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2020-02-04 13:14:04 +00:00
# Strings / localization file for greed
# Can be edited, but DON'T REMOVE THE REPLACEMENT FIELDS (words surrounded by {curly braces})
# Current localization is Italian
# Currency symbol
currency_symbol = ""
# Positioning of the currency symbol
currency_format_string = "{symbol} {value}"
# Quantity of a product in stock
in_stock_format_string = "{quantity} available"
# Copies of a product in cart
in_cart_format_string = "{quantity} in cart"
# Product information
product_format_string = "<b>{name}</b>\n" \
"{description}\n" \
"{price}\n" \
# Order number, displayed in the order info
order_number = "Order #{id}"
# Order info string, shown to the admins
order_format_string = "of {user}\n" \
"Created {date}\n" \
"\n" \
"{items}\n" \
"TOTAL: <b>{value}</b>\n" \
"\n" \
"Customer notes: {notes}\n"
# Order info string, shown to the user
user_order_format_string = "{status_emoji} <b>Order {status_text}</b>\n" \
"{items}\n" \
"TOTAL: <b>{value}</b>\n" \
"\n" \
"Notes: {notes}\n"
# Transaction page is loading
loading_transactions = "<i>loading current transactions...\n" \
"Wait a few seconds, please</i>"
# Transactions page
transactions_page = "Page <b>{page}</b>:\n" \
"\n" \
# transactions.csv caption
csv_caption = " a 📄 file was generated .csv containing all transactions stored in the bot database.\n" \
"You can open this file with other programs, such as LibreOffice Calc, to process" \
" data."
# Conversation: the start command was sent and the bot should welcome the user
conversation_after_start = "Hello!\n" \
"Welcome to greed!\n" \
"What you see here is the 🅱️ <b>Beta</b> version of the software.\n" \
"It is fully usable, but it is possible that some bugs are still present.\n" \
"If you find any, you can collaborate with the developer to solve them, describing what it is" \
"success at https://github.com/Steffo99/greed/issues."
# Conversation: to send an inline keyboard you need to send a message with it
conversation_open_user_menu = "what would you like to do?\n" \
"💰 You have <b>{credit}</b> on your wallet\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>to select an operation, Press a key on the keyboard at the bottom.\n" \
"If the keyboard has not opened, you can open it by pressing the button with four small squares" \
"in the message bar.</i>"
# Conversation: like above, but for administrators
conversation_open_admin_menu = "you are 💼 <b>Admin</b> manager of this store!\n" \
"What would you like to do?\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>to select an operation, Press a key on the keyboard at the bottom.\n" \
"If the keyboard has not opened, you can open it by pressing the button with four small squares" \
"in the message bar.</i>"
# Conversation: select a payment method
conversation_payment_method = "how do you want to add funds to your wallet?"
# Conversation: select a product to edit
conversation_admin_select_product = "✏️ what product do you want to change?"
# Conversation: select a product to delete
conversation_admin_select_product_to_delete = "❌ what product do you want to delete?"
# Conversation: select a user to edit
conversation_admin_select_user = " Select a user to perform the selected action on."
# Conversation: click below to pay for the purchase
conversation_cart_actions = "<i>Add products to cart by scrolling up and pressing the Add button below" \
" the products you want to buy. When you're done, go back to this message and" \
" press the Done button.</i>"
# Conversation: confirm the cart contents
conversation_confirm_cart = "🛒 Your cart contains these products:\n" \
"{product_list}" \
"Total: <b>{total_cost}</b>\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>if you want to proceed, press the Done button below this message.\n" \
"To cancel, press the Cancel button.</i>"
# Conversation: the user activated the live orders mode
conversation_live_orders_start = "You are in <b>receiving order mode</b>\n" \
"All new orders placed by customers will appear in real time in this" \
" chat, and you can mark them as ✅ completed" \
" or ✴️ refund the credit to the customer.\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>Press the Stop button below this message to stop the" \
" reception.</i>"
# Conversation: help menu has been opened
conversation_open_help_menu = "what kind of assistance do you want to receive?"
# Conversation: confirm promotion to admin
conversation_confirm_admin_promotion = "are you sure you want to promote this user to 💼 Admin manager?\n" \
"It is an irreversible action!"
# Conversation: switching to user mode
conversation_switch_to_user_mode = " You are switching to 👤 customer mode.\n" \
"If you want to summarize the role of 💼 Admin manager, restart the conversation with /start"
# Notification: the conversation has expired
conversation_expired = "🕐 I haven't received any messages in a while, so to save energy" \
" I ended the conversation.\n" \
"If you want to start a new one, send the /start command again."
# User menu: order
menu_order = "🛒 Orders"
# User menu: order status
menu_order_status = "🛍 My orders"
# User menu: add credit
menu_add_credit = "💵 Add funds"
# User menu: bot info
menu_bot_info = " Info about the bot"
# User menu: cash
menu_cash = "💵 Cash"
# User menu: credit card
menu_credit_card = "💳 Credit card"
# Admin menu: products
menu_products = "📝️ Products"
# Admin menu: orders
menu_orders = "📦 Orders"
# Menu: transactions
menu_transactions = "💳 Transaction list"
# Menu: edit credit
menu_edit_credit = "💰 Create transaction"
# Admin menu: go to user mode
menu_user_mode = "👤 Press switch to customer mode"
# Admin menu: add product
menu_add_product = "✨ New product"
# Admin menu: delete product
menu_delete_product = "❌ Delete product"
# Menu: cancel
menu_cancel = "🔙 Cancel"
# Menu: skip
menu_skip = "⏭ Jump"
# Menu: done
menu_done = "✅️ Done"
# Menu: pay invoice
menu_pay = "💳 Pay"
# Menu: complete
menu_complete = "✅ Complete"
# Menu: refund
menu_refund = "✴️ Refund"
# Menu: stop
menu_stop = "🛑 Stop"
# Menu: add to cart
menu_add_to_cart = " Add"
# Menu: remove from cart
menu_remove_from_cart = " Remove"
# Menu: help menu
menu_help = "❓ Help & support"
# Menu: guide
menu_guide = "📖 Guide"
# Menu: next page
menu_next = "▶️ Next"
# Menu: previous page
menu_previous = "◀️ Back"
# Menu: contact the shopkeeper
menu_contact_shopkeeper = "👨‍💼 Contact the store"
# Menu: generate transactions .csv file
menu_csv = "📄.csv"
# Menu: edit admins list
menu_edit_admins = "🏵 Edit handlers"
# Emoji: unprocessed order
emoji_not_processed = "*️⃣"
# Emoji: completed order
emoji_completed = ""
# Emoji: refunded order
emoji_refunded = "✴️"
# Emoji: yes
emoji_yes = ""
# Emoji: no
emoji_no = "🚫"
# Text: unprocessed order
text_not_processed = " pending"
# Text: completed order
text_completed = "completed"
# Text: refunded order
text_refunded = "refunded"
# Add product: name?
ask_product_name = " what should you call the product?"
# Add product: description?
ask_product_description = " what should be the product description?"
# Add product: price?
ask_product_price = " what should be the product price?\n" \
"Write <code>X</code> if you want the product not for sale yet"
# Add product: image?
ask_product_image = "🖼 what image do you want the product to have?\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>send the photo, or if you prefer to leave the product without Picture press the Skip button here" \
" under.</i>"
# Order product: notes?
ask_order_notes = " want to leave a note along with the order?\n" \
"💼 Will be visible to store managers.\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>send a message with the note you want to leave, or press the jump button below this" \
" message not to leave anything.</i>"
# Refund product: reason?
ask_refund_reason = " attach a reason to this refund.\n" \
"👤 Will be visible to the customer."
# Edit credit: notes?
ask_transaction_notes = " attach a note to this transaction.\n" \
"👤 Will be visible to the customer after crediting / debiting" \
" and 💼 Admin managers in the transaction log."
# Edit credit: amount?
ask_credit = "How much do you want to change the customer's credit?\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>send a message containing the amount.\n" \
"Put a mark </i><code>+</code><i> if you want to add credit to the customer's account." \
" or a sign </i><code>-</code><i> you want to deduce it.</i>"
# Header for the edit admin message
admin_properties = "<b>Permissions {name}:</b>"
# Edit admin: can edit products?
prop_edit_products = "Edit products"
# Edit admin: can receive orders?
prop_receive_orders = "Receive orders"
# Edit admin: can create transactions?
prop_create_transactions = "Manage transactions"
# Edit admin: show on help message?
prop_display_on_help = "Customer Support"
# Thread has started downloading an image and might be unresponsive
downloading_image = "I'm downloading your photo!\n" \
"It might take a while... Be patient!\n" \
"I will not be able to answer you while downloading."
# Edit product: current value
edit_current_value = "the current value is:\n" \
"<pre>{value}</pre>\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>Press the jump button below this message to keep the same value.</i>"
# Payment: cash payment info
payment_cash = "You can pay cash at the physical location of the store.\n" \
"Pay at checkout, and provide the store manager with this id:\n" \
# Payment: invoice amount
payment_cc_amount = "How many funds do you want to add to your wallet?\n" \
"\n" \
"<i>Select an amount with the buttons below, or enter it manually with the keyboard" \
" normal.</i>"
# Payment: add funds invoice title
payment_invoice_title = " Adding funds"
# Payment: add funds invoice description
payment_invoice_description = "Paying this receipt will add {amount} to the wallet.\n\n" \
"Since you are in the Alpha version of the software, you can make infinite payments" \
" with test credit card 4242 4242 4242 4242," \
" with any CVV and any valid expiration date."
# Payment: label of the labeled price on the invoice
payment_invoice_label = "Reload"
# Payment: label of the labeled price on the invoice
payment_invoice_fee_label = "Card supplement"
# Notification: order has been placed
notification_order_placed = "A new order has been placed:\n" \
# Notification: order has been completed
notification_order_completed = "your order has been completed!\n" \
# Notification: order has been refunded
notification_order_refunded = "your order has been refunded!\n" \
# Notification: a manual transaction was applied
notification_transaction_created = " a new transaction has been applied to your wallet:\n" \
# Refund reason
refund_reason = "Refund reason:\n" \
# Info: informazioni sul bot
bot_info = ' This bot uses <a href="https://github.com/Steffo99/greed">greed</a>,' \
' a framework by @Steffo for payments on Telegram released below' \
' <a href="https://github.com/Steffo99/greed/blob/master/LICENSE.txt">' \
' General Public License 3.0</a>.\n' \
' The source code of this version is available <i>qui</i>.\n'
# Help: guide
help_msg = "Bot help is available at this address:\n" \
# Help: contact shopkeeper
contact_shopkeeper = "Currently, the staff available to provide user assistance is composed of:\n" \
"{shopkeepers}\n" \
"<i>Click / tap one of their names to contact them in a Telegram chat..</i>"
# Success: product has been added/edited to the database
success_product_edited = "✅ the product has been successfully added/modified!"
# Success: product has been added/edited to the database
success_product_deleted = "✅ the product has been successfully deleted!"
# Success: order has been created
success_order_created = "✅ the order was sent successfully!\n" \
"\n" \
# Success: order was marked as completed
success_order_completed = "✅ You marked the order #{order_id} as completed"
# Success: order was refunded successfully
success_order_refunded = "✴️ Order #{order_id} has been successfully refunded."
# Success: transaction was created successfully
success_transaction_created = "✅ the transaction was created successfully!\n" \
# Error: message received not in a private chat
error_nonprivate_chat = "⚠️ This bot only works in private chats."
# Error: a message was sent in a chat, but no worker exists for that chat.
# Suggest the creation of a new worker with /start
error_no_worker_for_chat = "⚠️ The conversation with the bot is interrupted.\n" \
"To restart it, send the /start command to the bot."
# Error: add funds amount over max
error_payment_amount_over_max = "⚠️ the maximum of funds that can be added in a single transaction is " \
# Error: add funds amount under min
error_payment_amount_under_min = "⚠️ The minimum of funds that can be added in a single transaction is " \
# Error: the invoice has expired and can't be paid
error_invoice_expired = "⚠️ This payment has expired and has been canceled. If you still want to add funds, " \
"use the Add menu funds option. "
# Error: a product with that name already exists
error_duplicate_name = "️⚠️ A product with this name already exists"
# Error: not enough credit to order
error_not_enough_credit = "⚠️ You do not have enough credit to place the order"
# Error: order has already been cleared
error_order_already_cleared = "⚠️ This order has already been processed."
# Error: no orders have been placed, so none can be shown
error_no_orders = "⚠️ You have not placed orders yet, so there is nothing to display."
# Error: selected user does not exist
error_user_does_not_exist = "⚠️ The selected user does not exist"
# Fatal: conversation raised an exception
fatal_conversation_exception = "☢️ oh oh no! A <b>error</b> interrupted this conversation\n" \
"The error was reported to the developer of greed so that it can fix it.\n" \
"To start a new conversation, send the /start command."