// Custom NetworkReader that doesn't use C#'s built in MemoryStream in order to // avoid allocations. // // Benchmark: 100kb byte[] passed to NetworkReader constructor 1000x // before with MemoryStream // 0.8% CPU time, 250KB memory, 3.82ms // now: // 0.0% CPU time, 32KB memory, 0.02ms using System; using System.IO; using System.Text; using UnityEngine; namespace Mirror { // Note: This class is intended to be extremely pedantic, and // throw exceptions whenever stuff is going slightly wrong. // The exceptions will be handled in NetworkServer/NetworkClient. public class NetworkReader { // internal buffer // byte[] pointer would work, but we use ArraySegment to also support // the ArraySegment constructor ArraySegment buffer; // 'int' is the best type for .Position. 'short' is too small if we send >32kb which would result in negative .Position // -> converting long to int is fine until 2GB of data (MAX_INT), so we don't have to worry about overflows here public int Position; public int Length => buffer.Count; public NetworkReader(byte[] bytes) { buffer = new ArraySegment(bytes); } public NetworkReader(ArraySegment segment) { buffer = segment; } public byte ReadByte() { if (Position + 1 > buffer.Count) { throw new EndOfStreamException("ReadByte out of range:" + ToString()); } return buffer.Array[buffer.Offset + Position++]; } public int ReadInt32() => (int)ReadUInt32(); public uint ReadUInt32() { uint value = 0; value |= ReadByte(); value |= (uint)(ReadByte() << 8); value |= (uint)(ReadByte() << 16); value |= (uint)(ReadByte() << 24); return value; } public long ReadInt64() => (long)ReadUInt64(); public ulong ReadUInt64() { ulong value = 0; value |= ReadByte(); value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 8; value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 16; value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 24; value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 32; value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 40; value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 48; value |= ((ulong)ReadByte()) << 56; return value; } // read bytes into the passed buffer public byte[] ReadBytes(byte[] bytes, int count) { // check if passed byte array is big enough if (count > bytes.Length) { throw new EndOfStreamException("ReadBytes can't read " + count + " + bytes because the passed byte[] only has length " + bytes.Length); } ArraySegment data = ReadBytesSegment(count); Array.Copy(data.Array, data.Offset, bytes, 0, count); return bytes; } // useful to parse payloads etc. without allocating public ArraySegment ReadBytesSegment(int count) { // check if within buffer limits if (Position + count > buffer.Count) { throw new EndOfStreamException("ReadBytesSegment can't read " + count + " bytes because it would read past the end of the stream. " + ToString()); } // return the segment ArraySegment result = new ArraySegment(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset + Position, count); Position += count; return result; } public override string ToString() { return "NetworkReader pos=" + Position + " len=" + Length + " buffer=" + BitConverter.ToString(buffer.Array, buffer.Offset, buffer.Count); } } // Mirror's Weaver automatically detects all NetworkReader function types, // but they do all need to be extensions. public static class NetworkReaderExtensions { // cache encoding instead of creating it each time // 1000 readers before: 1MB GC, 30ms // 1000 readers after: 0.8MB GC, 18ms static readonly UTF8Encoding encoding = new UTF8Encoding(false, true); public static byte ReadByte(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadByte(); public static sbyte ReadSByte(this NetworkReader reader) => (sbyte)reader.ReadByte(); public static char ReadChar(this NetworkReader reader) => (char)reader.ReadUInt16(); public static bool ReadBoolean(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadByte() != 0; public static short ReadInt16(this NetworkReader reader) => (short)reader.ReadUInt16(); public static ushort ReadUInt16(this NetworkReader reader) { ushort value = 0; value |= reader.ReadByte(); value |= (ushort)(reader.ReadByte() << 8); return value; } public static int ReadInt32(this NetworkReader reader) => (int)reader.ReadUInt32(); public static uint ReadUInt32(this NetworkReader reader) { uint value = 0; value |= reader.ReadByte(); value |= (uint)(reader.ReadByte() << 8); value |= (uint)(reader.ReadByte() << 16); value |= (uint)(reader.ReadByte() << 24); return value; } public static long ReadInt64(this NetworkReader reader) => (long)reader.ReadUInt64(); public static ulong ReadUInt64(this NetworkReader reader) { ulong value = 0; value |= reader.ReadByte(); value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 8; value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 16; value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 24; value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 32; value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 40; value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 48; value |= ((ulong)reader.ReadByte()) << 56; return value; } public static float ReadSingle(this NetworkReader reader) { UIntFloat converter = new UIntFloat(); converter.intValue = reader.ReadUInt32(); return converter.floatValue; } public static double ReadDouble(this NetworkReader reader) { UIntDouble converter = new UIntDouble(); converter.longValue = reader.ReadUInt64(); return converter.doubleValue; } public static decimal ReadDecimal(this NetworkReader reader) { UIntDecimal converter = new UIntDecimal(); converter.longValue1 = reader.ReadUInt64(); converter.longValue2 = reader.ReadUInt64(); return converter.decimalValue; } // note: this will throw an ArgumentException if an invalid utf8 string is sent // null support, see NetworkWriter public static string ReadString(this NetworkReader reader) { // read number of bytes ushort size = reader.ReadUInt16(); if (size == 0) return null; int realSize = size - 1; // make sure it's within limits to avoid allocation attacks etc. if (realSize >= NetworkWriter.MaxStringLength) { throw new EndOfStreamException("ReadString too long: " + realSize + ". Limit is: " + NetworkWriter.MaxStringLength); } ArraySegment data = reader.ReadBytesSegment(realSize); // convert directly from buffer to string via encoding return encoding.GetString(data.Array, data.Offset, data.Count); } // Use checked() to force it to throw OverflowException if data is invalid // null support, see NetworkWriter public static byte[] ReadBytesAndSize(this NetworkReader reader) { // count = 0 means the array was null // otherwise count -1 is the length of the array uint count = reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); return count == 0 ? null : reader.ReadBytes(checked((int)(count - 1u))); } public static ArraySegment ReadBytesAndSizeSegment(this NetworkReader reader) { // count = 0 means the array was null // otherwise count - 1 is the length of the array uint count = reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); return count == 0 ? default : reader.ReadBytesSegment(checked((int)(count - 1u))); } // zigzag decoding https://gist.github.com/mfuerstenau/ba870a29e16536fdbaba public static int ReadPackedInt32(this NetworkReader reader) { uint data = reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); return (int)((data >> 1) ^ -(data & 1)); } // http://sqlite.org/src4/doc/trunk/www/varint.wiki // NOTE: big endian. // Use checked() to force it to throw OverflowException if data is invalid public static uint ReadPackedUInt32(this NetworkReader reader) => checked((uint)reader.ReadPackedUInt64()); // zigzag decoding https://gist.github.com/mfuerstenau/ba870a29e16536fdbaba public static long ReadPackedInt64(this NetworkReader reader) { ulong data = reader.ReadPackedUInt64(); return ((long)(data >> 1)) ^ -((long)data & 1); } public static ulong ReadPackedUInt64(this NetworkReader reader) { byte a0 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 < 241) { return a0; } byte a1 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 >= 241 && a0 <= 248) { return 240 + ((a0 - (ulong)241) << 8) + a1; } byte a2 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 249) { return 2288 + ((ulong)a1 << 8) + a2; } byte a3 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 250) { return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16); } byte a4 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 251) { return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24); } byte a5 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 252) { return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32); } byte a6 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 253) { return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32) + (((ulong)a6) << 40); } byte a7 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 254) { return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32) + (((ulong)a6) << 40) + (((ulong)a7) << 48); } byte a8 = reader.ReadByte(); if (a0 == 255) { return a1 + (((ulong)a2) << 8) + (((ulong)a3) << 16) + (((ulong)a4) << 24) + (((ulong)a5) << 32) + (((ulong)a6) << 40) + (((ulong)a7) << 48) + (((ulong)a8) << 56); } throw new IndexOutOfRangeException("ReadPackedUInt64() failure: " + a0); } public static Vector2 ReadVector2(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Vector3 ReadVector3(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Vector4 ReadVector4(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Vector2Int ReadVector2Int(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector2Int(reader.ReadPackedInt32(), reader.ReadPackedInt32()); public static Vector3Int ReadVector3Int(this NetworkReader reader) => new Vector3Int(reader.ReadPackedInt32(), reader.ReadPackedInt32(), reader.ReadPackedInt32()); public static Color ReadColor(this NetworkReader reader) => new Color(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Color32 ReadColor32(this NetworkReader reader) => new Color32(reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte(), reader.ReadByte()); public static Quaternion ReadQuaternion(this NetworkReader reader) => new Quaternion(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Rect ReadRect(this NetworkReader reader) => new Rect(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Plane ReadPlane(this NetworkReader reader) => new Plane(reader.ReadVector3(), reader.ReadSingle()); public static Ray ReadRay(this NetworkReader reader) => new Ray(reader.ReadVector3(), reader.ReadVector3()); public static Matrix4x4 ReadMatrix4x4(this NetworkReader reader) { return new Matrix4x4 { m00 = reader.ReadSingle(), m01 = reader.ReadSingle(), m02 = reader.ReadSingle(), m03 = reader.ReadSingle(), m10 = reader.ReadSingle(), m11 = reader.ReadSingle(), m12 = reader.ReadSingle(), m13 = reader.ReadSingle(), m20 = reader.ReadSingle(), m21 = reader.ReadSingle(), m22 = reader.ReadSingle(), m23 = reader.ReadSingle(), m30 = reader.ReadSingle(), m31 = reader.ReadSingle(), m32 = reader.ReadSingle(), m33 = reader.ReadSingle() }; } public static byte[] ReadBytes(this NetworkReader reader, int count) { byte[] bytes = new byte[count]; reader.ReadBytes(bytes, count); return bytes; } public static Guid ReadGuid(this NetworkReader reader) => new Guid(reader.ReadBytes(16)); public static Transform ReadTransform(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadNetworkIdentity()?.transform; public static GameObject ReadGameObject(this NetworkReader reader) => reader.ReadNetworkIdentity()?.gameObject; public static NetworkIdentity ReadNetworkIdentity(this NetworkReader reader) { uint netId = reader.ReadPackedUInt32(); if (netId == 0) return null; if (NetworkIdentity.spawned.TryGetValue(netId, out NetworkIdentity identity)) { return identity; } if (LogFilter.Debug) Debug.Log("ReadNetworkIdentity netId:" + netId + " not found in spawned"); return null; } } }