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synced 2025-03-23 16:57:28 +00:00
Enable logging in core
This commit is contained in:
3 changed files with 51 additions and 7 deletions
@ -17,6 +17,7 @@ A customizable Telegram shop bot, developed as a project for the final exam.
1. Download the project files through `git clone https://github.com/Steffo99/greed.git` or [this link](https://github.com/Steffo99/greed/archive/master.zip).
2. Install the project requirements with `pip install -r requirements.txt`
3. _Optional: run `pip install coloredlogs` to have colored logging output._
3. Run `python -OO core.py` to generate the configuration file.
4. Open the config folder and edit the `config.ini` file following the contained instructions.
Ensure the `is_template` field is set to `no`.
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
# Config file parameters
; Config file version. DO NOT EDIT THIS!
version = 14
version = 15
; Set this to no when you are done editing the file
is_template = yes
; Language code for string file
@ -75,3 +75,12 @@ full_order_info = no
; Optional sentry token: get the token at https://sentry.io/ or ask @Steffo for one
; Needed to automatically report bugs found by the users in the code.
sentry_token = https://00000000000000000000000000000000:00000000000000000000000000000000@sentry.io/0000000
# Logging settings
; The output format for the messages printed to the console
; See https://docs.python.org/3/library/logging.html#logrecord-attributes for information about the {}-attributes
format = {asctime} | {threadName} | {name} | {message}
; Logging level: ignore all log entries with a level lower than the specified one
; Valid options are FATAL, ERROR, WARNING, INFO, and DEBUG
level = INFO
@ -5,6 +5,12 @@ import configloader
import utils
import threading
import importlib
import logging
import coloredlogs
except ImportError:
coloredlogs = None
language = configloader.config["Config"]["language"]
strings = importlib.import_module("strings." + language)
@ -12,20 +18,35 @@ strings = importlib.import_module("strings." + language)
def main():
"""The core code of the program. Should be run only in the main process!"""
# Rename the main thread for presentation purposes
threading.current_thread().name = "Core"
# Setup logging
log = logging.getLogger("core")
stream_handler = logging.StreamHandler()
if coloredlogs is not None:
stream_handler.formatter = coloredlogs.ColoredFormatter(configloader.config["Logging"]["format"], style="{")
stream_handler.formatter = logging.Formatter(configloader.config["Logging"]["format"], style="{")
log.debug("Logging setup successfully!")
# Ignore most python-telegram-bot logs, as they are useless most of the time
# Create a bot instance
bot = utils.DuckBot(configloader.config["Telegram"]["token"])
# Test the specified token
log.debug("Testing bot token...")
except telegram.error.Unauthorized:
print("The token you have entered in the config file is invalid.\n"
"Fix it, then restart this script.")
logging.fatal("The token you have entered in the config file is invalid. Fix it, then restart greed.")
log.debug("Bot token is valid!")
# Create a dictionary linking the chat ids to the ChatWorker objects
# {"1234": <ChatWorker>}
@ -35,11 +56,12 @@ def main():
next_update = None
# Notify on the console that the bot is starting
print("greed-bot is now starting!")
log.info("greed is starting!")
# Main loop of the program
while True:
# Get a new batch of 100 updates and mark the last 100 parsed as read
log.debug("Getting updates from Telegram")
updates = bot.get_updates(offset=next_update,
# Parse all the updates
@ -48,20 +70,24 @@ def main():
if update.message is not None:
# Ensure the message has been sent in a private chat
if update.message.chat.type != "private":
log.debug(f"Received a message from a non-private chat: {update.message.chat.id}")
# Notify the chat
bot.send_message(update.message.chat.id, strings.error_nonprivate_chat)
# Skip the update
# If the message is a start command...
if isinstance(update.message.text, str) and update.message.text == "/start":
log.info(f"Received /start from: {update.message.chat.id}")
# Check if a worker already exists for that chat
old_worker = chat_workers.get(update.message.chat.id)
# If it exists, gracefully stop the worker
if old_worker:
log.debug(f"Received request to stop {old_worker.name}")
# Initialize a new worker for the chat
new_worker = worker.ChatWorker(bot, update.message.chat)
# Start the worker
log.debug(f"Starting {new_worker.name}")
# Store the worker in the dictionary
chat_workers[update.message.chat.id] = new_worker
@ -71,6 +97,7 @@ def main():
receiving_worker = chat_workers.get(update.message.chat.id)
# Ensure a worker exists for the chat and is alive
if receiving_worker is None or not receiving_worker.is_alive():
log.debug(f"Received a message in a chat without worker: {update.message.chat.id}")
# Suggest that the user restarts the chat with /start
bot.send_message(update.message.chat.id, strings.error_no_worker_for_chat,
@ -78,9 +105,11 @@ def main():
# If the message contains the "Cancel" string defined in the strings file...
if update.message.text == strings.menu_cancel:
log.debug(f"Forwarding CancelSignal to {worker}")
# Send a CancelSignal to the worker instead of the update
log.debug(f"Forwarding message to {worker}")
# Forward the update to the worker
# If the update is a inline keyboard press...
@ -89,17 +118,20 @@ def main():
receiving_worker = chat_workers.get(update.callback_query.from_user.id)
# Ensure a worker exists for the chat
if receiving_worker is None:
log.debug(f"Received a callback query in a chat without worker: {update.message.chat.id}")
# Suggest that the user restarts the chat with /start
bot.send_message(update.callback_query.from_user.id, strings.error_no_worker_for_chat)
# Skip the update
# Check if the pressed inline key is a cancel button
if update.callback_query.data == "cmd_cancel":
log.debug(f"Forwarding CancelSignal to {worker}")
# Forward a CancelSignal to the worker
# Notify the Telegram client that the inline keyboard press has been received
log.debug(f"Forwarding callback query to {worker}")
# Forward the update to the worker
# If the update is a precheckoutquery, ensure it hasn't expired before forwarding it
@ -107,17 +139,19 @@ def main():
# Forward the update to the corresponding worker
receiving_worker = chat_workers.get(update.pre_checkout_query.from_user.id)
# Check if it's the active invoice for this chat
if receiving_worker is None or\
if receiving_worker is None or \
update.pre_checkout_query.invoice_payload != receiving_worker.invoice_payload:
# Notify the user that the invoice has expired
log.debug(f"Received a pre-checkout query for an expired invoice in: {update.message.chat.id}")
except telegram.error.BadRequest:
print(f"ERROR: pre_checkout_query expired before an answer could be sent")
log.error("pre-checkout query expired before an answer could be sent!")
# Go to the next update
log.debug(f"Forwarding pre-checkout query to {worker}")
# Forward the update to the worker
# If there were any updates...
Add table
Reference in a new issue