Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Steffo99/greed.git synced 2025-03-26 02:07:25 +00:00

Order display should be finished

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2018-04-01 18:10:14 +02:00
parent 214401a509
commit aa96ac0f73
5 changed files with 72 additions and 36 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View file

@ -102,4 +102,4 @@ ENV/

View file

@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import strings
import worker
import configloader
def main():
"""The core code of the program. Should be run only in the main process!"""
@ -36,7 +37,8 @@ def main():
while True:
# Get a new batch of 100 updates and mark the last 100 parsed as read
updates = bot.get_updates(offset=next_update, timeout=int(configloader.config["Telegram"]["long_polling_timeout"]))
updates = bot.get_updates(offset=next_update,
# If the method times out...
except telegram.error.TimedOut:
# Increase the TimedOut counter

View file

@ -140,6 +140,7 @@ class Product(TableDeclarativeBase):
class Transaction(TableDeclarativeBase):
"""A greed wallet transaction.
Wallet credit ISN'T calculated from these, but they can be used to recalculate it."""
# TODO: split this into multiple tables
# The internal transaction ID
transaction_id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
@ -195,6 +196,8 @@ class Admin(TableDeclarativeBase):
edit_products = Column(Boolean, default=True)
receive_orders = Column(Boolean, default=True)
view_transactions = Column(Boolean, default=True)
# Live mode enabled
live_mode = Column(Boolean, default=False)
# Extra table parameters
__tablename__ = "admins"
@ -238,12 +241,19 @@ class Order(TableDeclarativeBase):
items = ""
for item in self.items:
items += str(item) + "\n"
return strings.order_format_string.format(id=self.order_id,
notes=self.notes if self.notes is not None else "",
if self.delivery_date is not None:
status_emoji = strings.emoji_completed
elif self.refund_date is not None:
status_emoji = strings.emoji_refunded
status_emoji = strings.emoji_not_processed
return status_emoji + " " + \
strings.order_number.format(id=self.order_id) + "\n" + \
notes=self.notes if self.notes is not None else "",
class OrderItem(TableDeclarativeBase):

View file

@ -14,9 +14,11 @@ in_stock_format_string = "{quantity} disponibili"
# Copies of a product in cart
in_cart_format_string = "{quantity} nel carrello"
# Order number, displayed in the order info
order_number = "Ordine #{id}"
# Order info displayed string
order_format_string = "Ordine #{id}\n" \
"di {user}\n" \
order_format_string = "di {user}\n" \
"{value}\n" \
"Creato {date}\n" \
"\n" \
@ -131,6 +133,15 @@ menu_add_to_cart = " Aggiungi"
# Menu: remove from cart
menu_remove_from_cart = " Rimuovi"
# Emoji: unprocessed order
emoji_not_processed = "*️⃣ "
# Emoji: completed order
emoji_completed = ""
# Emoji: refunded order
emoji_refunded = "✴️"
# Add product: name?
ask_product_name = "Come si deve chiamare il prodotto?"
@ -185,11 +196,11 @@ notification_order_placed = "*️⃣ E' stato piazzato un nuovo ordine:\n" \
# Notification: order has been completed
notification_order_completed = "Un tuo ordine è stato completato!\n" \
notification_order_completed = "Un tuo ordine è stato completato!\n" \
# Notification: order has been refunded
notification_order_refunded = "✴️ Un tuo ordine è stato rimborsato!\n" \
notification_order_refunded = "Un tuo ordine è stato rimborsato!\n" \
"{order}\n" \
"\n" \
"Motivazione data dal negoziante:\n" \
@ -237,3 +248,6 @@ error_duplicate_name = "️⚠️ Esiste già un prodotto con questo nome."
# Error: not enough credit to order
error_not_enough_credit = "⚠️ Non hai credito sufficiente per effettuare l'ordine."
# Error: order has already been cleared
error_order_already_cleared = "⚠️ Questo ordine è già stato processato."

View file

@ -42,8 +42,6 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
self.queue = queuem.Queue()
# The current active invoice payload; reject all invoices with a different payload
self.invoice_payload = None
# Listening mode flag: if set, display the received orders in real time
self.listening_mode = False
def run(self):
"""The conversation code."""
@ -196,6 +194,8 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
# Ensure the update is a CallbackQuery
if update.callback_query is None:
# Answer the callbackquery
# Return the callbackquery
return update.callback_query
@ -378,11 +378,17 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
# Notify the user of the order result
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.success_order_created)
# Notify the admins (with Order Notifications enabled) of the new order created
admins = self.session.query(db.Admin).filter_by(receive_orders=True).all()
# Notify the admins (in Live Orders mode) of the new order
admins = self.session.query(db.Admin).filter_by(live_mode=True).all()
# Create the order keyboard
order_keyboard = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(
[[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_complete, callback_data="order_complete")],
[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_refund, callback_data="order_refund")]])
# Notify them of the new placed order
for admin in admins:
self.bot.send_message(admin.user_id, f"{strings.notification_order_placed.format(order=order.get_text(self.session))}")
def __order_status(self):
"""Display the status of the sent orders."""
@ -449,10 +455,10 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
# Convert the amount to an integer
value = Price(selection)
# Ensure the amount is within the range
if value > int(configloader.config["Payments"]["max_amount"]):
if value > Price(int(configloader.config["Credit Card"]["max_amount"])):
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.error_payment_amount_over_max.format(max_amount=Price(configloader.config["Payments"]["max_amount"])))
elif value < int(configloader.config["Payments"]["min_amount"]):
elif value < Price(int(configloader.config["Credit Card"]["min_amount"])):
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.error_payment_amount_under_min.format(min_amount=Price(configloader.config["Payments"]["min_amount"])))
@ -702,40 +708,44 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_refund, callback_data="order_refund")]])
# Display the past pending orders
orders = self.session.query(db.Order).filter_by(delivery_date=None, refund_date=None).join(db.Transaction).join(db.User).all()
# Create a dict linking the message ids to the orders
order_dict: typing.Dict[int, db.Order] = {}
# Create a message for every one of them
for order in orders:
# Send the created message
message = self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, order.get_text(session=self.session), reply_markup=order_keyboard)
# Add the message to the order_dict
order_dict[message.message_id] = order
# Set the listening mode flag to True
self.listening_mode = True
# Set the Live mode flag to True
self.admin.live_mode = True
# Commit the change to the database
while True:
# Wait for any message to stop the listening mode
update = self.__wait_for_inlinekeyboard_callback(cancellable=True)
# If the user pressed the stop button, exit listening mode
if isinstance(update, CancelSignal):
# Stop the listening mode
self.listening_mode = False
self.admin.live_mode = False
# Find the order
# TODO: debug the regex?
order_id = re.search(strings.order_number.replace("{id}", "([0-9]+)"), update.message.text).group(1)
order = self.session.query(db.Order).filter(db.Order.order_id == order_id).one()
# Check if the order hasn't been already cleared
if order.delivery_date is not None or order.refund_date is not None:
# Notify the admin and skip that order
self.bot.edit_message_text(self.chat.id, strings.error_order_already_cleared)
# If the user pressed the complete order button, complete the order
elif update.data == "order_complete":
# Find the order
order = order_dict[update.message.message_id]
if update.data == "order_complete":
# Mark the order as complete
order.completition_date = datetime.datetime.now()
order.delivery_date = datetime.datetime.now()
# Commit the transaction
# Notify the admin of the completition
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.success_order_completed.format(order_id=order.order_id))
# Update order message
self.bot.edit_message_text(order.get_text(session=self.session), chat_id=self.chat.id,
# Notify the user of the completition
self.bot.send_message(order.user_id, strings.notification_order_completed.format(order=order.get_text(self.session)))
# If the user pressed the refund order button, refund the order...
elif update.data == "order_refund":
# Find the order
order = order_dict[update.message.message_id]
# Ask for a refund reason
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.ask_refund_reason, reply_markup=cancel_keyboard)
# Wait for a reply
@ -753,8 +763,8 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
order.user.credit -= order.transaction.value
# Commit the changes
# Notify the shopkeeper of the successful refund
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.success_order_refunded.format(order_id=order.order_id))
# Update the order message
self.bot.edit_message_text(order.get_text(session=self.session), chat_id=self.chat.id, message_id=update.message.message_id)
# Notify the user of the refund
self.bot.send_message(order.user_id, strings.notification_order_refunded.format(order=order.get_text(self.session), reason=reply))