using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror.Examples.NetworkLobby { [RequireComponent(typeof(CharacterController))] public class PlayerController : NetworkBehaviour { [SyncVar] public int index; [SyncVar] public uint score; [SyncVar(hook = nameof(SetColor))] public Color playerColor =; // Unity clones the material when GetComponent().material is called // Cache it here and destroy it in OnDestroy to prevent a memory leak Material cachedMaterial; void SetColor(Color color) { if (cachedMaterial == null) cachedMaterial = GetComponent().material; cachedMaterial.color = color; } void OnDestroy() { Destroy(cachedMaterial); } CharacterController characterController; public override void OnStartLocalPlayer() { base.OnStartLocalPlayer(); characterController = GetComponent(); Camera.main.transform.SetParent(transform); Camera.main.transform.localPosition = new Vector3(0f, 3f, -8f); Camera.main.transform.localEulerAngles = new Vector3(10f, 0f, 0f); } [Header("Movement Settings")] public float moveSpeed = 8f; public float turnSpeedAccel = 5f; public float turnSpeedDecel = 5f; public float maxTurnSpeed = 150f; [Header("Jump Settings")] public float jumpSpeed = 0f; public float maxJumpSpeed = 5F; public float jumpFactor = .05F; [Header("Diagnostics")] public float horizontal = 0f; public float vertical = 0f; public float turn = 0f; public bool isGrounded = true; public bool isFalling = false; void Update() { if (!isLocalPlayer) return; horizontal = Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"); vertical = Input.GetAxis("Vertical"); if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Q) && (turn > -maxTurnSpeed)) turn -= turnSpeedAccel; else if (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.E) && (turn < maxTurnSpeed)) turn += turnSpeedAccel; else if (turn > turnSpeedDecel) turn -= turnSpeedDecel; else if (turn < -turnSpeedDecel) turn += turnSpeedDecel; else turn = 0f; if (!isFalling && Input.GetKey(KeyCode.Space) && (isGrounded || jumpSpeed < maxJumpSpeed)) jumpSpeed += maxJumpSpeed * jumpFactor; else if (isGrounded) isFalling = false; else { isFalling = true; jumpSpeed = 0; } } void FixedUpdate() { if (!isLocalPlayer || characterController == null) return; transform.Rotate(0f, turn * Time.fixedDeltaTime, 0f); Vector3 direction = new Vector3(horizontal, jumpSpeed, vertical); direction = Vector3.ClampMagnitude(direction, 1f); direction = transform.TransformDirection(direction); direction *= moveSpeed; if (jumpSpeed > 0) characterController.Move(direction * Time.fixedDeltaTime); else characterController.SimpleMove(direction); isGrounded = characterController.isGrounded; } GameObject controllerColliderHitObject; void OnControllerColliderHit(ControllerColliderHit hit) { // If player and prize objects are on their own layer(s) with correct // collision matrix, we wouldn't have to validate the hit.gameobject. // Since this is just an example, project settings aren't included so we check the name. controllerColliderHitObject = hit.gameObject; if (isLocalPlayer &&"Prize")) { if (LogFilter.Debug) Debug.LogFormat("OnControllerColliderHit {0}[{1}] with {2}[{3}]", name, netId,, controllerColliderHitObject.GetComponent().netId); // Disable the prize gameobject so it doesn't impede player movement // It's going to be destroyed in a few frames and we don't want to spam CmdClaimPrize. // OnControllerColliderHit will fire many times as the player slides against the object. controllerColliderHitObject.SetActive(false); CmdClaimPrize(controllerColliderHitObject); } } [Command] void CmdClaimPrize(GameObject hitObject) { // Null check is required, otherwise close timing of multiple claims could throw a null ref. if (hitObject != null) { hitObject.GetComponent().ClaimPrize(gameObject); } } void OnGUI() { GUI.Box(new Rect(10f + (index * 110), 10f, 100f, 25f), score.ToString().PadLeft(10)); } } }