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2019-09-15 22:28:36 +00:00
// add this component to the NetworkManager
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Net;
using System.Text;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
namespace Mirror.Examples.ListServer
public class ServerStatus
public string ip;
//public ushort port; // <- not all transports use a port. assume default port. feel free to also send a port if needed.
public string title;
public ushort players;
public ushort capacity;
public int lastLatency = -1;
#if !UNITY_WEBGL // Ping isn't known in WebGL builds
public Ping ping;
public ServerStatus(string ip, /*ushort port,*/ string title, ushort players, ushort capacity)
this.ip = ip;
//this.port = port;
this.title = title;
this.players = players;
this.capacity = capacity;
#if !UNITY_WEBGL // Ping isn't known in WebGL builds
ping = new Ping(ip);
public class ListServer : MonoBehaviour
[Header("Listen Server Connection")]
public string listServerIp = "";
public ushort gameServerToListenPort = 8887;
public ushort clientToListenPort = 8888;
public string gameServerTitle = "Deathmatch";
Telepathy.Client gameServerToListenConnection = new Telepathy.Client();
Telepathy.Client clientToListenConnection = new Telepathy.Client();
public GameObject mainPanel;
public Transform content;
public Text statusText;
public UIServerStatusSlot slotPrefab;
public Button serverAndPlayButton;
public Button serverOnlyButton;
public GameObject connectingPanel;
public Text connectingText;
public Button connectingCancelButton;
int connectingDots = 0;
// all the servers, stored as dict with unique ip key so we can
// update them more easily
// (use "ip:port" if port is needed)
Dictionary<string, ServerStatus> list = new Dictionary<string, ServerStatus>();
void Start()
// examples
//list[""] = new ServerStatus("", "Deathmatch", 3, 10);
//list[""] = new ServerStatus("", "Free for all", 7, 10);
//list[""] = new ServerStatus("", "5vs5", 10, 10);
//list[""] = new ServerStatus("", "Hide & Seek Mod", 0, 10);
// Update once a second. no need to try to reconnect or read data
// in each Update call
// -> calling it more than 1/second would also cause significantly
// more broadcasts in the list server.
InvokeRepeating(nameof(Tick), 0, 1);
bool IsConnecting() => NetworkClient.active && !ClientScene.ready;
bool FullyConnected() => NetworkClient.active && ClientScene.ready;
// should we use the client to listen connection?
bool UseClientToListen()
return !NetworkManager.isHeadless && !NetworkServer.active && !FullyConnected();
// should we use the game server to listen connection?
bool UseGameServerToListen()
return NetworkServer.active;
void Tick()
// send server status to list server
void SendStatus()
BinaryWriter writer = new BinaryWriter(new MemoryStream());
// create message
byte[] titleBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(gameServerTitle);
// list server only allows up to 128 bytes per message
if (writer.BaseStream.Position <= 128)
// send it
else Debug.LogError("[List Server] List Server will reject messages longer than 128 bytes. Please use a shorter title.");
void TickGameServer()
// send server data to listen
if (UseGameServerToListen())
// connected yet?
if (gameServerToListenConnection.Connected)
// otherwise try to connect
// (we may have just started the game)
else if (!gameServerToListenConnection.Connecting)
Debug.Log("[List Server] GameServer connecting......");
gameServerToListenConnection.Connect(listServerIp, gameServerToListenPort);
// shouldn't use game server, but still using it?
else if (gameServerToListenConnection.Connected)
void ParseMessage(byte[] bytes)
// note: we don't use ReadString here because the list server
// doesn't know C#'s '7-bit-length + utf8' encoding for strings
BinaryReader reader = new BinaryReader(new MemoryStream(bytes, false), Encoding.UTF8);
byte ipBytesLength = reader.ReadByte();
byte[] ipBytes = reader.ReadBytes(ipBytesLength);
string ip = new IPAddress(ipBytes).ToString();
//ushort port = reader.ReadUInt16(); <- not all Transports use a port. assume default.
ushort players = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort capacity = reader.ReadUInt16();
ushort titleLength = reader.ReadUInt16();
string title = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(reader.ReadBytes(titleLength));
//Debug.Log("PARSED: ip=" + ip + /*" port=" + port +*/ " players=" + players + " capacity= " + capacity + " title=" + title);
// build key
string key = ip/* + ":" + port*/;
// find existing or create new one
if (list.TryGetValue(key, out ServerStatus server))
// refresh
server.title = title;
server.players = players;
server.capacity = capacity;
// create
server = new ServerStatus(ip, /*port,*/ title, players, capacity);
// save
list[key] = server;
void TickClient()
// receive client data from listen
if (UseClientToListen())
// connected yet?
if (clientToListenConnection.Connected)
// receive latest game server info
while (clientToListenConnection.GetNextMessage(out Telepathy.Message message))
// connected?
if (message.eventType == Telepathy.EventType.Connected)
Debug.Log("[List Server] Client connected!");
// data message?
else if (message.eventType == Telepathy.EventType.Data)
// disconnected?
else if (message.eventType == Telepathy.EventType.Connected)
Debug.Log("[List Server] Client disconnected.");
#if !UNITY_WEBGL // Ping isn't known in WebGL builds
// ping again if previous ping finished
foreach (ServerStatus server in list.Values)
if (server.ping.isDone)
server.lastLatency = server.ping.time;
server.ping = new Ping(server.ip);
// otherwise try to connect
// (we may have just joined the menu/disconnect from game server)
else if (!clientToListenConnection.Connecting)
Debug.Log("[List Server] Client connecting...");
clientToListenConnection.Connect(listServerIp, clientToListenPort);
// shouldn't use client, but still using it? (e.g. after joining)
else if (clientToListenConnection.Connected)
// refresh UI afterwards
// instantiate/remove enough prefabs to match amount
public static void BalancePrefabs(GameObject prefab, int amount, Transform parent)
// instantiate until amount
for (int i = parent.childCount; i < amount; ++i)
Instantiate(prefab, parent, false);
// delete everything that's too much
// (backwards loop because Destroy changes childCount)
for (int i = parent.childCount-1; i >= amount; --i)
void OnUI()
// only show while client not connected and server not started
if (!NetworkManager.singleton.isNetworkActive || IsConnecting())
// status text
if (clientToListenConnection.Connecting)
//statusText.color = Color.yellow;
statusText.text = "Connecting...";
else if (clientToListenConnection.Connected)
//statusText.color = Color.green;
statusText.text = "Connected!";
//statusText.color = Color.gray;
statusText.text = "Disconnected";
// instantiate/destroy enough slots
BalancePrefabs(slotPrefab.gameObject, list.Count, content);
// refresh all members
for (int i = 0; i < list.Values.Count; ++i)
UIServerStatusSlot slot = content.GetChild(i).GetComponent<UIServerStatusSlot>();
ServerStatus server = list.Values.ToList()[i];
slot.titleText.text = server.title;
slot.playersText.text = server.players + "/" + server.capacity;
slot.latencyText.text = server.lastLatency != -1 ? server.lastLatency.ToString() : "...";
slot.addressText.text = server.ip;
slot.joinButton.interactable = !IsConnecting();
slot.joinButton.gameObject.SetActive(server.players < server.capacity);
slot.joinButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {
NetworkManager.singleton.networkAddress = server.ip;
// server buttons
serverAndPlayButton.interactable = !IsConnecting();
serverAndPlayButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {
serverOnlyButton.interactable = !IsConnecting();
serverOnlyButton.onClick.AddListener(() => {
else mainPanel.SetActive(false);
// show connecting panel while connecting
if (IsConnecting())
// . => .. => ... => ....
connectingDots = ((connectingDots + 1) % 4);
connectingText.text = "Connecting" + new string('.', connectingDots);
// cancel button
else connectingPanel.SetActive(false);
// disconnect everything when pressing Stop in the Editor
void OnApplicationQuit()
if (gameServerToListenConnection.Connected)
if (clientToListenConnection.Connected)