # Nickname if member.nick is not None: message += member.nick else: message += # Game or stream if is not None: if == 0: message += f" | 🎮 {}" elif == 1: message += f" | 📡 [{}]({})" elif == 2: message += f" | 🎧 {}" elif == 3: message += f" | 📺 {}" message += "\n" message += "\n" bot.send_message(, message, disable_web_page_preview=True) def cmd_cast(bot: Bot, update: Update): try: spell = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠️ Non hai specificato nessun incantesimo!\n" "Sintassi corretta: `/cast `") return # Open a new db session session = db.Session() # Find a target for the spell target = random.sample(session.query(db.Telegram).all(), 1)[0] # Close the session session.close() # Seed the rng with the spell name # so that spells always deal the same damage random.seed(spell) dmg_dice = random.randrange(1, 11) dmg_max = random.sample([4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 20, 100], 1)[0] dmg_mod = random.randrange(math.floor(-dmg_max / 5), math.ceil(dmg_max / 5) + 1) # Reseed the rng with a random value # so that the dice roll always deals a different damage random.seed() total = dmg_mod for dice in range(0, dmg_dice): total += random.randrange(1, dmg_max + 1) bot.send_message(, f"❇️ Ho lanciato {spell} su {target.username if target.username is not None else target.first_name} per {dmg_dice}d{dmg_max}{'+' if dmg_mod > 0 else ''}{str(dmg_mod) if dmg_mod != 0 else ''}={total if total > 0 else 0} danni!") def cmd_color(bot: Bot, update: Update): bot.send_message(, "I am sorry, unknown error occured during working with your request, Admin were notified") def cmd_smecds(bot: Bot, update: Update): ds = random.sample(stagismo.listona, 1)[0] bot.send_message(, f"Secondo me, è colpa {ds}.") def cmd_ciaoruozi(bot: Bot, update: Update): if update.message.from_user.username.lstrip("@") == "MeStakes": bot.send_message(, "Ciao me!") else: bot.send_message(, "Ciao Ruozi!") def cmd_ahnonlosoio(bot: Bot, update: Update): if update.message.reply_to_message is not None and update.message.reply_to_message.text in ["/ahnonlosoio", "/ahnonlosoio@royalgamesbot", "Ah, non lo so io!"]: bot.send_message(, "Ah, non lo so neppure io!") else: bot.send_message(, "Ah, non lo so io!") def cmd_balurage(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb! Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.") return try: reason = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: reason = None br = db.BaluRage(royal_id=user.royal_id, reason=reason) session.add(br) session.commit() bot.send_message(, f"😡 Stai sfogando la tua ira sul bot!") except Exception: raise finally: session.close() def cmd_diario(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb! Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.") return try: text = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] author = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( saver = author except IndexError: if update.message.reply_to_message is None: bot.send_message(, f"⚠ Non hai specificato cosa aggiungere al diario! Puoi rispondere `/diario@royalgamesbot` al messaggio che vuoi salvare nel diario oppure scrivere `/diario@royalgamesbot ` per aggiungere quel messaggio nel diario.\n" f"Se l'hai fatto, e continua a comparire questo errore, allora Telegram è stupido e non mi vuole far vedere il messaggio a cui hai risposto.") return text = update.message.reply_to_message.text author = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( saver = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if text is None: bot.send_message(, f"⚠ Il messaggio a cui hai risposto non contiene testo.") return diario = db.Diario(, saver=saver, author=author, text=text) session.add(diario) session.commit() bot.send_message(, f"✅ Aggiunto al diario!") except Exception: raise finally: session.close() def cmd_vote(bot: Bot, update: Update): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb! Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.") return try: _, mode, question = update.message.text.split(" ", 2) except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non hai specificato tutti i parametri necessari!" "Sintassi: `/vote@royalgamesbot `") return if mode == "public": vote = db.VoteQuestion(question=question, anonymous=False) elif mode == "secret": vote = db.VoteQuestion(question=question, anonymous=True) else: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non hai specificato una modalità valida!" "Sintassi: `/vote@royalgamesbot `") return session.add(vote) session.flush() inline_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton("🔵 Sì", callback_data="vote_yes")], [InlineKeyboardButton("🔴 No", callback_data="vote_no")], [InlineKeyboardButton("⚫️ Astieniti", callback_data="vote_abstain")]]) message = bot.send_message(, vote.generate_text(session=session), reply_markup=inline_keyboard, parse_mode="HTML") vote.message_id = message.message_id session.commit() except Exception as e: raise finally: session.close() def on_callback_query(bot: Bot, update: Update): if == "vote_yes": choice = db.VoteChoices.YES emoji = "🔵" elif == "vote_no": choice = db.VoteChoices.NO emoji = "🔴" elif == "vote_abstain": choice = db.VoteChoices.ABSTAIN emoji = "⚫️" else: raise NotImplementedError() if"vote_"): session = db.Session() try: user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by( if user is None: bot.answer_callback_query(, show_alert=True, text="⚠ Il tuo account Telegram non è registrato al RYGdb! Registrati con `/register@royalgamesbot `.") return question = session.query(db.VoteQuestion).filter_by(message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id).one() answer = session.query(db.VoteAnswer).filter_by(question=question, user=user).one_or_none() if answer is None: answer = db.VoteAnswer(question=question, choice=choice, user=user) session.add(answer) else: answer.choice = choice session.commit() bot.answer_callback_query(, text=f"Hai votato {emoji}.", cache_time=1) inline_keyboard = InlineKeyboardMarkup([[InlineKeyboardButton("🔵 Sì", callback_data="vote_yes")], [InlineKeyboardButton("🔴 No", callback_data="vote_no")], [InlineKeyboardButton("⚫️ Astieniti", callback_data="vote_abstain")]]) bot.edit_message_text(message_id=update.callback_query.message.message_id,, text=question.generate_text(session), reply_markup=inline_keyboard, parse_mode="HTML") except Exception as e: raise finally: session.close() def cmd_ban(bot: Bot, update: Update): if !=, 4, 1): bot.send_message(, "⚠ Non è il giorno adatto per bannare persone!") return session = db.Session() try: last_bans = session.query(db.AprilFoolsBan).filter(db.AprilFoolsBan.datetime > ( - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5))).all() if len(last_bans) > 0: bot.send_message(, "⚠ /ban è in cooldown.\n" "Può essere usato solo 1 volta a testa ogni 5 minuti!") return try: arg = update.message.text.split(" ", 1)[1] except IndexError: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Devi specificare un bersaglio!") return target_user = session.query(db.Telegram).filter_by(username=arg).one_or_none() if target_user is None: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il bersaglio specificato non esiste nel RYGdb.\n" "Le possibilità sono due: non è un membro RYG, oppure non si è ancora registrato e va bannato manualmente.") return if int(target_user.telegram_id) == 25167391: bot.send_message(, "⚠ Il creatore della chat non può essere espulso.") return bannerino = db.AprilFoolsBan(, to_user_id=target_user.telegram_id, session.add(bannerino) session.commit() bot.kick_chat_member(, target_user.telegram_id) bot.unban_chat_member(, target_user.telegram_id) try: bot.send_message(target_user.telegram_id, "") except Exception: pass bot.send_message(, "🔨") except Exception as e: pass finally: session.close() def process(arg_discord_connection): print("Telegrambot starting...") if arg_discord_connection is not None: global discord_connection discord_connection = arg_discord_connection u = Updater(config["Telegram"]["bot_token"]) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("register", cmd_register)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("discord", cmd_discord)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("cv", cmd_discord)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("cast", cmd_cast)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("color", cmd_color)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("smecds", cmd_smecds)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ciaoruozi", cmd_ciaoruozi)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ahnonlosoio", cmd_ahnonlosoio)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("balurage", cmd_balurage)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("diario", cmd_diario)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("vote", cmd_vote)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CommandHandler("ban", cmd_ban)) u.dispatcher.add_handler(CallbackQueryHandler(on_callback_query))["Telegram"]["main_group"], f"ℹ Royal Bot {version} avviato e pronto a ricevere comandi!") while True: try: u.start_polling() u.idle() except telegram.error.TimedOut: print("Telegrambot timed out.") time.sleep(60) print("Telegrambot restarting...") if __name__ == "__main__": process(None)