import sys import telegram import time import strings import worker import configloader import utils def main(): """The core code of the program. Should be run only in the main process!""" # Create a bot instance bot = utils.DuckBot(configloader.config["Telegram"]["token"]) # Test the specified token try: bot.get_me() except telegram.error.Unauthorized: print("The token you have entered in the config file is invalid.\n" "Fix it, then restart this script.") sys.exit(1) # Create a dictionary linking the chat ids to the ChatWorker objects # {"1234": } chat_workers = {} # Current update offset; if None it will get the last 100 unparsed messages next_update = None # TimedOut / NetworkError counter, increases by 1 every time get_updates fails and resets to 0 when it succedes timed_out_counter = 0 # Notify on the console that the bot is starting print("greed-bot is now starting!") # Main loop of the program while True: # Get a new batch of 100 updates and mark the last 100 parsed as read updates = bot.get_updates(offset=next_update, timeout=int(configloader.config["Telegram"]["long_polling_timeout"])) # Parse all the updates for update in updates: # If the update is a message... if update.message is not None: # Ensure the message has been sent in a private chat if != "private": # Notify the chat bot.send_message(, strings.error_nonprivate_chat) # Skip the update continue # If the message is a start command... if isinstance(update.message.text, str) and update.message.text == "/start": # Check if a worker already exists for that chat old_worker = chat_workers.get( # If it exists, gracefully stop the worker if old_worker: old_worker.stop() # Initialize a new worker for the chat new_worker = worker.ChatWorker(bot, # Start the worker new_worker.start() # Store the worker in the dictionary chat_workers[] = new_worker # Skip the update continue # Otherwise, forward the update to the corresponding worker receiving_worker = chat_workers.get( # Ensure a worker exists for the chat and is alive if receiving_worker is None or not receiving_worker.is_alive(): # Suggest that the user restarts the chat with /start bot.send_message(, strings.error_no_worker_for_chat, reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardRemove()) # Skip the update continue # Forward the update to the worker receiving_worker.queue.put(update) # If the update is a inline keyboard press... if isinstance(update.callback_query, telegram.CallbackQuery): # Forward the update to the corresponding worker receiving_worker = chat_workers.get( # Ensure a worker exists for the chat if receiving_worker is None: # Suggest that the user restarts the chat with /start bot.send_message(, strings.error_no_worker_for_chat) # Skip the update continue # Check if the pressed inline key is a cancel button if == "cmd_cancel": # Forward a CancelSignal to the worker receiving_worker.queue.put(worker.CancelSignal()) # Notify the Telegram client that the inline keyboard press has been received bot.answer_callback_query( else: # Forward the update to the worker receiving_worker.queue.put(update) # If the update is a precheckoutquery, ensure it hasn't expired before forwarding it if isinstance(update.pre_checkout_query, telegram.PreCheckoutQuery): # Forward the update to the corresponding worker receiving_worker = chat_workers.get( # Check if it's the active invoice for this chat if receiving_worker is None or update.pre_checkout_query.invoice_payload != receiving_worker.invoice_payload: # Notify the user that the invoice has expired try: bot.answer_pre_checkout_query(, ok=False, error_message=strings.error_invoice_expired) except telegram.error.BadRequest: print(f"ERROR: pre_checkout_query expired before an answer could be sent") # Go to the next update continue # Forward the update to the worker receiving_worker.queue.put(update) # If there were any updates... if len(updates): # Mark them as read by increasing the update_offset next_update = updates[-1].update_id + 1 # Run the main function only in the main process if __name__ == "__main__": main()