# Extended Sphinx configuration # https://www.sphinx-doc.org/en/master/usage/configuration.html ########### # Imports # ########### import datetime ########################### # Developer configuration # ########################### # Alter these to reflect the nature of your project! # Project name project = 'cfig' # Project author author = 'Stefano Pigozzi' # Project copyright project_copyright = f'{datetime.date.today().year}, {author}' # Sphinx language language = "en" # Configuration for the theme html_theme_options = { # Set this to the main color of your project "style_nav_header_background": "#b72f37", } html_context = { "display_github": True, "github_user": "Steffo99", "github_repo": "cfig", "github_version": "main/docs/", } ########################## # Advanced configuration # ########################## # Change these options only if you need further customization # Sphinx extensions extensions = [ "sphinx.ext.intersphinx", "sphinx.ext.autodoc", "sphinx.ext.autosectionlabel", "sphinx.ext.todo", ] # Source files encoding source_encoding = "UTF-8" # Source file extensions source_suffix = { ".rst": "restructuredtext", } # Source files parsers source_parsers = {} # The doc from which to start rendering root_doc = "index" # Files to ignore when rendering exclude_patterns = [ "build", "_build", "Thumbs.db", ".DS_Store", ] # Sphinx template files templates_path = [ '_templates', ] # Prologue of all rst files rst_prolog = "" # Epilogue of all rst files rst_epilog = "" # Default domain primary_domain = "py" # Default role default_role = "any" # Print warnings on the page keep_warnings = False # Display more warnings than usual nitpicky = False # Intersphinx URLs intersphinx_mapping = { "python": ("https://docs.python.org/3.10/", None), "lazy-object-proxy": ("https://python-lazy-object-proxy.readthedocs.io/en/latest/", None), "click": ("https://click.palletsprojects.com/en/latest/", None), } # Manpages URL manpages_url = "https://man.archlinux.org/" # HTML builder theme html_theme = 'sphinx_rtd_theme' # Title of the HTML page html_title = f"{project}" # Short title of the HTML page html_short_title = f"{project}" # Path of the documentation static files html_static_path = [ "_static", ] # Path of extra files to add to the build html_extra_path = [ "_extra", ] # Disable additional indexes html_domain_indices = False # LaTeX rendering engine to use latex_engine = "lualatex" # LaTeX top level title type latex_toplevel_sectioning = "chapter" # LaTeX URLs rendering latex_show_urls = "footnote" # LaTeX theme latex_theme = "manual" # TODOs todo_include_todos = True todo_emit_warnings = True todo_link_only = False # Smartquotes smartquotes_excludes = { "languages": [ # Smartquotes is completely broken in italian! "it", # Keep the default, just in case "ja", ], "builders": [ "man", "text", ] } # Autodoc autodoc_member_order = "bysource" autodoc_default_options = { "members": True, "undoc-members": True, }