* 🔧 Use `<label>` in the `ThreeRadios` and `ThreeCheckboxes` stories
* 🔧 Make `onChange` return void, as React does not support implicit preventDefault
* 🚧 Some work on forms
* 💥 A huge non-atomic commit
* 💥 Another huge non-atomic commit
* 💥 The final non-atomic commit
* 💥 Just kidding, have another
* 🚧 A bit more
* 🚧 A bot more
* ✨ Add `onSimpleChange` events
* 🚧 More work on inputs
* ✨ Finish `FormRadioGroup`
* ✨ Finish `FormCheckboxGroup`
* ✨ Finish `Form`
* 💥 idk anymore
* ✨ Add `Button` input
* ✨ Add `FormRow` to forms
* 🔨 Fix storybook preview.js
* 🔧 Prevent button from submitting a form
* 📔 Fix a bit the Form story
* 💥 Tweak forms a bit more