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from typing import *
import asyncio
import aiohttp
import random
import uuid
import html
import royalnet.commands as rc
import royalnet.utils as ru
import royalnet.backpack.tables as rbt
from ..tables import TriviaScore
class TriviaCommand(rc.Command):
name: str = "trivia"
aliases = ["t"]
description: str = "Manda una domanda dell'OpenTDB in chat."
syntax = "[credits|scores]"
_letter_emojis = ["🇦", "🇧", "🇨", "🇩"]
_medal_emojis = ["🥇", "🥈", "🥉", "🔹"]
_correct_emoji = ""
_wrong_emoji = ""
_answer_time = 20
# _question_lock: bool = False
def __init__(self, serf, config):
super().__init__(serf, config)
self._answerers: Dict[uuid.UUID, Dict[str, bool]] = {}
async def run(self, args: rc.CommandArgs, data: rc.CommandData) -> None:
arg = args.optional(0)
async with data.session_acm() as session:
if arg == "credits":
await data.reply(f" [c]{self.serf.prefix}{self.name}[/c] di [i]Steffo[/i]\n"
f"Tutte le domande vengono dall'[b]Open Trivia Database[/b] di [i]Pixeltail Games[/i],"
f" creatori di Tower Unite, e sono rilasciate sotto la licenza [b]CC BY-SA 4.0[/b].")
elif arg == "scores":
trivia_scores = await ru.asyncify(session.query(self.alchemy.get(TriviaScore)).all)
strings = ["🏆 [b]Trivia Leaderboards[/b]\n"]
for index, ts in enumerate(sorted(trivia_scores, key=lambda ts: -ts.score)):
if index > 3:
index = 3
strings.append(f"{self._medal_emojis[index]} {ts.user.username}: [b]{ts.score:.0f}p[/b]"
f" ({ts.correct_answers}/{ts.total_answers})")
await data.reply("\n".join(strings))
# if self._question_lock:
# raise rc.CommandError("C'è già un'altra domanda attiva!")
# self._question_lock = True
# Fetch the question
async with aiohttp.ClientSession() as ws:
async with ws.get("https://opentdb.com/api.php?amount=1") as response:
j = await response.json()
# Parse the question
if j["response_code"] != 0:
raise rc.CommandError(f"OpenTDB returned an error response_code ({j['response_code']}).")
question = j["results"][0]
text = f'❓ [b]{question["category"]}[/b]\n' \
# Prepare answers
correct_answer: str = question["correct_answer"]
wrong_answers: List[str] = question["incorrect_answers"]
answers: List[str] = [correct_answer, *wrong_answers]
if question["type"] == "multiple":
elif question["type"] == "boolean":
answers.sort(key=lambda a: a)
raise NotImplementedError("Unknown question type")
# Find the correct index
for index, answer in enumerate(answers):
if answer == correct_answer:
correct_index = index
raise ValueError("correct_index not found")
# Add emojis
for index, answer in enumerate(answers):
answers[index] = f"{self._letter_emojis[index]} {html.unescape(answers[index])}"
# Create the question id
question_id = uuid.uuid4()
self._answerers[question_id] = {}
# Create the correct and wrong functions
async def correct(data: rc.CommandData):
answerer_ = await data.find_author(session=session, required=True)
self._answerers[question_id][answerer_.uid] = True
except KeyError:
raise rc.UserError("Tempo scaduto!")
await data.reply("🆗 Hai risposto alla domanda. Ora aspetta un attimo per i risultati!")
async def wrong(data: rc.CommandData):
answerer_ = await data.find_author(session=session, required=True)
self._answerers[question_id][answerer_.uid] = False
except KeyError:
raise rc.UserError("Tempo scaduto!")
await data.reply("🆗 Hai risposto alla domanda. Ora aspetta un attimo per i risultati!")
# Add question
keyboard: List[rc.KeyboardKey] = []
for index, answer in enumerate(answers):
if index == correct_index:
async with data.keyboard(text=text, keys=keyboard):
await asyncio.sleep(self._answer_time)
results = f"❗️ Tempo scaduto!\n" \
f"La risposta corretta era [b]{answers[correct_index]}[/b]!\n\n"
for answerer_id in self._answerers[question_id]:
answerer = session.query(self.alchemy.get(rbt.users.User)).get(answerer_id)
if answerer.trivia_score is None:
ts = self.alchemy.get(TriviaScore)(user=answerer)
await ru.asyncify(session.commit)
previous_score = answerer.trivia_score.score
if self._answerers[question_id][answerer_id]:
results += self._correct_emoji
answerer.trivia_score.correct_answers += 1
results += self._wrong_emoji
answerer.trivia_score.wrong_answers += 1
current_score = answerer.trivia_score.score
score_difference = current_score - previous_score
results += f" {answerer}: [b]{current_score:.0f}p[/b] ({score_difference:+.0f}p)\n"
await data.reply(results)
del self._answerers[question_id]
await ru.asyncify(session.commit)
# self._question_lock = False