import contextlib from typing import * import datetime import re import dateparser import typing import random import enum import asyncio as aio from telegram import Message as PTBMessage from telegram import InlineKeyboardMarkup as InKM from telegram import InlineKeyboardButton as InKB from telegram.error import TelegramError import royalnet.commands as rc from royalnet.serf.telegram import escape as telegram_escape from royalnet.utils import asyncify, sleep_until, sentry_async_wrap import logging from ..tables import MMEvent, MMResponse, FiorygiTransaction from ..types import MMChoice, MMInterfaceDataTelegram class Interrupts(enum.Enum): TIME_RAN_OUT = MANUAL_START = MANUAL_DELETE = mmchoice_sorting = { MMChoice.YES: -4, MMChoice.LATE_SHORT: -3, MMChoice.LATE_MEDIUM: -2, MMChoice.LATE_LONG: -1, MMChoice.MAYBE: 0, MMChoice.NO: 1 } class MMTask: def __init__(self, mmid: int, *, command: rc.Command): log.debug(f"Creating task for: {mmid}") self.loop: aio.AbstractEventLoop = command.loop self.task: Optional[aio.Task] = None self.queue: aio.Queue = aio.Queue(loop=self.loop) self.command: rc.Command = command self.mmid: int = mmid self._session: Optional = None self._EventT: Optional[Type[MMEvent]] = None self._ResponseT: Optional[Type[MMResponse]] = None self._mmevent: Optional[MMEvent] = None @property def is_running(self): return self.task is not None def sync(self): self._session.refresh(self._mmevent) def get_response_line(self, response: MMResponse): self.sync() # noinspection PyListCreation line = [] # Emoji line.append(f"{response.choice.value}") # Mention the user if he said yes, otherwise just display his name if response.choice == MMChoice.NO: line.append(f"{response.user.telegram[0].name()}") else: line.append(f"{response.user.telegram[0].mention()}") # Late time if response.choice == MMChoice.LATE_SHORT: td = self._mmevent.datetime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=10) line.append(f"[{td.strftime('%H:%M')}]") elif response.choice == MMChoice.LATE_MEDIUM: td = self._mmevent.datetime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=30) line.append(f"[{td.strftime('%H:%M')}]") elif response.choice == MMChoice.LATE_LONG: td = self._mmevent.datetime + datetime.timedelta(minutes=60) line.append(f"[{td.strftime('%H:%M')}+]") # Creator if response.user == self._mmevent.creator: line.append("πŸ‘‘") # Result return " ".join(line) @property def channel_text(self) -> str: self.sync() # noinspection PyListCreation text = [] # First line if self._mmevent.datetime is None: text.append(f"🌐 [Prossimamente] [b]{self._mmevent.title}[/b]") else: text.append(f"🚩 [{self._mmevent.datetime.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M')}] [b]{self._mmevent.title}[/b]") # Description if self._mmevent.description: text.append(f"{self._mmevent.description}") # Spacer text.append("") # Responses responses = sorted(self._mmevent.responses, key=lambda r: mmchoice_sorting[r.choice]) for response in responses: text.append(self.get_response_line(response)) # Result return "\n".join(text) @property def start_text(self) -> str: self.sync() # noinspection PyListCreation text = [] # First line if self._mmevent.datetime is None: text.append(f"🌐 Le iscrizioni all'evento [b]{self._mmevent.title}[/b] sono terminate!") else: text.append(f"🚩 L'evento [b]{self._mmevent.title}[/b] Γ¨ iniziato!") # Description if self._mmevent.description: text.append(f"{self._mmevent.description}") # Spacer text.append("") # Responses responses = sorted(self._mmevent.responses, key=lambda r: mmchoice_sorting[r.choice]) for response in responses: text.append(self.get_response_line(response)) # Result return "\n".join(text) @property def delete_text(self) -> str: return f"πŸ—‘ L'evento [b]{self._mmevent.title}[/b] Γ¨ stato eliminato." def get_answer_callback(self, choice: MMChoice): async def callback(data: rc.CommandData): # Find the user who clicked on the button user = await data.get_author(error_if_none=True) # Get the related MMEvent mmevent: MMEvent = await asyncify(data.session.query(self._EventT).get, self.mmid) # Check if the user had already responded mmresponse: MMResponse = await asyncify( data.session.query(self._ResponseT).filter_by(user=user, mmevent=mmevent).one_or_none ) if mmresponse is None: # If they didn't respond, create a new MMResponse mmresponse = self._ResponseT(user=user, mmevent=mmevent, choice=choice) data.session.add(mmresponse) # Drop fiorygi if random.randrange(100) < self.command.config["Matchmaking"]["fiorygi_award_chance"]: await FiorygiTransaction.spawn_fiorygi(data, user, 1, "aver risposto a un matchmaking") else: # Change their response mmresponse.choice = choice await data.session_commit() await self.telegram_channel_message_update() await data.reply(f"{choice.value} Hai risposto al matchmaking!") return callback def get_delete_callback(self): async def callback(data: rc.CommandData): # Find the user who clicked on the button user = await data.get_author(error_if_none=True) # Get the related MMEvent mmevent: MMEvent = await asyncify(data.session.query(self._EventT).get, self.mmid) # Ensure the user has the required roles to start the matchmaking if user != mmevent.creator and "admin" not in user.roles: raise rc.UserError("Non hai i permessi per eliminare questo matchmaking!") # Interrupt the matchmaking with the MANUAL_DELETE reason await self.queue.put(Interrupts.MANUAL_DELETE) await data.reply(f"πŸ—‘ Evento eliminato!") return callback def get_start_callback(self): async def callback(data: rc.CommandData): # Find the user who clicked on the button user = await data.get_author(error_if_none=True) # Get the related MMEvent mmevent: MMEvent = await asyncify(data.session.query(self._EventT).get, self.mmid) # Ensure the user has the required roles to start the matchmaking if user != mmevent.creator and "admin" not in user.roles: raise rc.UserError("Non hai i permessi per eliminare questo matchmaking!") # Interrupt the matchmaking with the MANUAL_DELETE reason await self.queue.put(Interrupts.MANUAL_START) await data.reply(f"🚩 Evento avviato!") return callback @property def royalnet_keyboard(self): # noinspection PyListCreation rows = [] rows.append([ rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"{MMChoice.YES.value}", text="Ci sarΓ²!", callback=self.get_answer_callback(MMChoice.YES) ), rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"{MMChoice.MAYBE.value}", text="Forse...", callback=self.get_answer_callback(MMChoice.MAYBE) ), rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"{MMChoice.NO.value}", text="Non mi interessa.", callback=self.get_answer_callback(MMChoice.NO) ), ]) if self._mmevent.datetime is not None: rows.append([ rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"{MMChoice.LATE_SHORT.value}", text="10 min", callback=self.get_answer_callback(MMChoice.LATE_SHORT) ), rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"{MMChoice.LATE_MEDIUM.value}", text="30 min", callback=self.get_answer_callback(MMChoice.LATE_MEDIUM) ), rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"{MMChoice.LATE_LONG.value}", text="60 min", callback=self.get_answer_callback(MMChoice.LATE_LONG) ) ]) rows.append([ rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"πŸ—‘", text="Elimina", callback=self.get_delete_callback() ), rc.KeyboardKey( interface=self.command.interface, short=f"🚩", text="Inizia", callback=self.get_start_callback() ), ]) return rows @property def telegram_keyboard(self): # noinspection PyListCreation rows = [] key_id = 0 for r_row in self.royalnet_keyboard: row = [] for r_key in r_row: # Generate a unique callback string callback_str = f"mm{self.mmid}_{key_id}" # Create a InlineKeyboardButton with that callback string row.append(InKB(f"{r_key.short} {r_key.text}", callback_data=callback_str)) # Increase the key_id key_id += 1 rows.append(row) # Return the resulting InlineKeyboardMarkup return InKM(rows) def register_telegram_keyboard(self, inkm: InKM): # noinspection PyListCreation royalnet_keyboard = self.royalnet_keyboard for x, row in enumerate(inkm.inline_keyboard): for y, key in enumerate(row): key: InKB self.command.interface.serf.register_keyboard_key(key.callback_data, key=royalnet_keyboard[x][y]) def unregister_telegram_keyboard(self, inkm: InKM): for row in inkm.inline_keyboard: for key in row: key: InKB self.command.interface.serf.unregister_keyboard_key(key.callback_data) async def wait_until_due(self): """When the event is due, interrupt the MMTask with the TIME_RAN_OUT reason.""" if self._mmevent.datetime is None: return await sleep_until(self._mmevent.datetime) await self.queue.put(Interrupts.TIME_RAN_OUT) @property def telegram_channel_id(self): return self.command.config["Matchmaking"]["mm_telegram_channel_id"] @property def telegram_group_id(self): return self.command.config["Matchmaking"]["mm_telegram_group_id"] @contextlib.asynccontextmanager async def telegram_channel_message(self): # Generate the InlineKeyboardMarkup inkm = self.telegram_keyboard # Bind the Royalnet buttons to the Telegram keyboard log.debug(f"Registering keyboard for: {self.mmid}") self.register_telegram_keyboard(inkm) # If the event has no associated interface data... if self._mmevent.interface_data is None: # Send the channel message log.debug(f"Sending message for: {self.mmid}") message: PTBMessage = await self.command.interface.serf.api_call( self.command.interface.serf.client.send_message, chat_id=self.telegram_channel_id, text=telegram_escape(self.channel_text), parse_mode="HTML", disable_webpage_preview=True, reply_markup=inkm ) # Register the interface data on the database self._mmevent.interface_data = MMInterfaceDataTelegram( chat_id=self.telegram_channel_id, message_id=message.message_id ) self._session.commit() # Wait until the event starts yield # Delete the channel message log.debug(f"Deleting message for: {self.mmid}") await self.command.interface.serf.api_call( self.command.interface.serf.client.delete_message, chat_id=self._mmevent.interface_data.chat_id, message_id=self._mmevent.interface_data.message_id ) # Unregister the Telegram keyboard bindings log.debug(f"Unregistering keyboard for: {self.mmid}") self.unregister_telegram_keyboard(inkm) async def telegram_channel_message_update(self): log.debug(f"Updating message for: {self.mmid}") try: await asyncify( self.command.interface.serf.client.edit_message_text, chat_id=self._mmevent.interface_data.chat_id, text=telegram_escape(self.channel_text), message_id=self._mmevent.interface_data.message_id, parse_mode="HTML", disable_web_page_preview=True, reply_markup=self.telegram_keyboard ) except TelegramError as e: log.warning(f"TelegramError during update: {e}") async def telegram_group_message_start(self): await self.command.interface.serf.api_call( self.command.interface.serf.client.send_message, chat_id=self.telegram_group_id, text=telegram_escape(self.start_text), parse_mode="HTML", disable_webpage_preview=True ) async def telegram_group_message_delete(self): await self.command.interface.serf.api_call( self.command.interface.serf.client.send_message, chat_id=self.telegram_group_id, text=telegram_escape(self.delete_text), parse_mode="HTML", disable_webpage_preview=True ) def start(self): log.debug(f"Starting task for: {self.mmid}") self.task = self.loop.create_task( @sentry_async_wrap() async def run(self): log.debug(f"Running task for: {self.mmid}") # Create a new session for the MMTask self._session = self.command.alchemy.Session() self._EventT = self.command.alchemy.get(MMEvent) self._ResponseT = self.command.alchemy.get(MMResponse) self._mmevent: MMEvent = self._session.query(self._EventT).get(self.mmid) if self._mmevent is None: raise rc.InvalidInputError(f"No event exists with the mmid {self.mmid}.") if self._mmevent.interface != "telegram": raise rc.UnsupportedError("Currently only the Telegram interface is supported.") async with self.telegram_channel_message(): self.loop.create_task(self.wait_until_due()) # Sleep until something interrupts the task interrupt = await self.queue.get() # Mark the event as interrupted self._mmevent.interrupted = True await self._session.commit() # Send a group notification if the MMEvent wasn't deleted if interrupt != Interrupts.MANUAL_DELETE: await self.telegram_group_message_start() else: await self.telegram_group_message_delete() # Close the database session await asyncify(self._session.close) log = logging.getLogger(__name__) class MatchmakingCommand(rc.Command): name: str = "matchmaking" description: str = "Cerca persone per una partita a qualcosa!" syntax: str = "" aliases = ["mm", "lfg"] def __init__(self, interface: rc.CommandInterface): super().__init__(interface) # Find all active MMEvents and run the tasks for them session = self.alchemy.Session() # Create a new MMEvent and run it if == "telegram": MMEventT = self.alchemy.get(MMEvent) active_mmevents = ( session .query(MMEventT) .filter( MMEventT.interface ==, MMEventT.interrupted == False ) .all() ) for mmevent in active_mmevents: task = MMTask(mmevent.mmid, command=self) task.start() @staticmethod def _parse_args(args) -> Tuple[Optional[datetime.datetime], str, str]: """Parse command arguments, either using the standard syntax or the Proto syntax.""" try: timestring, title, description = args.match(r"(?:\[\s*([^]]+)\s*]\s*)?([^\n]+)\s*\n?\s*(.+)?\s*", re.DOTALL) except rc.InvalidInputError: timestring, title, description = args.match(r"(?:\s*(.+?)\s*\n\s*)?([^\n]+)\s*\n?\s*(.+)?\s*", re.DOTALL) if timestring is not None: try: dt: typing.Optional[datetime.datetime] = dateparser.parse(timestring, settings={ "PREFER_DATES_FROM": "future" }) except OverflowError: dt = None if dt is None: raise rc.InvalidInputError("La data che hai specificato non Γ¨ valida.") if dt <= raise rc.InvalidInputError("La data che hai specificato Γ¨ nel passato.") if dt - >= datetime.timedelta(days=366): raise rc.InvalidInputError("Hai specificato una data tra piΓΉ di un anno!\n" "Se volevi scrivere un'orario, ricordati che le ore sono separate da " "due punti (:) e non da punto semplice!") else: dt = None return dt, title, description async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None: """Handle a matchmaking command call.""" author = await data.get_author(error_if_none=True) # Parse the arguments, either with the standard syntax or with the Proto syntax dt, title, description = self._parse_args(args) # Add the MMEvent to the database mmevent: MMEvent = self.alchemy.get(MMEvent)(creator=author, datetime=dt, title=title, description=description, data.session.add(mmevent) await data.session_commit() # Create and run a task for the newly created MMEvent task = MMTask(mmevent.mmid, command=self) task.start() await data.reply(f"🚩 Matchmaking creato!")