import random import math import typing import strings import enum s = strings.safely_format_string class SpellType(enum.Flag): DAMAGING = HEALING = STATS = class DamageComponent: dice_type_distribution = ([4] * 7) +\ ([6] * 12) +\ ([8] * 32) +\ ([10] * 30) +\ ([12] * 12) +\ ([20] * 6) +\ ([100] * 1) all_damage_types = ["da fuoco", "da freddo", "elettrici", "sonici", "necrotici", "magici", "da acido", "divini", "nucleari", "psichici", "fisici", "puri", "da taglio", "da perforazione", "da impatto", "da caduta", "gelato", "onnipotenti", "oscuri", "di luce", "da velocità", "da cactus", "dannosi", "da radiazione", "tuamammici", "da maledizione", "pesanti", "leggeri", "immaginari", "da laser", "da neutrini", "galattici", "cerebrali", "ritardati", "ritardanti", "morali", "materiali", "energetici", "esplosivi", "energetici", "finanziari", "radianti", "sonori", "spaggiaritici", "interiori", "endocrini", "invisibili", "inesistenti", "eccellenti", "bosonici", "gellificanti", "terminali"] repeat_distribution = ([1] * 8) +\ ([2] * 1) +\ ([3] * 1) damage_types_distribution = ([1] * 6) + \ ([2] * 3) + \ ([3] * 1) def __init__(self): # ENSURE THE SEED IS ALREADY SET WHEN CREATING THIS COMPONENT!!! self.dice_number = random.randrange(1, 21) self.dice_type = random.sample(self.dice_type_distribution, 1)[0] self.constant = random.randrange(math.floor(-self.dice_type / 4), math.ceil(self.dice_type / 4) + 1) self.miss_chance = random.randrange(50, 101) self.repeat = random.sample(self.repeat_distribution, 1)[0] self.damage_types_qty = random.sample(self.damage_types_distribution, 1)[0] self.damage_types = random.sample(self.all_damage_types, self.damage_types_qty) def stringify(self) -> str: string = "" if self.constant > 0: constant = "+" + str(self.constant) elif self.constant == 0: constant = "" else: constant = str(self.constant) string += s(strings.SPELL.DAMAGE, words={"number": str(self.dice_number), "type": str(self.dice_type), "constant": constant}) for dmg_type in self.damage_types: string += s(strings.SPELL.TYPE, words={"type": dmg_type}) string += s(strings.SPELL.ACCURACY, words={"accuracy": str(self.miss_chance)}) if self.repeat > 1: string += s(strings.SPELL.REPEAT, words={"repeat": str(self.repeat)}) class HealingComponent: dice_type_distribution = ([4] * 12) +\ ([6] * 38) +\ ([8] * 30) +\ ([10] * 12) +\ ([12] * 6) +\ ([20] * 1) +\ ([100] * 1) def __init__(self): # ENSURE THE SEED IS ALREADY SET WHEN CREATING THIS COMPONENT!!! self.dice_number = random.randrange(1, 21) self.dice_type = random.sample(self.dice_type_distribution, 1)[0] self.constant = random.randrange(math.floor(-self.dice_type / 4), math.ceil(self.dice_type / 4) + 1) def stringify(self) -> str: string = "" if self.constant > 0: constant = "+" + str(self.constant) elif self.constant == 0: constant = "" else: constant = str(self.constant) string += s(strings.SPELL.HEALING, words={"number": str(self.dice_number), "type": str(self.dice_type), "constant": constant}) return string class StatsComponent: all_stats = ["Attacco", "Difesa", "Velocità", "Elusione", "Tenacia", "Rubavita", "Vampirismo", "Forza", "Destrezza", "Costituzione", "Intelligenza", "Saggezza", "Carisma", "Attacco Speciale", "Difesa Speciale", "Eccellenza", "Immaginazione", "Cromosomi", "Timidezza", "Sonno", "Elasticità", "Peso", "Sanità", "Appetito", "Fortuna", "Percezione", "Determinazione"] change_distribution = (["--"] * 1) +\ (["-"] * 3) +\ (["+"] * 3) +\ (["++"] * 1) multistat_distribution = ([1] * 7) +\ ([2] * 6) +\ ([3] * 4) +\ ([5] * 2) +\ ([8] * 1) def __init__(self): # ENSURE THE SEED IS ALREADY SET WHEN CREATING THIS COMPONENT!!! self.stat_changes = {} self.stat_number = random.sample(self.multistat_distribution, 1)[0] available_stats = self.all_stats.copy() for _ in range(self.stat_number): stat = random.sample(available_stats, 1)[0] available_stats.remove(stat) change = random.sample(self.change_distribution, 1)[0] self.stat_changes[stat] = change def stringify(self) -> str: string = "" for name in self.stat_changes: string += s(strings.SPELL.STAT, words={ "name": name, "change": self.stat_changes }) return string class Spell: version = "3.1" damaging_spell_chance = 0.8 healing_spell_chance = 0.8 # If not a damaging spell additional_stats_chance = 0.2 # In addition to the damage/healing def __init__(self, name: str): seed = name.capitalize() random.seed(seed) # Spell name = seed # Find the spell type self.spell_type = None if random.random() < self.damaging_spell_chance: self.spell_type = SpellType.DAMAGING elif random.random() < self.healing_spell_chance: self.spell_type = SpellType.HEALING if random.random() < self.additional_stats_chance: if self.spell_type is None: self.spell_type = SpellType.STATS else: self.spell_type |= SpellType.STATS # Damaging spells if self.spell_type & SpellType.DAMAGING: self.damage_component = DamageComponent() else: self.damage_component = None # Healing spells if self.spell_type & SpellType.HEALING: self.healing_component = HealingComponent() else: self.healing_component = None # Status spells if self.spell_type & SpellType.STATS: self.stats_component = StatsComponent() else: self.stats_component = None def stringify(self) -> str: string = s(strings.SPELL.HEADER, words={"name":, "version": self.version}) if self.spell_type & SpellType.DAMAGING: string += self.damage_component.stringify() if self.spell_type & SpellType.HEALING: string += self.healing_component.stringify() if self.spell_type & SpellType.STATS: string += self.stats_component.stringify() if self.spell_type = None string += s(strings.SPELL.NOTHING) return string