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mirror of https://github.com/Steffo99/greed.git synced 2025-03-27 10:50:31 +00:00

Add order product menu

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2018-02-19 13:47:43 +01:00
parent 6686543cc7
commit c3d3cb2c3e
WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS.
GPG key ID: C27544372FBB445D
3 changed files with 62 additions and 6 deletions

View file

@ -86,11 +86,11 @@ class Product(TableDeclarativeBase):
def text(self, one_row:bool=False, cart_qty:int=None):
"""Return the product details formatted with Telegram HTML. The image is omitted."""
if one_row:
return f"{escape(self.name)} - {strings.currency_format_string.format(symbol=strings.currency_symbol, value=self.price)}"
return f"{escape(self.name)} - {strings.currency_format_string.format(symbol=strings.currency_symbol, value=self.price / (10 ** int(configloader.config['Payments']['currency_exp'])))}"
return f"<b>{escape(self.name)}</b>\n" \
f"{escape(self.description)}\n" \
f"<i>{strings.in_stock_format_string.format(quantity=self.stock) if self.stock is not None else ''}</i>\n" \
f"{strings.currency_format_string.format(symbol=strings.currency_symbol, value=self.price)}\n" \
f"{strings.currency_format_string.format(symbol=strings.currency_symbol, value=self.price / (10 ** int(configloader.config['Payments']['currency_exp'])))}\n" \
f"<b>{strings.in_cart_format_string.format(quantity=cart_qty) if cart_qty is not None else ''}</b>"
def __repr__(self):

View file

@ -112,6 +112,10 @@ ask_product_price = "Quanto deve costare il prodotto?\n" \
# Add product: image?
ask_product_image = "Che immagine vuoi che abbia il prodotto?"
# Order product: notes?
ask_order_notes = "Vuoi lasciare un messaggio insieme all'ordine?\n" \
"Sarà visibile al negoziante."
# Thread has started downloading an image and might be unresponsive
downloading_image = "Sto scaricando la tua foto!\n" \
"Potrei metterci un po'... Abbi pazienza!\n" \
@ -149,6 +153,9 @@ bot_info = 'Questo bot utilizza <a href="https://github.com/Steffo99/greed">gree
# Success: product has been added/edited to the database
success_product_edited = "✅ Il prodotto è stato aggiunto/modificato con successo!"
# Success: order has been created
success_order_created = "✅ L'ordine è stato inviato con successo!"
# Error: message received not in a private chat
error_nonprivate_chat = "⚠️ Questo bot funziona solo in chat private."
@ -167,3 +174,6 @@ error_invoice_expired = "⚠️ Questo pagamento è scaduto ed è stato annullat
# Error: a product with that name already exists
error_duplicate_name = "️⚠ Esiste già un prodotto con questo nome."
# Error: not enough credit to order
error_not_enough_credit = "⚠ Non hai credito sufficiente per effettuare l'ordine."

View file

@ -1,6 +1,8 @@
import threading
import typing
import uuid
import datetime
import telegram
import strings
import configloader
@ -305,7 +307,7 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
final_inline_list.append([telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_done, callback_data="cart_done")])
final_inline_keyboard = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup(final_inline_list)
# Edit both the product and the final message
# Edit the product message
if product.image is None:
self.bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=self.chat.id, message_id=callback.message.message_id,
text=product.text(cart_qty=cart[callback.message.message_id][1]), parse_mode="HTML", reply_markup=product_inline_keyboard)
@ -318,6 +320,50 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
except telegram.error.BadRequest:
# Telegram returns an error if the message is not edited
# If the done button has been pressed...
elif callback.data == "cart_done":
# End the loop
# Create an inline keyboard with a single skip button
cancel = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_skip, callback_data="cmd_cancel")]])
# Ask if the user wants to add notes to the order
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.ask_order_notes, reply_markup=cancel)
# Wait for user input
notes = self.__wait_for_regex(r"(.*)", cancellable=True)
# Create a new Order
order = db.Order(user=self.user,
notes=notes if not isinstance(notes, CancelSignal) else "")
# Add the record to the session and get an ID
# For each product added to the cart, create a new OrderItem and get the total value
value = 0
for product in cart:
# Add the price multiplied by the quantity to the total price
value -= cart[product][0].price * cart[product][1]
# Create {quantity} new OrderItems
for i in range(0, cart[product][1]):
orderitem = db.OrderItem(product=cart[product][0],
# Ensure the user has enough credit to make the purchase
if self.user.credit + value < 0:
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.error_not_enough_credit)
# Rollback all the changes
# Create a new transaction and add it to the session
transaction = db.Transaction(user=self.user,
# Subtract credit from the user
self.user.credit += value
# Commit all the changes
# Notify the user of the order result
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.success_order_created)
def __order_status(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
@ -374,14 +420,14 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
# Wait until a valid amount is sent
# TODO: check and debug the regex
selection = self.__wait_for_regex(r"([0-9]{1,3}(?:[.,][0-9]{1,2})?|" + strings.menu_cancel + r")")
selection = self.__wait_for_regex(r"([0-9]{1,3}(?:[.,][0-9]+)?|" + strings.menu_cancel + r")")
# If the user cancelled the action
if selection == strings.menu_cancel:
# Exit the loop
cancelled = True
# Convert the amount to an integer
value = int(selection.replace(".", "").replace(",", "")) * (10 ** int(configloader.config["Payments"]["currency_exp"]))
value = int(float(selection.replace(",", ".")) * (10 ** int(configloader.config["Payments"]["currency_exp"])))
# Ensure the amount is within the range
if value > int(configloader.config["Payments"]["max_amount"]):
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.error_payment_amount_over_max.format(max_amount=strings.currency_format_string.format(symbol=strings.currency_symbol, value=configloader.config["Payments"]["max_amount"])))
@ -550,7 +596,7 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
elif price.lower() == "x":
price = None
price = int(price.replace(".", "").replace(",", "")) * (10 ** int(configloader.config["Payments"]["currency_exp"]))
price = int(float(price.replace(",", ".")) * (10 ** int(configloader.config["Payments"]["currency_exp"])))
# Ask for the product image
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.ask_product_image, reply_markup=cancel)
# Wait for an answer