Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/RYGhub/royalnet.git synced 2024-11-27 13:34:28 +00:00

730 lines
31 KiB
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import random
import re
import discord
import discord.opus
import discord.voice_client
import functools
import sys
import db
import youtube_dl
import concurrent.futures
import platform
import typing
import os
import asyncio
import configparser
import subprocess
import async_timeout
import raven
import logging
import errors
import datetime
# Queue emojis
queue_emojis = [":one:",
# Init the event loop
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
# Init the config reader
config = configparser.ConfigParser()
# Radio messages
radio_messages = ["https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3-yeK1Ck4yk"]
radio_messages_enabled = False
radio_message_in = int(config["Discord"]["radio_messages_every"])
# noinspection PyUnreachableCode
if __debug__:
version = "discord-py-rewrite"
commit_msg = "_Aggiornamento di Discordbot all'APIv6_"
# Find the latest git tag
old_wd = os.getcwd()
version = str(subprocess.check_output(["git", "describe", "--tags"]), encoding="utf8").strip()
commit_msg = str(subprocess.check_output(["git", "log", "-1", "--pretty=%B"]), encoding="utf8").strip()
except Exception:
version = ""
# FFmpeg settings
ffmpeg_settings = {}
class DurationError(Exception):
class InfoNotRetrievedError(Exception):
class FileNotDownloadedError(Exception):
class AlreadyDownloadedError(Exception):
class InvalidConfigError(Exception):
class Video:
def __init__(self, url: str=None, file: str=None, info: dict=None, enqueuer: discord.Member=None):
self.url = url
if file is None and info is None:
self.file = str(hash(url)) + ".opus"
elif info is not None:
self.file = re.sub(r'[/\\?*"<>|!:]', "_", info["title"]) + ".opus"
self.file = file
self.downloaded = False if file is None else True
self.info = info
self.enqueuer = enqueuer
def __str__(self):
if self.info is None or "title" not in self.info:
return f"`{self.file}`"
return f"_{self.info['title']}_"
def plain_text(self):
if self.info is None or "title" not in self.info:
return self.file
return self.info['title']
async def download(self, progress_hooks: typing.List["function"]=None):
# File already downloaded
if self.downloaded:
raise AlreadyDownloadedError()
# No progress hooks
if progress_hooks is None:
progress_hooks = []
# Check if under max duration
if self.info is not None and self.info.get("duration", 0) > int(config["YouTube"]["max_duration"]):
raise DurationError()
# Download the file
with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"noplaylist": True,
"format": "best",
"postprocessors": [{
"key": 'FFmpegExtractAudio',
"preferredcodec": 'opus'
"outtmpl": f"./opusfiles/{self.file}",
"progress_hooks": progress_hooks,
"quiet": True}) as ytdl:
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, functools.partial(ytdl.download, [self.url]))
self.downloaded = True
def create_player(self) -> discord.PCMVolumeTransformer:
# Check if the file has been downloaded
if not self.downloaded:
raise FileNotDownloadedError()
return discord.PCMVolumeTransformer(discord.FFmpegPCMAudio(f"./opusfiles/{self.file}", **ffmpeg_settings))
class RoyalDiscordBot(discord.Client):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
self.main_channel: typing.Optional[discord.TextChannel] = None
self.main_guild: typing.Optional[discord.Guild] = None
async def on_ready(self):
# Get the main channel
self.main_channel = self.get_channel(int(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]))
if not isinstance(self.main_channel, discord.TextChannel):
raise InvalidConfigError("The main channel is not a TextChannel!")
# Get the main guild
self.main_guild = self.get_guild(int(config["Discord"]["server_id"]))
if not isinstance(self.main_guild, discord.Guild):
raise InvalidConfigError("The main guild does not exist!")
await self.main_channel.send(f" Royal Bot avviato e pronto a ricevere comandi!\n"
f"Ultimo aggiornamento: `{version}: {commit_msg}`")
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online, activity=None)
async def on_message(self, message: discord.Message):
if message.channel != self.main_channel or message.author.bot:
"discord": {
"discord_id": message.author.id,
"name": message.author.name,
"discriminator": message.author.discriminator
if not message.content.startswith("!"):
await message.channel.send(f":warning: In questa chat sono consentiti solo comandi per il bot.\n"
f"Riinvia il tuo messaggio in un altro canale!")
await message.delete()
data = message.content.split(" ")
if data[0] not in commands:
await message.channel.send(":warning: Comando non riconosciuto.")
await commands[data[0]](channel=message.channel,
async def on_error(self, event_method, *args, **kwargs):
ei = sys.exc_info()
print("ERRORE CRITICO:\n" + repr(ei[1]) + "\n\n" + repr(ei))
await self.main_channel.send(f"☢️ **ERRORE CRITICO NELL'EVENTO** `{event_method}`\n"
f"Il bot si è chiuso e si dovrebbe riavviare entro qualche minuto.\n"
f"Una segnalazione di errore è stata automaticamente mandata a Steffo.\n\n"
f"Dettagli dell'errore:\n"
await self.change_presence(status=discord.Status.invisible)
await self.close()
except Exception as e:
print("ERRORE CRITICO PIU' CRITICO:\n" + repr(e) + "\n\n" + repr(sys.exc_info()))
async def feed_pipe(self, connection):
await self.wait_until_ready()
while True:
msg = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, connection.recv)
if msg == "get cv":
discord_members = list(self.main_guild.members)
elif msg == "stop":
await self.logout()
elif msg.startswith("!"):
data = msg.split(" ")
if data[0] not in commands:
await commands[data[0]](channel=self.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# Init the executor
executor = concurrent.futures.ThreadPoolExecutor(max_workers=3)
# Init the Sentry client
sentry = raven.Client(config["Sentry"]["token"],
def command(func):
"""Decorator. Runs the function as a Discord command."""
async def new_func(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str], *args, **kwargs):
if author is not None:
"discord_id": author.id,
"username": f"{author.name}#{author.discriminator}"
"source": "Telegram"
result = await func(channel=channel, author=author, params=params, *args, **kwargs)
except Exception:
ei = sys.exc_info()
await channel.send(f"☢ **ERRORE DURANTE L'ESECUZIONE DEL COMANDO {params[0]}**\n"
f"Il comando è stato ignorato.\n"
f"Una segnalazione di errore è stata automaticamente mandata a Steffo.\n\n"
f"Dettagli dell'errore:\n"
except Exception:
return result
return new_func
# def requires_voice_client(func):
# "Decorator. Ensures the voice client is connected before running the command."
# async def new_func(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str], *args, **kwargs):
# global voice_client
# if voice_client is None or not voice_client.is_connected():
# await client.send_message(channel,
# "⚠️ Non sono connesso alla cv!\n"
# "Fammi entrare scrivendo `!cv` mentre sei in chat vocale.")
# return
# return await func(channel=channel, author=author, params=params, *args, **kwargs)
# return new_func
def requires_rygdb(func, optional=False):
async def new_func(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str], *args, **kwargs):
session = db.Session()
dbuser = await loop.run_in_executor(executor,
await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.close)
if not optional and dbuser is None:
await channel.send("⚠️ Devi essere registrato su Royalnet per poter utilizzare questo comando.")
return await func(channel=channel, author=author, params=params, dbuser=dbuser, *args, **kwargs)
return new_func
async def cmd_ping(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
await channel.send(f"Pong!")
# @command
# async def cmd_cv(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# if author is None:
# await channel.send("⚠ Questo comando richiede un autore.")
# return
# if author.voice is None or author.voice.voice_channel is None:
# await channel.send("⚠ Non sei in nessun canale!")
# return
# if voice_client is not None and voice_client.is_connected():
# await voice_client.move_to(author.voice.voice_channel)
# else:
# voice_client = await client.join_voice_channel(author.voice.voice_channel)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Mi sono connesso in <#{author.voice.voice_channel.id}>.")
# async def add_video_from_url(url, index: typing.Optional[int]=None, enqueuer: discord.Member=None):
# # Retrieve info
# with youtube_dl.YoutubeDL({"quiet": True,
# "ignoreerrors": True,
# "simulate": True}) as ytdl:
# info = await loop.run_in_executor(executor,
# functools.partial(ytdl.extract_info, url=url, download=False))
# if info is None:
# await client.send_message(client.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# f"⚠ Non è stato trovato nessun video all'URL `{url}`,"
# f" pertanto non è stato aggiunto alla coda.")
# return
# if "entries" in info:
# # This is a playlist
# for entry in info["entries"]:
# if index is not None:
# voice_queue.insert(index, Video(url=entry["webpage_url"], info=entry, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# else:
# voice_queue.append(Video(url=entry["webpage_url"], info=entry, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# return
# # This is a single video
# if index is not None:
# voice_queue.insert(index, Video(url=url, info=info, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# else:
# voice_queue.append(Video(url=url, info=info, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# async def add_video_from_file(file, index: typing.Optional[int]=None, enqueuer: discord.Member=None):
# if index is not None:
# voice_queue.insert(index, Video(file=file, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# else:
# voice_queue.append(Video(file=file, enqueuer=enqueuer))
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_play(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# if len(params) < 2:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Non hai specificato una canzone da riprodurre!\n"
# "Sintassi: `!play <url|ricercayoutube|nomefile>`")
# return
# # If the radio messages are enabled...
# global radio_messages_enabled
# if radio_messages_enabled:
# global radio_message_in
# radio_message_in -= 1
# if radio_message_in <= 0:
# radio_message = random.sample(radio_messages, 1)[0]
# radio_message_in = int(config["Discord"]["radio_messages_every"])
# await add_video_from_url(radio_message)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Aggiunto un messaggio radio, disattiva con `!radiomessages off`.")
# # Parse the parameter as URL
# url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
# if url is not None:
# # This is a url
# await add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
# return
# # Parse the parameter as file
# file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "opusfiles"), " ".join(params[1:]))
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# # This is a file
# await add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
# return
# file_path += ".opus"
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# # This is a file
# await add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
# return
# # Search the parameter on youtube
# search = " ".join(params[1:])
# # This is a search
# await add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Video aggiunto alla coda.")
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_skip(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# global voice_player
# if voice_player is None:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Non c'è nessun video in riproduzione.")
# return
# voice_player.stop()
# await client.send_message(channel, f"⏩ Video saltato.")
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_remove(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# if len(voice_queue) == 0:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Non c'è nessun video in coda.")
# return
# if len(params) == 1:
# index = len(voice_queue) - 1
# else:
# try:
# index = int(params[1]) - 1
# except ValueError:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero inserito non è valido.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# if len(params) < 3:
# if abs(index) >= len(voice_queue):
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella playlist.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# video = voice_queue.pop(index)
# await client.send_message(channel, f":regional_indicator_x: {str(video)} è stato rimosso dalla coda.")
# return
# try:
# start = int(params[1]) - 1
# except ValueError:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero iniziale inserito non è valido.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# if start >= len(voice_queue):
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero iniziale inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella"
# " playlist.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# try:
# end = int(params[2]) - 2
# except ValueError:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero finale inserito non è valido.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# if end >= len(voice_queue):
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero finale inserito non corrisponde a nessun video nella"
# " playlist.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# if start > end:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Il numero iniziale è maggiore del numero finale.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!remove [numerovideoiniziale] [numerovideofinale]`")
# return
# del voice_queue[start:end]
# await client.send_message(channel, f":regional_indicator_x: {end - start} video rimossi dalla coda.")
# @command
# async def cmd_queue(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# if len(voice_queue) == 0:
# await client.send_message(channel, "**Video in coda:**\n"
# "nessuno")
# return
# msg = "**Video in coda:**\n"
# for index, video in enumerate(voice_queue[:10]):
# msg += f"{queue_emojis[index]} {str(video)}\n"
# if len(voice_queue) > 10:
# msg += f"più altri {len(voice_queue) - 10} video!"
# await client.send_message(channel, msg)
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_shuffle(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# if len(voice_queue) == 0:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Non ci sono video in coda!")
# return
# random.shuffle(voice_queue)
# await client.send_message(channel, "♠️ ♦️ ♣️ ♥️ Shuffle completo!")
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_clear(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# global voice_queue
# if len(voice_queue) == 0:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Non ci sono video in coda!")
# return
# voice_queue = []
# await client.send_message(channel, ":regional_indicator_x: Tutti i video in coda rimossi.")
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_dump_voice_player_error(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# global voice_player
# if voice_player is None:
# return
# await client.send_message(channel, f"```\n{str(voice_player.error)}\n```")
async def cmd_register(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
session = db.Session()
if len(params) < 1:
await channel.send("⚠️ Non hai specificato un username!\n"
"Sintassi corretta: `!register <username_ryg>`")
# noinspection PyTypeChecker
d = db.Discord.create(session,
except errors.AlreadyExistingError:
await channel.send("⚠ Il tuo account Discord è già collegato a un account RYG "
"o l'account RYG che hai specificato è già collegato a un account Discord.")
await channel.send("✅ Sincronizzazione completata!")
# @command
# @requires_voice_client
# async def cmd_forceplay(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# if voice_player is not None:
# voice_player.stop()
# if len(params) < 2:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Non hai specificato una canzone da riprodurre!\n"
# "Sintassi: `!forceplay <url|ricercayoutube|nomefile>`")
# return
# # Parse the parameter as URL
# url = re.match(r"(?:https?://|ytsearch[0-9]*:).*", " ".join(params[1:]).strip("<>"))
# if url is not None:
# # This is a url
# await add_video_from_url(url.group(0), enqueuer=author, index=0)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
# return
# # Parse the parameter as file
# file_path = os.path.join(os.path.join(os.path.curdir, "opusfiles"), " ".join(params[1:]))
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# # This is a file
# await add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author, index=0)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
# return
# file_path += ".opus"
# if os.path.exists(file_path):
# # This is a file
# await add_video_from_file(file=file_path, enqueuer=author, index=0)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
# return
# # Search the parameter on youtube
# search = " ".join(params[1:])
# # This is a search
# await add_video_from_url(url=f"ytsearch:{search}", enqueuer=author, index=0)
# await client.send_message(channel, f"✅ Riproduzione del video forzata.")
# @command
# async def cmd_radiomessages(channel: discord.TextChannel, author: discord.Member, params: typing.List[str]):
# global radio_messages_enabled
# if len(params) < 2:
# radio_messages_enabled = not radio_messages_enabled
# else:
# if params[1].lower() == "on":
# radio_messages_enabled = True
# elif params[1].lower() == "off":
# radio_messages_enabled = False
# else:
# await client.send_message(channel, "⚠ Sintassi del comando non valida.\n"
# "Sintassi: `!radiomessages [on|off]`")
# return
# await client.send_message(channel,
# f"📻 Messaggi radio **{'attivati' if radio_messages_enabled else 'disattivati'}**.")
# async def queue_predownload_videos():
# while True:
# for index, video in enumerate(voice_queue[:int(config["YouTube"]["predownload_videos"])].copy()):
# if video.downloaded:
# continue
# try:
# with async_timeout.timeout(int(config["YouTube"]["download_timeout"])):
# await video.download()
# except asyncio.TimeoutError:
# await client.send_message(client.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# f"⚠️ Il download di {str(video)} ha richiesto più di"
# f" {config['YouTube']['download_timeout']} secondi, pertanto è stato rimosso"
# f" dalla coda.")
# del voice_queue[index]
# continue
# except DurationError:
# await client.send_message(client.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# f"⚠️ {str(video)} dura più di"
# f" {str(int(config['YouTube']['max_duration']) // 60)}"
# f" minuti, quindi è stato rimosso dalla coda.")
# del voice_queue[index]
# continue
# except Exception as e:
# await client.send_message(client.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# f"⚠️ E' stato incontrato un errore durante il download di {str(video)},"
# f" quindi è stato rimosso dalla coda.\n\n"
# f"```python\n"
# f"{str(e)}"
# f"```")
# del voice_queue[index]
# continue
# await asyncio.sleep(1)
song_special_messages = {
"despacito": ":arrow_forward: this is so sad. alexa play {song}",
"faded": ":arrow_forward: Basta Garf, lasciami ascoltare {song}",
"ligma": ":arrow_forward: What is ligma? {song}!",
"sugma": ":arrow_forward: What is sugma? {song}!",
"sugondese": ":arrow_forward: What is sugondese? {song}!",
"bofa": ":arrow_forward: What is bofa? {song}!",
"updog": ":arrow_forward: What is updog? {song}!",
"sayo-nara": ":arrow_forward: I gently open the door. {song} awaits me inside.",
"monika": ":arrow_forward: Just Monika. Just Monika. Just {song}.",
"take me home": ":arrow_forward: Take me home, to {song}, the place I belong!",
"never gonna give you up": ":arrow_forward: Rickrolling in 2018. Enjoy {song}!",
"september": ":arrow_forward: Do you remember? {song}.",
"homestuck": ":arrow_forward: > Enter song name. {song}",
"undertale": ":arrow_forward: Howdy! I'm Flowey! Listen to this friendly song: {song}",
"pumped up kicks": ":arrow_forward: Non metterti mica in testa strane idee ascoltando {song}...",
"jesus": ":arrow_forward: Respawn in 3 giorni. Intanto, ascolta {song}.",
"through The fire And flames": ":arrow_forward: Fai {song} su osu!, se ne sei capace!",
"slow clap": ":arrow_forward: :clap: :clap: :clap: {song} :clap: :clap: :clap:",
"pub scrubs": ":arrow_forward: MAV COME BACK WE MISS {song}!",
"alleluia": ":arrow_forward: Wah. Waaaah. Waluigi tiime: {song}",
"wah": ":arrow_forward: Wah. Waaaah. Waluigi tiime: {song}",
"waluigi": ":arrow_forward: Wah. Waaaah. Waluigi tiime: {song}",
"nyan cat": ":arrow_forward: Meow! :3 {song}",
"dragonborn": ":arrow_forward: FUS RO {song}!",
"dovahkiin": ":arrow_forward: FUS RO {song}!",
"initial d": ":arrow_forward: Guarda mamma sto driftando sul balcone di Balu grazie a {song}!",
"persona": ":arrow_forward: You'll never see {song} comiiiiing!",
"flamingo": ":arrow_forward: How many {song} do you have to eat?",
"linkin park": ":arrow_forward: Crawling in my {song}!",
"magicite": "⚠️ Warning: {song} contiene numerosi bug.",
"papers please": ":arrow_forward: Glory to Arstotzka! {song}!",
"we are number one": ":arrow_forward: Now paying respect to Robbie Rotten: {song}",
"jump up superstar": ":arrow_forward: Is {song} the Tengen Toppa Guren Lagann opening?"
# async def queue_play_next_video():
# await client.wait_until_ready()
# global voice_client
# global voice_player
# global now_playing
# while True:
# if voice_client is None:
# await asyncio.sleep(1)
# continue
# if voice_player is not None and not voice_player.is_done():
# await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# continue
# if len(voice_queue) == 0:
# await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# if now_playing is not None:
# await client.change_presence()
# now_playing = None
# continue
# now_playing = voice_queue[0]
# if not now_playing.downloaded:
# await asyncio.sleep(0.5)
# continue
# voice_player = await now_playing.create_player()
# voice_player.start()
# if now_playing.enqueuer is not None:
# session = db.Session()
# enqueuer = await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.query(db.Discord).filter_by(discord_id=now_playing.enqueuer.id).one_or_none)
# played_music = db.PlayedMusic(enqueuer=enqueuer,
# filename=now_playing.plain_text(),
# timestamp=datetime.datetime.now())
# session.add(played_music)
# await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.commit)
# await loop.run_in_executor(executor, session.close)
# await client.change_presence(game=discord.Game(name=now_playing.plain_text(), type=2))
# for key in song_special_messages:
# if key in now_playing.file.lower():
# await client.send_message(client.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# song_special_messages[key].format(song=str(now_playing)))
# break
# else:
# await client.send_message(client.get_channel(config["Discord"]["main_channel"]),
# f":arrow_forward: Ora in riproduzione: {str(now_playing)}")
# del voice_queue[0]
commands = {
"!ping": cmd_ping,
# "!cv": cmd_cv,
# "!summon": cmd_cv,
# "!play": cmd_play,
# "!p": cmd_play,
# "!search": cmd_play,
# "!file": cmd_play,
# "!skip": cmd_skip,
# "!s": cmd_skip,
# "!remove": cmd_remove,
# "!cancel": cmd_remove,
# "!queue": cmd_queue,
# "!q": cmd_queue,
# "!shuffle": cmd_shuffle,
# "!clear": cmd_clear,
# "!dump_vp": cmd_dump_voice_player_error,
"!register": cmd_register,
# "!forceplay": cmd_forceplay,
# "!fp": cmd_forceplay,
# "!radiomessages": cmd_radiomessages
def process(users_connection=None):
print("[Discord] Preparing...")
bot = RoyalDiscordBot()
if users_connection is not None:
# asyncio.ensure_future(queue_predownload_videos())
# asyncio.ensure_future(queue_play_next_video())
loop.run_until_complete(bot.login(config["Discord"]["bot_token"], bot=True))
print("[Discord] Logged in successfully!")
if __name__ == "__main__":