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6 commits

15 changed files with 570 additions and 312 deletions

src/deno/logging.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { configure, getConsoleSink, getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "deno", "logging"])
export async function initLogging() {
await configure({
sinks: { console: getConsoleSink() },
filters: {},
loggers: [
{ category: ["logtape", "meta"], sinks: ["console"], level: "warning" },
{ category: ["fedify"], sinks: ["console"], level: "info" },
{ category: ["dotino-veloce"], sinks: ["console"], level: "debug" },
l.info`Logging initialized successfully!`

src/deno/router.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
import { handleHostMeta } from "../dv/hostMeta.ts"
import { DotinoVeloce } from "../dv/dotinoVeloce.ts"
import { handleFavicon } from "../dv/favicon.ts"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "deno", "router"])
export function createRouter(ap: DotinoVeloce) {
return async function router(request: Request, _info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo): Promise<Response> {
l.debug`Routing request: ${request}`
l.debug`Determining request's User-Agent...`
const agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent")
l.debug`Request's User-Agent is: ${agent}`
l.debug`Determining request's URL...`
const url = new URL(request.url)
l.debug`Request's URL is: ${url}`
l.debug`Determining request's pathname...`
const pathname = url.pathname
l.debug`Request's pathname is: ${pathname}`
if (url.pathname === "/favicon.ico") {
l.debug`Delegating handling to favicon handler...`
return await handleFavicon()
if (url.pathname === "/.well-known/host-meta")
l.debug`Delegating handling to host-meta generator...`
return await handleHostMeta(url.origin)
l.debug`Delegating request to federation handlers...`
return await ap.federation.fetch(
contextData: undefined,

src/deno/server.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
import { getLogger } from "https://jsr.io/@logtape/logtape/0.6.3/logtape/logger.ts"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "deno", "server"])
export function doServe(router: Deno.ServeHandler) {
l.info`Starting server...`
port: 8080,
onListen(localAddr) {
l.info`Listening on: ${localAddr}`
// deno-lint-ignore require-await
async onError(error) {
l.error`Error caught at the serve boundary: ${error}`
return new Response(
"An internal server error has occoured.",
status: 500,

src/dv/dotinoVeloce.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,249 @@
// deno-lint-ignore-file require-await
import { createFederation, Person, Application, Image, PropertyValue, Organization, Federation, KvStore, Context, Actor, Follow } from "@fedify/fedify"
import { getLogger } from "https://jsr.io/@logtape/logtape/0.6.3/logtape/logger.ts"
import { escapeHtml } from "@@x/escape"
import { StratzAPI } from "../stratz/api.ts"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "ap", "federation"])
type ContextData = undefined
export class DotinoVeloce {
stratz: StratzAPI
federation: Federation<ContextData>
constructor(kv: KvStore, stratz: StratzAPI) {
this.stratz = stratz
this.federation = createFederation<ContextData>({ kv })
.setActorDispatcher("/users/{identifier}", this.#actorHandler.bind(this))
.setInboxListeners("/inbox/{identifier}", "/inbox")
.on(Follow, this.#followHandler.bind(this))
#commonActorProperties(ctx: Context<ContextData>, handle: string): Partial<Actor> {
l.debug`Generating common actor properties for ${handle}...`
const properties = {
id: ctx.getActorUri(handle),
inbox: ctx.getInboxUri(handle),
preferredUsername: handle,
// Akkoma expects URL to be equal to ID
// Or does it? This makes no sense to me...
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex#L287
// url: id,
// Akkoma requires inboxes to be setup to display profiles
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/user_validator.ex#L72
l.debug`Generated common actor properties for ${handle}: ${properties}`
return properties
static playerMatcher = /u([0-9]+)/
async #playerActor(ctx: Context<ContextData>, handle: string): Promise<Actor | null> {
l.debug`Checking if handle ${handle} matches regex for player accounts...`
const match = handle.match(DotinoVeloce.playerMatcher)
if(!match) {
l.debug`No match for player account regex, returning null.`
return null
l.debug`Getting handle ${handle}'s SteamID...`
const steamId = Number.parseInt(match[1] as any)
l.debug`Handle ${handle}'s SteamID seems to be: ${steamId}`
l.debug`Making sure the SteamID parsing didn't explode...`
if(Number.isFinite(steamId)) {
l.error`SteamID parsing for ${handle} exploded with ${steamId}, returning null.`
return null
l.debug`Getting player data for ${steamId}...`
const player = await this.stratz.doQueryPlayer(steamId)
if(player === null) {
l.debug`No Steam account was found with ID: ${steamId}`
return null
l.debug`Generating ActivityPub actor for player ${steamId}...`
const actor = new Person({
...this.#commonActorProperties(ctx, handle),
name: `[TEST] ${escapeHtml(player.name)}`,
icon: new Image({
url: new URL(player.avatar),
mediaType: "image/jpeg"
attachments: [
new PropertyValue({
name: "Steam",
value: `<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/[U:1:${player.id}]">https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/[U:1:${player.id}]</a>`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "STRATZ",
value: `<a href="https://stratz.com/players/${player.id}">https://stratz.com/players/${player.id}</a>`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "OpenDota",
value: `<a href="https://www.opendota.com/players/${player.id}">https://www.opendota.com/players/${player.id}</a>`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "DOTABUFF",
value: `<a href="https://www.dotabuff.com/players/${player.id}">https://www.dotabuff.com/players/${player.id}</a>`,
l.debug`Generated ActivityPub actor for player ${steamId}: ${actor}`
return actor
static guildMatcher = /g([0-9]+)/
async #guildActor(ctx: Context<ContextData>, handle: string): Promise<Actor | null> {
l.debug`Checking if handle ${handle} matches regex for guild accounts...`
const match = handle.match(DotinoVeloce.guildMatcher)
if(!match) {
l.debug`No match for guild account regex, returning null.`
return null
l.debug`Getting handle ${handle}'s Guild ID...`
const guildId = Number.parseInt(match[1] as any)
l.debug`Handle ${handle}'s Guild ID seems to be: ${guildId}`
l.debug`Making sure the Guild ID parsing didn't explode...`
if(Number.isFinite(guildId)) {
l.error`Guild ID parsing for ${handle} exploded with ${guildId}, returning null.`
return null
const guild = await this.stratz.doQueryGuild(guildId)
if(guild === null) {
l.warn`No guild was found with ID: ${guildId}`
return null
l.debug`Generating ActivityPub actor for guild ${guildId}...`
const actor = new Organization({
...this.#commonActorProperties(ctx, handle),
name: `[TEST] ${escapeHtml(guild.name)}`,
summary: escapeHtml(guild.description),
icon: new Image({
url: new URL(`https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/${guild.logo}`),
mediaType: "image/jpeg"
published: Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(guild.createdDateTime * 1000),
attachments: [
new PropertyValue({
name: "Tag",
value: `[<b>${escapeHtml(guild.tag)}</b>]`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "Message of the day",
value: escapeHtml(guild.motd),
new PropertyValue({
name: "STRATZ",
value: `<a href="https://stratz.com/guilds/${guild.id}">https://stratz.com/guilds/${guild.id}</a>`,
l.debug`Generated ActivityPub actor for guild ${guildId}: ${actor}`
return actor
static serviceMatcher = /service/
async #serviceActor(ctx: Context<ContextData>, handle: string): Promise<Actor | null> {
l.debug`Checking if handle ${handle} matches regex for the service account...`
const match = handle.match(DotinoVeloce.serviceMatcher)
if(!match) {
l.debug`No match for service account regex, returning null.`
return null
l.debug`Generating ActivityPub actor for service...`
const actor = new Application({
...this.#commonActorProperties(ctx, handle),
name: "[TEST] Dotino Veloce",
summary: "Service account of a Dotino Veloce instance.",
attachments: [
new PropertyValue({
name: "Source code",
value: `<a href="https://forge.steffo.eu/steffo/dotino-veloce">https://forge.steffo.eu/steffo/dotino-veloce</a>`,
l.debug`Generated ActivityPub actor for service: ${actor}`
return actor
async #actorHandler(ctx: Context<ContextData>, handle: string) {
l.info`Handling actor with handle: ${handle}`
let actor = null
actor ??= this.#serviceActor(ctx, handle)
actor ??= this.#playerActor(ctx, handle)
actor ??= this.#guildActor(ctx, handle)
return actor
async #actorMapper(_ctx: Context<ContextData>, handle: string) {
return handle
async #followHandler(ctx: Context<ContextData>, follow: Follow) {
l.info`Handling follow request: ${follow}`
if(!follow.id) {
l.warn`Missing follow ID, skipping.`
if(!follow.actorId) {
l.warn`Missing actor ID, skipping.`
if(!follow.objectId) {
l.warn`Missing object ID, skipping.`
l.debug`Attempting to determine object of the follow request...` // TODO: ???
const object = ctx.parseUri(follow.objectId)
l.debug`Object is: ${object}`
if(!object) {
l.warn`Failed to determine object, skipping.`
if(object.type !== "actor") {
l.warn`Object type is not actor, skipping.` // TODO: Why?
l.debug`Attempting to determine actor of the follow request...`
const actor = await follow.getActor(ctx)
l.debug`Actor is: ${actor}`
l.debug`Attempting to determine target of the follow request...`
const target = await follow.getTarget(ctx)
l.debug`Target is: ${target}`

src/dv/favicon.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "ap", "favicon"])
export async function handleFavicon(): Promise<Response> {
l.info`Returning favicon...`
return new Response(
await Deno.readFile(".media/icon-128x128_round.png"),
headers: {
"Content-Type": "image/png",

src/dv/hostMeta.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,21 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "ap", "hostMeta"])
// deno-lint-ignore require-await
export async function handleHostMeta(origin: string): Promise<Response> {
l.info`Creating host-meta definition for: ${origin}`
// Akkoma expects host-meta to be correctly setup
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/web/web_finger.ex#L177
return new Response(
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><XRD xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/xri/xrd-1.0"><Link type="application/xrd+xml" template="${origin}/.well-known/webfinger?resource={uri}" rel="lrdd" /></XRD>`,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/xml",

View file

@ -1,140 +0,0 @@
import { createFederation, Person, Application, Image, PropertyValue, Organization, Group } from "@fedify/fedify"
import { kv } from "./redis.ts"
import { getLogger } from "https://jsr.io/@logtape/logtape/0.6.3/logtape/logger.ts"
import { doQueryGuild, doQueryPlayer } from "./graphql/stratz.ts"
import { escapeHtml } from "@@x/escape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "federation"])
l.debug`Creating federation object...`
export const federation = createFederation<void>({ kv })
const userMatcher = /u([0-9]+)/
const guildMatcher = /g([0-9]+)/
l.debug`Creating actor dispatcher...`
// deno-lint-ignore require-await
async function actorDispatcher(ctx: any, handle: string) {
l.debug`Determining id of requested actor: ${handle}`
const id = ctx.getActorUri(handle)
l.debug`Requested actor is: ${id.href}`
if (handle === "service") {
l.info`Dispatching service account...`
return new Application({
preferredUsername: id.href,
// Akkoma expects URL to be equal to ID
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex#L287
url: id,
// Akkoma requires inboxes to be setup to display profiles
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/user_validator.ex#L72
inbox: ctx.getInboxUri(handle),
name: "[TEST] Dotino Veloce",
summary: "Service account of a Dotino Veloce instance.",
const steamId = Number.parseInt(handle.match(userMatcher)?.[1] as any)
if(Number.isFinite(steamId)) {
l.info`Dispatching user account with Steam ID: ${steamId}`
const player = await doQueryPlayer(steamId)
if(player === null) {
l.warn`No Steam account was found with ID: ${steamId}`
return null
return new Person({
preferredUsername: id.href,
// Akkoma expects URL to be equal to ID
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex#L287
url: id,
// Akkoma requires inboxes to be setup to display profiles
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/user_validator.ex#L72
inbox: ctx.getInboxUri(handle),
name: `[TEST] ${escapeHtml(player.name)}`,
icon: new Image({
url: new URL(player.avatar),
mediaType: "image/jpeg"
attachments: [
new PropertyValue({
name: "Steam",
value: `<a href="https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/[U:1:${player.id}]">https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/[U:1:${player.id}]</a>`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "STRATZ",
value: `<a href="https://stratz.com/players/${player.id}">https://stratz.com/players/${player.id}</a>`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "OpenDota",
value: `<a href="https://www.opendota.com/players/${player.id}">https://www.opendota.com/players/${player.id}</a>`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "DOTABUFF",
value: `<a href="https://www.dotabuff.com/players/${player.id}">https://www.dotabuff.com/players/${player.id}</a>`,
const guildId = Number.parseInt(handle.match(guildMatcher)?.[1] as any)
if(Number.isFinite(guildId)) {
l.info`Dispatching guild with Guild ID: ${guildId}`
const guild = await doQueryGuild(guildId)
if(guild === null) {
l.warn`No guild was found with ID: ${guildId}`
return null
return new Group({
preferredUsername: id.href,
// Akkoma expects URL to be equal to ID
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/object/fetcher.ex#L287
url: id,
// Akkoma requires inboxes to be setup to display profiles
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/web/activity_pub/object_validators/user_validator.ex#L72
inbox: ctx.getInboxUri(handle),
name: `[TEST] ${escapeHtml(guild.name)}`,
summary: escapeHtml(guild.description),
icon: new Image({
url: new URL(`https://steamusercontent-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/${guild.logo}`),
mediaType: "image/jpeg"
published: Temporal.Instant.fromEpochMilliseconds(guild.createdDateTime * 1000),
attachments: [
new PropertyValue({
name: "Tag",
value: `[<b>${escapeHtml(guild.tag)}</b>]`,
new PropertyValue({
name: "Message of the day",
value: escapeHtml(guild.motd),
new PropertyValue({
name: "STRATZ",
value: `<a href="https://stratz.com/guilds/${guild.id}">https://stratz.com/guilds/${guild.id}</a>`,
l.warn`No dispatcher was found for handle: ${handle}`
return null
l.debug`Connecting actor dispatcher to federation object...`
federation.setActorDispatcher("/users/{identifier}", actorDispatcher)
l.debug`Initializing inbox listener...`
federation.setInboxListeners("/inbox/{identifier}") // I don't really care about the shared inbox for this project

src/fedify/kv.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
import { Redis } from "@@npm/ioredis"
import { RedisKvStore } from "@fedify/redis/kv"
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "fedify", "kv"])
export function createRedisKvStore(redis: Redis) {
l.debug`Creating Redis key-value store...`
return new RedisKvStore(redis, {})

src/fedify/redis.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
import { Redis } from "@@npm/ioredis"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "fedify", "redis"])
export function createRedis() {
l.debug`Creating Redis object...`
return new Redis({})

View file

@ -1,99 +0,0 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "graphql"])
l.debug`Getting Stratz API URL from environment variable DOTINO_STRATZ_URL...`
const urlString = Deno.env.get("DOTINO_STRATZ_URL")
if(!urlString) {
l.error`DOTINO_STRATZ_URL is unset.`
throw new Error("DOTINO_STRATZ_URL is unset.")
l.debug`Attempting to parse Stratz API URL...`
const url = new URL(urlString)
l.debug`Getting Stratz API key from environment variable DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY...`
const key = Deno.env.get("DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY")
if(!key) {
l.error`DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY is unset.`
throw new Error("DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY is unset.")
// Little trick to get VSCode to highlight queries!
const graphql = String.raw
export async function doQuery(query: string, variables: object) {
const request = await fetch(url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${key}`,
"User-Agent": "STRATZ_API",
body: JSON.stringify({query, variables})
const data = await request.json()
if(data["error"]) {
throw new Error("GraphQL query failed.", data["error"])
return data["data"]
export async function doQueryPlayer(steamId: number): Promise<{
communityVisibleState: number,
isAnonymous: boolean,
id: number,
name: string,
avatar: string,
} | null> {
l.info`Querying player ${steamId} on the Stratz API...`
const response = await doQuery(
query ($steamId: Long!) {
player (steamAccountId: $steamId) {
steamAccount {
return response?.player?.steamAccount ?? null
export async function doQueryGuild(guildId: number): Promise<{
id: number,
motd: string,
name: string,
tag: string,
logo: string,
description: string,
createdDateTime: number,
} | null> {
l.info`Querying guild ${guildId} on the Stratz API...`
const response = await doQuery(
query ($guildId: Int!) {
guild(id: $guildId) {
return response?.guild ?? null

View file

@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
import { behindProxy, Fetch } from "@hongminhee/x-forwarded-fetch"
import { federation } from "./federation.ts"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "handler"])
l.debug`Creating Deno handler...`
function handler(request: Request, _info: Deno.ServeHandlerInfo) {
l.debug`Received a request, processing...`
const agent = request.headers.get("User-Agent")
const requestUrl = new URL(request.url)
l.debug`Received request from ${agent} to ${requestUrl.href}`
// Akkoma expects host-meta to be correctly setup
// https://akkoma.dev/AkkomaGang/akkoma/src/commit/f1018867097e6f293d8b2b5b6935f0a7ebf99bd0/lib/pleroma/web/web_finger.ex#L177
l.debug`Routing request to: ${requestUrl.pathname}`
if (requestUrl.pathname === "/.well-known/host-meta") {
l.debug`Intercepting request to inject host-meta for ${requestUrl.origin}`
return new Response(
`<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><XRD xmlns="http://docs.oasis-open.org/ns/xri/xrd-1.0"><Link type="application/xrd+xml" template="${requestUrl.origin}/.well-known/webfinger?resource={uri}" rel="lrdd" /></XRD>`,
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/xml",
l.debug`Delegating request to Federation...`
return federation.fetch(
contextData: undefined,
l.debug`Creating proxyied Deno handler...`
export const proxyHandler: Deno.ServeHandler = behindProxy(handler as Fetch) // Should be good.

View file

@ -1,24 +1,23 @@
import { configure, getConsoleSink, getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
import { proxyHandler } from "./handler.ts"
import { doServe } from "./deno/server.ts"
import { createRedis } from "./fedify/redis.ts"
import { initLogging } from "./deno/logging.ts"
import { createRedisKvStore } from "./fedify/kv.ts"
import { StratzAPI } from "./stratz/api.ts"
import { behindProxy, Fetch } from "@hongminhee/x-forwarded-fetch"
import { createRouter } from "./deno/router.ts"
import { DotinoVeloce } from "./dv/dotinoVeloce.ts"
await configure({
sinks: { console: getConsoleSink() },
filters: {},
loggers: [
{ category: ["logtape", "meta"], sinks: ["console"], level: "warning" },
{ category: ["fedify"], sinks: ["console"], level: "info" },
{ category: ["dotino-veloce"], sinks: ["console"], level: "debug" },
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "main"])
async function main() {
await initLogging()
const redis = createRedis()
const kv = createRedisKvStore(redis)
const stratz = StratzAPI.fromEnv()
const ap = new DotinoVeloce(kv, stratz)
const router = createRouter(ap)
const routerBehindProxy = behindProxy(router as Fetch)
await doServe(routerBehindProxy)
l.info`Starting server...`
port: 8080,
onListen: (_localAddr) => {

View file

@ -1,11 +0,0 @@
import { RedisKvStore } from "@fedify/redis"
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
import { Redis } from "@@npm/ioredis"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "redis"])
l.debug`Creating redis object...`
export const redis = new Redis({})
l.debug`Creating federation object...`
export const kv = new RedisKvStore(redis, {})

src/stratz/api.ts Normal file
View file

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
import { getLogger } from "@logtape/logtape"
const l = getLogger(["dotino-veloce", "stratz", "api"])
const graphql = String.raw
export type QueryPlayer = {
communityVisibleState: number,
isAnonymous: boolean,
id: number,
name: string,
avatar: string,
export type QueryGuild = {
id: number,
motd: string,
name: string,
tag: string,
logo: string,
description: string,
createdDateTime: number,
export class StratzAPI {
url: URL
key: string
constructor(url: string, key: string) {
l.info`Creating new Stratz API client sending requests at: ${url}`
l.debug`Using Stratz API key: ${key}`
this.key = key
l.debug`Attempting to parse Stratz API URL...`
this.url = new URL(url)
l.debug`Stratz API URL is: ${this.url}`
static fromEnv(): StratzAPI {
l.debug`Getting Stratz API URL from environment variable DOTINO_STRATZ_URL...`
const url = Deno.env.get("DOTINO_STRATZ_URL")
if(!url) {
l.error`DOTINO_STRATZ_URL is unset.`
throw new Error("DOTINO_STRATZ_URL is unset.")
l.debug`Getting Stratz API key from environment variable DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY...`
const key = Deno.env.get("DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY")
if(!key) {
l.error`DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY is unset.`
throw new Error("DOTINO_STRATZ_KEY is unset.")
return new StratzAPI(url, key)
async doQuery(query: string, variables: object): Promise<any> {
l.debug`Sending to Stratz API at ${this.url} query ${query} with variables ${variables}`
const response = await fetch(this.url, {
method: "POST",
headers: {
"Content-Type": "application/json",
"Accept": "application/json",
"Authorization": `Bearer ${this.key}`,
"User-Agent": "STRATZ_API", // Stratz requires this specific User-Agent in API calls
body: JSON.stringify({query, variables})
l.debug`Received Stratz API response: ${response}`
l.debug`Parsing Stratz API response as JSON...`
const parsed = await response.json()
l.debug`Parsed Stratz API response as: ${parsed}`
const error = parsed["error"]
if(error) {
l.error`GraphQL query failed: ${error}`
throw new Error("GraphQL query failed.", error)
l.debug`Attempting to get data from the parsed API response...`
const data = parsed["data"]
l.debug`Got data from the parsed API response: ${data}`
return data
async doQueryPlayer(steamId: number): Promise<QueryPlayer | null> {
const query = graphql`
query ($steamId: Long!) {
player (steamAccountId: $steamId) {
steamAccount {
const variables = {steamId}
l.info`Querying player ${steamId} on the Stratz API...`
const response = await this.doQuery(query, variables)
l.debug`Player query successful, received: ${response}`
l.debug`Attempting to retrieve player's Steam account from the Stratz API response...`
const steamAccount = response?.player?.steamAccount ?? null
l.debug`Player's Steam account is: ${steamAccount}`
return steamAccount
async doQueryGuild(guildId: number): Promise<QueryGuild | null> {
const query = graphql`
query ($guildId: Int!) {
guild(id: $guildId) {
const variables = {guildId}
l.info`Querying guild ${guildId} on the Stratz API...`
const response = await this.doQuery(query, variables)
l.debug`Player query successful, received: ${response}`
l.debug`Attempting to retrieve guild data from the Stratz API response...`
const guildData = response?.guild ?? null
l.debug`Guild data is: ${guildData}`
return guildData

View file

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
import { configure, getConsoleSink } from "@logtape/logtape"
import { doQueryPlayer } from "../src/graphql/stratz.ts"
import { doQueryPlayer } from "../src/stratz/api.ts"
import { assert, assertEquals} from "@std/assert"