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synced 2025-03-27 10:30:29 +00:00
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114 lines
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import typing
import websockets
import re
import datetime
import pickle
import uuid
import asyncio
import logging
from .messages import Message, ErrorMessage, InvalidPackageEM, InvalidSecretEM, IdentifySuccessfulMessage
from .packages import Package
loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ConnectedClient:
def __init__(self, socket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol):
self.socket: websockets.WebSocketServerProtocol = socket
self.nid: str = None
self.link_type: str = None
self.connection_datetime: datetime.datetime = datetime.datetime.now()
def is_identified(self) -> bool:
return bool(self.nid)
async def send(self, package: Package):
await self.socket.send(package.pickle())
class RoyalnetServer:
def __init__(self, address: str, port: int, required_secret: str):
self.address: str = address
self.port: int = port
self.required_secret: str = required_secret
self.identified_clients: typing.List[ConnectedClient] = []
def find_client(self, *, nid: str = None, link_type: str = None) -> typing.List[ConnectedClient]:
assert not (nid and link_type)
if nid:
matching = [client for client in self.identified_clients if client.nid == nid]
assert len(matching) <= 1
return matching
if link_type:
matching = [client for client in self.identified_clients if client.link_type == link_type]
return matching or []
async def listener(self, websocket: websockets.server.WebSocketServerProtocol, request_uri: str):
log.info(f"{websocket.remote_address} connected to the server.")
connected_client = ConnectedClient(websocket)
# Wait for identification
identify_msg = await websocket.recv()
log.debug(f"{websocket.remote_address} identified itself with: {identify_msg}.")
if not isinstance(identify_msg, str):
websocket.send(InvalidPackageEM("Invalid identification message (not a str)"))
identification = re.match(r"Identify ([A-Za-z0-9\-]+):([a-z]+):([A-Za-z0-9\-]+)", identify_msg)
if identification is None:
websocket.send(InvalidPackageEM("Invalid identification message (regex failed)"))
secret = identification.group(3)
if secret != self.required_secret:
websocket.send(InvalidSecretEM("Invalid secret"))
# Identification successful
connected_client.nid = identification.group(1)
connected_client.link_type = identification.group(2)
log.debug(f"{websocket.remote_address} identified successfully as {connected_client.nid} ({connected_client.link_type}).")
await connected_client.send(Package(IdentifySuccessfulMessage(), connected_client.nid, "__master__"))
log.debug(f"{connected_client.nid}'s identification confirmed.")
# Main loop
while True:
# Receive packages
raw_pickle = await websocket.recv()
package: Package = pickle.loads(raw_pickle)
log.debug(f"Received package: {package}")
# Check if the package destination is the server itself.
if package.destination == "__master__":
# TODO: do stuff
# Otherwise, route the package to its destination
def find_destination(self, package: Package) -> typing.List[ConnectedClient]:
"""Find a list of destinations for the sent packages"""
# Parse destination
# Is it nothing?
if package.destination == "NULL":
return []
# Is it the wildcard?
if package.destination == "*":
return self.identified_clients
# Is it a valid nid?
destination = str(uuid.UUID(package.destination))
except ValueError:
return self.find_client(nid=destination)
# Is it a link_type?
return self.find_client(link_type=package.destination)
async def route_package(self, package: Package) -> None:
"""Executed every time a package is received and must be routed somewhere."""
destinations = self.find_destination(package)
log.debug(f"Routing package: {package} -> {destinations}")
for destination in destinations:
specific_package = Package(package.data, destination.nid, package.source, conversation_id=package.conversation_id)
await destination.send(specific_package)
async def run(self):
log.debug(f"Running main server loop for __master__ on ws://{self.address}:{self.port}")
await websockets.serve(self.listener, host=self.address, port=self.port)