from typing import * import asyncio import logging import aiohttp from royalnet.backpack import tables as rbt from royalnet.commands import * from royalnet.utils import * from sqlalchemy import or_, and_ from .abstract.linker import LinkerCommand from ..tables import Steam, Brawlhalla, BrawlhallaDuo from ..types import BrawlhallaRank, BrawlhallaMetal, BrawlhallaTier, Updatable log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BrawlhallaCommand(LinkerCommand): name: str = "brawlhalla" aliases = ["bh", "bruhalla", "bruhlalla"] description: str = "Visualizza le tue statistiche di Brawlhalla." syntax: str = "" def token(self): return self.config['brawlhalla']['token'] async def get_updatables_of_user(self, session, user: rbt.User) -> List[Brawlhalla]: return user.steam async def get_updatables(self, session) -> List[Brawlhalla]: return await asyncify(session.query(self.alchemy.get(Steam)).all) async def create(self, session, user: rbt.User, args) -> Updatable: raise InvalidInputError("Brawlhalla accounts are automatically linked from Steam.") async def update(self, session, obj, change: Callable[[str, Any], Awaitable[None]]): BrawlhallaT = self.alchemy.get(Brawlhalla) DuoT = self.alchemy.get(BrawlhallaDuo)"Updating: {obj}") async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as hcs: bh: Brawlhalla = obj.brawlhalla if bh is None: log.debug(f"Checking if player has an account...") async with hcs.get(f"{obj.steamid.as_64}&api_key={self.token()}") as response: if response.status != 200: raise ExternalError(f"Brawlhalla API /search returned {response.status}!") j = await response.json() if j == {} or j == []: log.debug("No account found.") return bh = BrawlhallaT( steam=obj, brawlhalla_id=j["brawlhalla_id"], name=j["name"] ) session.add(bh) session.flush() async with hcs.get(f"{bh.brawlhalla_id}/ranked?api_key={self.token()}") as response: if response.status != 200: raise ExternalError(f"Brawlhalla API /ranked returned {response.status}!") j = await response.json() if j == {} or j == []: log.debug("No ranked info found.") else: await self._change(session=session, obj=bh, attribute="rating_1v1", new=j["rating"]) metal_name, tier_name = j["tier"].split(" ", 1) metal = BrawlhallaMetal[metal_name.upper()] tier = BrawlhallaTier(int(tier_name)) rank = BrawlhallaRank(metal=metal, tier=tier) await self._change(session=session, obj=bh, attribute="rank_1v1", new=rank) for jduo in j.get("2v2", []): bhduo: Optional[BrawlhallaDuo] = await asyncify( session.query(DuoT) .filter( or_( and_( DuoT.id_one == jduo["brawlhalla_id_one"], DuoT.id_two == jduo["brawlhalla_id_two"] ), and_( DuoT.id_one == jduo["brawlhalla_id_two"], DuoT.id_two == jduo["brawlhalla_id_one"] ) ) ) .one_or_none ) if bhduo is None: if bh.brawlhalla_id == jduo["brawlhalla_id_one"]: otherbh: Optional[Brawlhalla] = await asyncify( session.query(BrawlhallaT).get, jduo["brawlhalla_id_two"] ) else: otherbh: Optional[Brawlhalla] = await asyncify( session.query(BrawlhallaT).get, jduo["brawlhalla_id_one"] ) if otherbh is None: continue bhduo = DuoT( one=bh, two=otherbh, ) session.add(bhduo) await self._change(session=session, obj=bhduo, attribute="rating_2v2", new=jduo["rating"]) metal_name, tier_name = jduo["tier"].split(" ", 1) metal = BrawlhallaMetal[metal_name.upper()] tier = BrawlhallaTier(int(tier_name)) rank = BrawlhallaRank(metal=metal, tier=tier) await self._change(session=session, obj=bhduo, attribute="rank_2v2", new=rank) async def on_increase(self, session, obj: Union[Brawlhalla, BrawlhallaDuo], attribute: str, old: Any, new: Any) -> None: if attribute == "rank_1v1": await self.notify(f"📈 [b]{obj.steam.user}[/b] è salito a [b]{new}[/b] ({obj.rating_1v1} MMR) in 1v1 su Brawlhalla! Congratulazioni!") elif attribute == "rank_2v2": await self.notify(f"📈 [b]{}[/b] e [b]{obj.two.steam.user}[/b] sono saliti a [b]{new}[/b] ({obj.rating_2v2} MMR) in 2v2 su Brawlhalla! Congratulazioni!") async def on_unchanged(self, session, obj: Union[Brawlhalla, BrawlhallaDuo], attribute: str, old: Any, new: Any) -> None: pass async def on_decrease(self, session, obj: Union[Brawlhalla, BrawlhallaDuo], attribute: str, old: Any, new: Any) -> None: if attribute == "rank_1v1": await self.notify(f"📉 [b]{obj.steam.user}[/b] è sceso a [b]{new}[/b] ({obj.rating_1v1} MMR) in 1v1 su Brawlhalla.") elif attribute == "rank_2v2": await self.notify(f"📉 [b]{}[/b] e [b]{obj.two.steam.user}[/b] sono scesi a [b]{new}[/b] ({obj.rating_2v2} MMR) in 2v2 su Brawlhalla.") async def on_first(self, session, obj: Union[Brawlhalla, BrawlhallaDuo], attribute: str, old: None, new: Any) -> None: if attribute == "rank_1v1": await self.notify(f"🌟 [b]{obj.steam.user}[/b] si è classificato a [b]{new}[/b] ({obj.rating_1v1} MMR) in 1v1 su Brawlhalla!") elif attribute == "rank_2v2": await self.notify(f"🌟 [b]{}[/b] e [b]{obj.two.steam.user}[/b] si sono classificati a [b]{new}[/b] ({obj.rating_2v2} MMR) in 2v2 su Brawlhalla!") async def on_reset(self, session, obj: Union[Brawlhalla, BrawlhallaDuo], attribute: str, old: Any, new: None) -> None: if attribute == "rank_1v1": await self.notify(f"⬜️ [b]{obj.steam.user}[/b] non ha più un rank su Brawlhalla.") elif attribute == "rank_2v2": await self.notify(f"⬜️ [b]{}[/b] e [b]{obj.two.steam.user}[/b] non hanno più un rank su Brawlhalla.") def describe(self, obj: Steam) -> str: bh = obj.brawlhalla string = [f"ℹ️ [b]{}[/b]", ""] if bh.rank_1v1: string.append("👤 [b]1v1[/b]") string.append(f"[b]{bh.rank_1v1}[/b] ({bh.rating_1v1} MMR)") string.append("") if len(bh.duos) != 0: string.append(f"👥 [b]2v2[/b]") for duo in sorted(bh.duos, key=lambda d: -d.rating_2v2): other = duo.other(bh) string.append(f"Con [b]{other.steam.user}[/b]: [b]{duo.rank_2v2}[/b] ({duo.rating_2v2} MMR)") if len(bh.duos) != 0: string.append("") return "\n".join(string)