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synced 2025-03-14 04:23:31 +00:00
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import discord
import sentry_sdk
import logging as _logging
import asyncio
from .generic import GenericBot
from ..utils import *
from ..error import *
from ..audio import *
from ..commands import *
log = _logging.getLogger(__name__)
# TODO: Load the opus library
if not discord.opus.is_loaded():
log.error("Opus is not loaded. Weird behaviour might emerge.")
class MusicData:
def __init__(self):
self.playmode: playmodes.PlayMode = playmodes.Playlist()
self.voice_client: typing.Optional[discord.VoiceClient] = None
class DiscordBot(GenericBot):
"""A bot that connects to `Discord <https://discordapp.com/>`_."""
interface_name = "discord"
def _init_voice(self):
"""Initialize the variables needed for the connection to voice chat."""
log.debug(f"Creating music_data dict")
self.music_data: typing.Dict[discord.Guild, MusicData] = {}
def _interface_factory(self) -> typing.Type[CommandInterface]:
# noinspection PyPep8Naming
GenericInterface = super()._interface_factory()
# noinspection PyMethodParameters,PyAbstractClass
class DiscordInterface(GenericInterface):
name = self.interface_name
prefix = "!"
return DiscordInterface
def _data_factory(self) -> typing.Type[CommandData]:
# noinspection PyMethodParameters,PyAbstractClass
class DiscordData(CommandData):
def __init__(data, interface: CommandInterface, message: discord.Message):
data.message = message
async def reply(data, text: str):
await data.message.channel.send(discord_escape(text))
async def get_author(data, error_if_none=False):
user: discord.Member = data.message.author
query = data._interface.session.query(self.master_table)
for link in self.identity_chain:
query = query.join(link.mapper.class_)
query = query.filter(self.identity_column == user.id)
result = await asyncify(query.one_or_none)
if result is None and error_if_none:
raise CommandError("You must be registered to use this command.")
return result
async def delete_invoking(data, error_if_unavailable=False):
await data.message.delete()
return DiscordData
def _bot_factory(self) -> typing.Type[discord.Client]:
"""Create a custom DiscordClient class inheriting from :py:class:`discord.Client`."""
log.debug(f"Creating DiscordClient")
# noinspection PyMethodParameters
class DiscordClient(discord.Client):
async def vc_connect_or_move(cli, channel: discord.VoiceChannel):
music_data = self.music_data.get(channel.guild)
if music_data is None:
# Create a MusicData object
music_data = MusicData()
self.music_data[channel.guild] = music_data
# Connect to voice
log.debug(f"Connecting to Voice in {channel}")
music_data.voice_client = await channel.connect(reconnect=False, timeout=10)
except Exception:
log.warning(f"Failed to connect to Voice in {channel}")
del self.music_data[channel.guild]
log.debug(f"Connected to Voice in {channel}")
if music_data.voice_client is None:
# TODO: change exception type
raise Exception("Another connection attempt is already in progress.")
# Try to move to a different channel
voice_client = music_data.voice_client
log.debug(f"Moving {voice_client} to {channel}")
await voice_client.move_to(channel)
log.debug(f"Moved {voice_client} to {channel}")
async def on_message(cli, message: discord.Message):
async def _handle_message(cli, message: discord.Message):
text = message.content
# Skip non-text messages
if not text:
# Skip non-command updates
if not text.startswith("!"):
# Skip bot messages
author: typing.Union[discord.User] = message.author
if author.bot:
# Find and clean parameters
command_text, *parameters = text.split(" ")
# Don't use a case-sensitive command name
command_name = command_text.lower()
# Find the command
command = self.commands[command_name]
except KeyError:
# Skip the message
# Prepare data
data = self._Data(interface=command.interface, message=message)
# Call the command
log.debug(f"Calling command '{command.name}'")
with message.channel.typing():
# Run the command
await command.run(CommandArgs(parameters), data)
except InvalidInputError as e:
await data.reply(f":warning: {e.message}\n"
f"Syntax: [c]/{command.name} {command.syntax}[/c]")
except UnsupportedError as e:
await data.reply(f":warning: {e.message}")
except CommandError as e:
await data.reply(f":warning: {e.message}")
except Exception as e:
error_message = f"🦀 [b]{e.__class__.__name__}[/b] 🦀\n"
error_message += '\n'.join(e.args)
await data.reply(error_message)
async def on_connect(cli):
log.debug("Connected to Discord")
async def on_disconnect(cli):
log.error("Disconnected from Discord!")
async def on_ready(cli) -> None:
log.debug("Connection successful, client is ready")
await cli.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online)
def find_guild_by_name(cli, name: str) -> typing.List[discord.Guild]:
"""Find the :py:class:`discord.Guild` with the specified name (case insensitive)."""
all_guilds: typing.List[discord.Guild] = cli.guilds
matching_channels: typing.List[discord.Guild] = []
for guild in all_guilds:
if guild.name.lower() == name.lower():
return matching_channels
def find_channel_by_name(cli,
name: str,
guild: typing.Optional[discord.Guild] = None) -> typing.List[discord.abc.GuildChannel]:
"""Find the :py:class:`TextChannel`, :py:class:`VoiceChannel` or :py:class:`CategoryChannel` with the
specified name (case insensitive).
You can specify a guild to only find channels in that specific guild."""
if guild is not None:
all_channels = guild.channels
all_channels: typing.List[discord.abc.GuildChannel] = cli.get_all_channels()
matching_channels: typing.List[discord.abc.GuildChannel] = []
for channel in all_channels:
if not (isinstance(channel, discord.TextChannel)
or isinstance(channel, discord.VoiceChannel)
or isinstance(channel, discord.CategoryChannel)):
if channel.name.lower() == name.lower():
return matching_channels
def find_voice_client_by_guild(cli, guild: discord.Guild) -> typing.Optional[discord.VoiceClient]:
"""Find the :py:class:`discord.VoiceClient` belonging to a specific :py:class:`discord.Guild`."""
for voice_client in cli.voice_clients:
if voice_client.guild == guild:
return voice_client
return None
return DiscordClient
def _init_client(self):
"""Create an instance of the DiscordClient class created in :py:func:`royalnet.bots.DiscordBot._bot_factory`."""
log.debug(f"Creating DiscordClient instance")
self._Client = self._bot_factory()
self.client = self._Client()
def _initialize(self):
async def run(self):
"""Login to Discord, then run the bot."""
if not self.initialized:
log.debug("Getting Discord secret")
token = self.get_secret("discord")
log.info(f"Logging in to Discord")
await self.client.login(token)
log.info(f"Connecting to Discord")
await self.client.connect()
async def add_to_music_data(self, dfiles: typing.List[YtdlDiscord], guild: discord.Guild):
"""Add a list of :py:class:`royalnet.audio.YtdlDiscord` to the corresponding music_data object."""
guild_music_data = self.music_data[guild]
for dfile in dfiles:
log.debug(f"Adding {dfile} to music_data")
await asyncify(dfile.ready_up)
if guild_music_data.playmode.now_playing is None:
await self.advance_music_data(guild)
async def advance_music_data(self, guild: discord.Guild):
"""Try to play the next song, while it exists. Otherwise, just return."""
guild_music_data = self.music_data[guild]
voice_client: discord.VoiceClient = self.client.find_voice_client_by_guild(guild)
next_source: discord.AudioSource = await guild_music_data.playmode.next()
await self.update_activity_with_source_title()
if next_source is None:
log.debug(f"Ending playback chain")
def advance(error=None):
if error:
log.error(f"Error while advancing music_data: {error}")
log.debug(f"Starting playback of {next_source}")
voice_client.play(next_source, after=advance)
async def update_activity_with_source_title(self):
"""Change the bot's presence (using :py:func:`discord.Client.change_presence`) to match the current listening status.
If multiple guilds are using the bot, the bot will always have an empty presence."""
if len(self.music_data) != 1:
# Multiple guilds are using the bot, do not display anything
log.debug(f"Updating current Activity: setting to None, as multiple guilds are using the bot")
await self.client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online)
play_mode: playmodes.PlayMode = self.music_data[list(self.music_data)[0]].playmode
now_playing = play_mode.now_playing
if now_playing is None:
# No songs are playing now
log.debug(f"Updating current Activity: setting to None, as nothing is currently being played")
await self.client.change_presence(status=discord.Status.online)
log.debug(f"Updating current Activity: listening to {now_playing.info.title}")
await self.client.change_presence(activity=discord.Activity(name=now_playing.info.title,