# Strings / localization file for greed # Can be edited, but DON'T REMOVE THE REPLACEMENT FIELDS (words surrounded by {curly braces}) # Currency symbol currency_symbol = "¥" # Positioning of the currency symbol currency_format_string = "{symbol} {value}" # Quantity of a product in stock in_stock_format_string = "{quantity} 可用" # Copies of a product in cart in_cart_format_string = "{quantity} 在购物车中" # Product information product_format_string = "{name}\n" \ "{description}\n" \ "{price}\n" \ "{cart}" # Order number, displayed in the order info order_number = "订单号 #{id}" # Order info string, shown to the admins order_format_string = "来自 {user}\n" \ "创建于 {date}\n" \ "\n" \ "{items}\n" \ "总计: {value}\n" \ "\n" \ "客户注释: {notes}\n" # Order info string, shown to the user user_order_format_string = "{status_emoji} 订单 {status_text}\n" \ "{items}\n" \ "总计: {value}\n" \ "\n" \ "注释: {notes}\n" # Transaction page is loading loading_transactions = "正在载入交易中...\n" \ "请稍等片刻....." # Transactions page transactions_page = "Page {page}:\n" \ "\n" \ "{transactions}" # transactions.csv caption csv_caption = "生成了一个📄.csv文件,其中包含bot的数据库中多所有事物\n" \ "您可以使用其他程序(例如LibreOffice Calc)打开此文件并进行处理数据" \ \ # Conversation: the start command was sent and the bot should welcome the user conversation_after_start = "您好!\n" \ "欢迎使用greed系统!\n" \ "此软件版本是🅱️ 的Beta版本.\n" \ "它完全可用,但可能仍然存在一些错误.\n" \ "“如果发现任何问题,请在https://github.com/Steffo99/greed/issues 中报告." # Conversation: to send an inline keyboard you need to send a message with it conversation_open_user_menu = "您想做什么?\n" \ "💰 您有{credit}在您的钱包里.\n" \ "\n" \ "按底部键盘上的键以选择操作.\n" \ "如果选项框尚未打开,则可以通过按四个小按钮来打开它." \ "也就是消息栏中的方块." # Conversation: like above, but for administrators conversation_open_admin_menu = "您是这家店的💼 经理\n" \ "您想做什么?\n" \ "\n" \ "按底部键盘上的键以选择操作.\n" \ "如果选项框尚未打开,则可以通过按四个小按钮来打开它." \ "也就是消息栏中的方块." # Conversation: select a payment method conversation_payment_method = "您想如何向您的钱包充值?" # Conversation: select a product to edit conversation_admin_select_product = "✏️ 您要编辑什么产品?" # Conversation: select a product to delete conversation_admin_select_product_to_delete = "❌ 您要删除什么产品?" # Conversation: select a user to edit conversation_admin_select_user = "选择要编辑的用户." # Conversation: click below to pay for the purchase conversation_cart_actions = "向上滚动并按下下面的添加按钮,将产品添加到购物车." \ " 您要添加到购物车的产品。完成后,返回此消息,然后" \ " 按下面的“完成”按钮." # Conversation: confirm the cart contents conversation_confirm_cart = "🛒 您的购物车包含以下产品:\n" \ "{product_list}" \ "总共: {total_cost}\n" \ "\n" \ "如果要继续,请按此消息下方的“完成”按钮.\n" \ "如果要取消,请按取消按钮." # Live orders mode: start # TODO: This string is incomplete! # conversation_live_orders_start = "您处于实时订单模式\n" \ # "客户下的所有新订单将实时显示在此聊天中," \ # "您可以将能够将它们标记为 ✅ 已完成." \ # " 或者 ✴️ 您可以退款给客户.\n" \ # " 反馈" # Live orders mode: stop receiving messages # TODO: This string is missing. # conversation_live_orders_stop = "" # Conversation: help menu has been opened conversation_open_help_menu = "您需要什么样的帮助?" # Conversation: confirm promotion to admin conversation_confirm_admin_promotion = "您确定要将此用户提升为💼经理吗?\n" \ "这是不可逆转的行动!" # Conversation: language select menu header conversation_language_select = "选择一种语言:" # Conversation: switching to user mode conversation_switch_to_user_mode = " 您将切换到👤客户模式.\n" \ "如果您想重新回到💼经理,请使用 /start." # Notification: the conversation has expired conversation_expired = "🕐 我有一段时间没有收到任何消息,因此我关闭了对话以保存" \ "资源.\n" \ "如果您要开始一个新的,发送一个新的/start 命令." # User menu: order menu_order = "🛒 订单" # User menu: order status menu_order_status = "🛍 我的订单" # User menu: add credit menu_add_credit = "💵 增加资金" # User menu: bot info menu_bot_info = "ℹ️ 关于机器人" # User menu: cash menu_cash = "💵 用现金" # User menu: credit card menu_credit_card = "💳 用信用卡" # Admin menu: products menu_products = "📝️ 产品展示" # Admin menu: orders menu_orders = "📦 订单" # Menu: transactions menu_transactions = "💳 交易清单" # Menu: edit credit menu_edit_credit = "💰 创建交易" # Admin menu: go to user mode menu_user_mode = "👤 切换到客户模式" # Admin menu: add product menu_add_product = "✨ 新产品" # Admin menu: delete product menu_delete_product = "❌ 删除产品" # Menu: cancel menu_cancel = "🔙 取消" # Menu: skip menu_skip = "⏭ 跳过" # Menu: done menu_done = "✅️ 已完成" # Menu: pay invoice menu_pay = "💳 支付" # Menu: complete menu_complete = "✅ 完成" # Menu: refund menu_refund = "✴️ 退还" # Menu: stop menu_stop = "🛑 停止" # Menu: add to cart menu_add_to_cart = "➕ 添加" # Menu: remove from cart menu_remove_from_cart = "➖ 去除" # Menu: help menu menu_help = "❓ 帮助 / 支持" # Menu: guide menu_guide = "📖 指南" # Menu: next page menu_next = "▶️ 下一个" # Menu: previous page menu_previous = "◀️ 上一个" # Menu: contact the shopkeeper menu_contact_shopkeeper = "👨‍💼 联系商店" # Menu: generate transactions .csv file menu_csv = "📄 .csv" # Menu: edit admins list menu_edit_admins = "🏵 编辑经理" # Menu: language menu_language = "🇨🇳 语言" # Emoji: unprocessed order emoji_not_processed = "*️⃣" # Emoji: completed order emoji_completed = "✅" # Emoji: refunded order emoji_refunded = "✴️" # Emoji: yes emoji_yes = "✅" # Emoji: no emoji_no = "🚫" # Text: unprocessed order text_not_processed = "待定" # Text: completed order text_completed = "已完成" # Text: refunded order text_refunded = "已退还" # Text: product not for sale text_not_for_sale = "不出售" # Add product: name? ask_product_name = "产品名称应为?" # Add product: description? ask_product_description = "产品说明应该是什么?" # Add product: price? ask_product_price = "产品价格应该是多少?\n" \ "输入 X 如果不希望该产品被出售" # Add product: image? ask_product_image = "🖼 您希望产品具有什么图片?\n" \ "\n" \ "发送照片,或跳过此阶段不添加任何图像。" # Order product: notes? ask_order_notes = "您想在订单上留下笔记吗?\n" \ "💼 这将对商店经理可见。\n" \ "\n" \ "发送包含您要离开的便笺的消息,或按此下面的“跳过”按钮" \ " 将不留任何东西." # Refund product: reason? ask_refund_reason = " 为此退款附上原因。\n" \ "👤 会对客户可见." # Edit credit: notes? ask_transaction_notes = " 在此交易中附加注释.\n" \ "👤 计入之后会向客户可见 / debiting" \ " 并发送给交易日志中的💼经理." # Edit credit: amount? ask_credit = "您想如何更改客户的信用额度?\n" \ "\n" \ "发送包含金额的消息.\n" \ "使用标志 + 向客户的帐户添加信用额," \ "使用标志 - 去减掉它." # Header for the edit admin message admin_properties = "{name}的权限:" # Edit admin: can edit products? prop_edit_products = "编辑产品" # Edit admin: can receive orders? prop_receive_orders = "接收订单" # Edit admin: can create transactions? prop_create_transactions = "管理交易" # Edit admin: show on help message? prop_display_on_help = "向客户展示" # Thread has started downloading an image and might be unresponsive downloading_image = "我正在下载您的照片\n" \ "这可能需要一段时间...请耐心等待\n" \ "下载时,我将无法回复您。" # Edit product: current value edit_current_value = "当前值为:\n" \ "
\n" \ "\n" \ "按此消息下方的“跳过”按钮以保持相同的值." # Payment: cash payment info payment_cash = "您可以在商店的实际位置以现金支付.\n" \ "在结帐时付款,并将此ID交给经理:\n" \ "{user_cash_id}" # Payment: invoice amount payment_cc_amount = "您想添加多少钱到钱包里?\n" \ "\n" \ "使用下面的按钮选择一个金额,或使用键盘手动输入" # Payment: add funds invoice title payment_invoice_title = "充值余额" # Payment: add funds invoice description payment_invoice_description = "支付此发票会将{amount} 添加到您的钱包中." # Payment: label of the labeled price on the invoice payment_invoice_label = "重新加载" # Payment: label of the labeled price on the invoice payment_invoice_fee_label = "交易费" # Notification: order has been placed notification_order_placed = "新订单是:\n" \ "\n" \ "{order}" # Notification: order has been completed notification_order_completed = "您的订单已完成\n" \ "\n" \ "{order}" # Notification: order has been refunded notification_order_refunded = "您的订单已退款\n" \ "\n" \ "{order}" # Notification: a manual transaction was applied notification_transaction_created = "ℹ️ 新交易已应用于您的钱包:\n" \ "{transaction}" # Refund reason refund_reason = "退款原因:\n" \ "{reason}" # Info: informazioni sul bot bot_info = '此机器人正在使用 greed,' \ ' @Steffo框架下的Telegram支付系统,中文翻译由@zhihuiyuze完成' \ ' ' \ 'Affero General Public License 3.0.\n' # Help: guide help_msg = "greed的指南可在此地址获得(未翻译):\n" \ "https://github.com/Steffo99/greed/wiki" # Help: contact shopkeeper contact_shopkeeper = "目前可提供帮助和支持的人员包括:\n" \ "{shopkeepers}\n" \ "点击他们的姓名之一,以通过Telegranm与他们联系." # Success: product has been added/edited to the database success_product_edited = "✅ 产品已成功添加/修改" # Success: product has been marked as deleted in the database success_product_deleted = "✅ 该产品已成功删除!" # Success: order has been created success_order_created = "✅ 订单已成功发送!\n" \ "\n" \ "{order}" # Success: order was marked as completed success_order_completed = "✅ 您的订单 #{order_id} 已标记完成." # Success: order was refunded successfully success_order_refunded = "✴️ 订单 #{order_id} 已退款." # Success: transaction was created successfully success_transaction_created = "✅ 交易已成功创建!\n" \ "{transaction}" # Error: message received not in a private chat error_nonprivate_chat = "⚠️ 该机器人仅适用于私人聊天." # Error: a message was sent in a chat, but no worker exists for that chat. # Suggest the creation of a new worker with /start error_no_worker_for_chat = "⚠️ 与机器人对话被中断.\n" \ "要重新启动它,请将 /start 命令发送给机器人" # Error: add funds amount over max error_payment_amount_over_max = "⚠️ 单笔交易中可以添加的最大金额为{max_amount}." # Error: add funds amount under min error_payment_amount_under_min = "⚠️ 单笔交易中可以添加的最小金额为{min_amount}." # Error: the invoice has expired and can't be paid error_invoice_expired = "⚠️ 该发票已过期,且已被取消。 如果您仍想添加资金,请使用添加" \ " 资金菜单选项." # Error: a product with that name already exists error_duplicate_name = "️⚠️ 具有相同名称的产品已经存在." # Error: not enough credit to order error_not_enough_credit = "⚠️ 您的信用额不足,无法下订单." # Error: order has already been cleared error_order_already_cleared = "⚠️ 该订单已被处理." # Error: no orders have been placed, so none can be shown error_no_orders = "⚠️ 您尚未下任何订单,因此无任何显示." # Error: selected user does not exist error_user_does_not_exist = "⚠️ 所选用户不存在." # Fatal: conversation raised an exception fatal_conversation_exception = "☢️ 啊啊啊啊! 一个 error 阻止了此对话\n" \ "该错误已报告给机器人所有者,以便他可以修复它\n" \ "如果要重新开始对话,请发送 /start"