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Add Delete Product function

This commit is contained in:
Steffo 2018-03-06 17:39:02 +01:00
parent fa32ed9f6a
commit ea02db4786
WARNING! Although there is a key with this ID in the database it does not verify this commit! This commit is SUSPICIOUS.
GPG key ID: C27544372FBB445D
4 changed files with 53 additions and 13 deletions

View file

@ -71,8 +71,8 @@ class Product(TableDeclarativeBase):
price = Column(Integer)
# Image data
image = Column(LargeBinary)
# Product is an option (example: express shipping)
boolean_product = Column(Boolean, nullable=False)
# Product has been deleted
deleted = Column(Boolean, nullable=False)
# Stock quantity, if null product has infinite stock
stock = Column(Integer)
@ -98,7 +98,7 @@ class Product(TableDeclarativeBase):
return f"{escape(self.name)}\n" \
f"{escape(self.description)}\n" \
f"{strings.in_stock_format_string.format(quantity=self.stock) if self.stock is not None else ''}\n" \
f"{strings.currency_format_string.format(symbol=strings.currency_symbol, value=self.price / (10 ** int(configloader.config['Payments']['currency_exp'])))}\n" \
f"{str(Price(self.price))}\n" \
f"{strings.in_cart_format_string.format(quantity=cart_qty) if cart_qty is not None else ''}"
raise ValueError("style is not an accepted value")

View file

@ -32,7 +32,10 @@ conversation_open_admin_menu = "Sei un amministratore di greed!\n" \
conversation_payment_method = "Come vuoi aggiungere fondi al tuo portafoglio?"
# Conversation: select a product to edit
conversation_admin_select_product = "Che prodotto vuoi modificare?"
conversation_admin_select_product = "✏️ Che prodotto vuoi modificare?"
# Conversation: select a product to delete
conversation_admin_select_product_to_delete = "❌ Che prodotto vuoi eliminare?"
# Conversation: add extra notes to the order
conversation_extra_notes = "Che messaggio vuoi lasciare insieme al tuo ordine?"
@ -81,6 +84,9 @@ menu_user_mode = "👤 Passa alla modalità utente"
# Admin menu: add product
menu_add_product = "✨ Nuovo prodotto"
# Admin menu: delete product
menu_delete_product = "❌ Elimina prodotto"
# Menu: cancel
menu_cancel = "🔙 Annulla"
@ -153,6 +159,9 @@ bot_info = 'Questo bot utilizza <a href="https://github.com/Steffo99/greed">gree
# Success: product has been added/edited to the database
success_product_edited = "✅ Il prodotto è stato aggiunto/modificato con successo!"
# Success: product has been added/edited to the database
success_product_deleted = "✅ Il prodotto è stato eliminato con successo!"
# Success: order has been created
success_order_created = "✅ L'ordine è stato inviato con successo!"

View file

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ class Price:
self.value = int(value * (10 ** int(config["Payments"]["currency_exp"])))
elif isinstance(value, str):
# Remove decimal points, then cast to int
self.value = int(value.replace(".", "").replace(",", ""))
self.value = int(float(value.replace(",", ".")) * (10 ** int(config["Payments"]["currency_exp"])))
elif isinstance(value, Price):
# Copy self
self.value = value.value

View file

@ -229,7 +229,7 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
def __order_menu(self):
"""User menu to order products from the shop."""
# Get the products list from the db
products = self.session.query(db.Product).all()
products = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(deleted=False).all()
# Create a dict to be used as 'cart'
# The key is the message id of the product list
cart: typing.Dict[typing.List[db.Product, int]] = {}
@ -246,9 +246,9 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
inline_keyboard = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_add_to_cart, callback_data="cart_add")]])
# Edit the sent message and add the inline keyboard
if product.image is None:
self.bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=self.chat.id, message_id=message['result']['message_id'], text=str(product), parse_mode="HTML", reply_markup=inline_keyboard)
self.bot.edit_message_text(chat_id=self.chat.id, message_id=message['result']['message_id'], text=product.text(), parse_mode="HTML", reply_markup=inline_keyboard)
self.bot.edit_message_caption(chat_id=self.chat.id, message_id=message['result']['message_id'], caption=str(product), parse_mode="HTML", reply_markup=inline_keyboard)
self.bot.edit_message_caption(chat_id=self.chat.id, message_id=message['result']['message_id'], caption=product.text(style="image"), parse_mode="HTML", reply_markup=inline_keyboard)
# Create the keyboard with the cancel button
inline_keyboard = telegram.InlineKeyboardMarkup([[telegram.InlineKeyboardButton(strings.menu_cancel, callback_data="cart_cancel")]])
# Send a message containing the button to cancel or pay
@ -537,12 +537,13 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
def __products_menu(self):
"""Display the admin menu to select a product to edit."""
# Get the products list from the db
products = self.session.query(db.Product).all()
products = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(deleted=False).all()
# Create a list of product names
product_names = [product.name for product in products]
# Insert at the start of the list the add product option and the Cancel option
# Insert at the start of the list the add product option, the remove product option and the Cancel option
product_names.insert(0, strings.menu_cancel)
product_names.insert(1, strings.menu_add_product)
product_names.insert(2, strings.menu_delete_product)
# Create a keyboard using the product names
keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton(product_name)] for product_name in product_names]
# Send the previously created keyboard to the user (ensuring it can be clicked only 1 time)
@ -558,10 +559,14 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
elif selection == strings.menu_add_product:
# Open the add product menu
# If the user has selected the Remove Product option...
elif selection == strings.menu_delete_product:
# Open the delete product menu
# If the user has selected a product
# Find the selected product
product = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(name=selection).one()
product = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(name=selection, deleted=False).one()
# Open the edit menu for that specific product
@ -579,7 +584,7 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
# Wait for an answer
name = self.__wait_for_regex(r"(.*)", cancellable=bool(product))
# Ensure a product with that name doesn't already exist
if (product and isinstance(name, CancelSignal)) or self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(name=name).one_or_none() in [None, product]:
if (product and isinstance(name, CancelSignal)) or self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(name=name, deleted=False).one_or_none() in [None, product]:
# Exit the loop
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.error_duplicate_name)
@ -614,7 +619,7 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
product = db.Product(name=name,
# Add the record to the database
# If a product is being edited...
@ -642,6 +647,32 @@ class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
# Notify the user
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.success_product_edited)
def __delete_product_menu(self):
# Get the products list from the db
products = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(deleted=False).all()
# Create a list of product names
product_names = [product.name for product in products]
# Insert at the start of the list the Cancel button
product_names.insert(0, strings.menu_cancel)
# Create a keyboard using the product names
keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton(product_name)] for product_name in product_names]
# Send the previously created keyboard to the user (ensuring it can be clicked only 1 time)
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.conversation_admin_select_product_to_delete,
reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
# Wait for a reply from the user
selection = self.__wait_for_specific_message(product_names)
if selection == strings.menu_cancel:
# Exit the menu
# Find the selected product
product = self.session.query(db.Product).filter_by(name=selection, deleted=False).one()
# "Delete" the product by setting the deleted flag to true
product.deleted = True
# Notify the user
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.success_product_deleted)
def __orders_menu(self):
raise NotImplementedError()