function illuminate() { let illuminateButton = document.querySelector(".chakramagic-illuminate .chakramagic-button"); let illuminateText = document.querySelector(".chakramagic-illuminate .chakramagic-text").childNodes[0]; const read_data = () => { // Get player name, use this to match it to player name from API response const player_name = document.getElementsByClassName("profile_small_header_name")[0].children[0].textContent; // Get table row const row_list = document.getElementById("personaldata_elements_container").querySelectorAll("tr"); // List of word that indicate this cell means yes const yes_marks = [ "Yes", "Да", "Ano", "Ja", "Kyllä", "Oui", "Ναι", "Igen", "Sì", "はい", "예", "Tak", "Sim", "Da", "是", "Sí", "ใช่", "Evet", "Так", ]; // Building compacted output, first cell is player name, each cell is splitted by , let all_output = encodeURIComponent(player_name) + ","; // Each table row for (let i = 1; i < row_list.length; i++) { const col_list = row_list[i].querySelectorAll("td"); // td count will be 0 if this is a table header (it use th) if (col_list.length === 0) continue; // Build row output from {match id}-{indicator}-{timestamp} let output = ""; output += col_list[0].textContent + "-" + col_list[1].textContent + "-"; for (let j = 2; j < col_list.length; j++) { output += yes_marks.indexOf(col_list[j].textContent) !== -1 ? "1" : "0"; } all_output += output + "," } // Redirect user to illuminate to have this output data shown in better format window.location = "" + all_output; }; const load_all_data = () => { // Get Element Handle const b1 = document.getElementById("load_more_button"); const b2 = document.getElementById("inventory_history_loading"); // Checking if there is more data by inspecting button and loading text style const has_more = () => { return (b1 && !== "none") || (b2 && !== "none"); }; const has_load_more = () => b1 && !== "none"; const load_more = () =>; // Loop checking the page, if it is done, read_data() const watch_load_more = () => { const interval = setInterval(() => { if (has_load_more()) { load_more(); } else { if (!has_more()) { clearInterval(interval); console.log("done"); read_data(); } } }, 100); }; // Start checking loop watch_load_more(); }; illuminateButton.setAttribute("disabled", ""); illuminateButton.onclick = null; illuminateButton.setAttribute("class", "chakramagic-button chakramagic-running") illuminateText.nodeValue = "Loading all data..." load_all_data(); } function chakraMagic() { let parentElement = document.querySelector("#mainContents"); let beforeElement = document.querySelector("#personaldata_elements_container") let chakraElement = document.createElement("div"); parentElement.insertBefore(chakraElement, beforeElement); chakraElement.setAttribute("class", "chakramagic-container"); let illuminateElement = document.createElement("div"); chakraElement.appendChild(illuminateElement); illuminateElement.setAttribute("class", "chakramagic-service chakramagic-illuminate"); let illuminateButton = document.createElement("div"); illuminateElement.appendChild(illuminateButton); illuminateButton.setAttribute("class", "chakramagic-button"); illuminateButton.onclick = illuminate; let illuminateImage = document.createElement("img"); illuminateButton.appendChild(illuminateImage); illuminateImage.setAttribute("src", ""); illuminateImage.setAttribute("class", "chakramagic-image"); let illuminateText = document.createElement("span"); illuminateElement.appendChild(illuminateText); illuminateText.appendChild(document.createTextNode("Parse data with Illuminate")); illuminateText.setAttribute("class", "chakramagic-text chakramagic-illuminate"); } chakraMagic();