Fork 0
mirror of https://github.com/Steffo99/greed.git synced 2024-10-16 13:47:27 +00:00

153 lines
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import threading
import typing
import telegram
import strings
import configloader
import sys
import queue as queuem
import database as db
class StopSignal:
"""A data class that should be sent to the worker when the conversation has to be stopped abnormally."""
def __init__(self, reason: str=""):
self.reason = reason
class ChatWorker(threading.Thread):
"""A worker for a single conversation. A new one is created every time the /start command is sent."""
def __init__(self, bot: telegram.Bot, chat: telegram.Chat, *args, **kwargs):
# Initialize the thread
super().__init__(name=f"ChatThread {chat.first_name}", *args, **kwargs)
# Store the bot and chat info inside the class
self.bot = bot
self.chat = chat
# Open a new database session
self.session = db.Session()
# Get the user db data from the users and admin tables
self.user = self.session.query(db.User).filter(db.User.user_id == self.chat.id).one_or_none()
self.admin = self.session.query(db.Admin).filter(db.Admin.user_id == self.chat.id).one_or_none()
# The sending pipe is stored in the ChatWorker class, allowing the forwarding of messages to the chat process
self.queue = queuem.Queue()
def run(self):
"""The conversation code."""
# TODO: catch all the possible exceptions
# Welcome the user to the bot
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.conversation_after_start)
# If the user isn't registered, create a new record and add it to the db
if self.user is None:
# Create the new record
self.user = db.User(self.chat)
# Add the new record to the db
# Commit the transaction
# If the user is not an admin, send him to the user menu
if self.admin is None:
# If the user is an admin, send him to the admin menu
def stop(self, reason: str=""):
"""Gracefully stop the worker process"""
# Send a stop message to the thread
# Wait for the thread to stop
def __receive_next_update(self) -> telegram.Update:
"""Get the next update from the queue.
If no update is found, block the process until one is received.
If a stop signal is sent, try to gracefully stop the thread."""
# Pop data from the queue
data = self.queue.get(timeout=int(configloader.config["Telegram"]["conversation_timeout"]))
except queuem.Empty:
# If the conversation times out, gracefully stop the thread
# Check if the data is a stop signal instance
if isinstance(data, StopSignal):
# Gracefully stop the process
# Return the received update
return data
def __wait_for_specific_message(self, items:typing.List[str]) -> str:
"""Continue getting updates until until one of the strings contained in the list is received as a message."""
while True:
# Get the next update
update = self.__receive_next_update()
# Ensure the update contains a message
if update.message is None:
# Ensure the message contains text
if update.message.text is None:
# Check if the message is contained in the list
if update.message.text not in items:
# Return the message text
return update.message.text
def __user_menu(self):
"""Function called from the run method when the user is not an administrator.
Normal bot actions should be placed here."""
# Loop used to returning to the menu after executing a command
while True:
# Create a keyboard with the user main menu
keyboard = [[telegram.KeyboardButton(strings.menu_order)],
# Send the previously created keyboard to the user (ensuring it can be clicked only 1 time)
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.conversation_open_user_menu.format(username=str(self.user)),
reply_markup=telegram.ReplyKeyboardMarkup(keyboard, one_time_keyboard=True))
# Wait for a reply from the user
# TODO: change this
selection = self.__wait_for_specific_message([strings.menu_order, strings.menu_order_status,
strings.menu_add_credit, strings.menu_bot_info])
# If the user has selected the Order option...
if selection == strings.menu_order:
# Open the order menu
# If the user has selected the Order Status option...
elif selection == strings.menu_order_status:
# Display the order(s) status
# If the user has selected the Add Credit option...
elif selection == strings.menu_add_credit:
# Display the add credit menu
# If the user has selected the Bot Info option...
elif selection == strings.menu_bot_info:
# Display information about the bot
def __order_menu(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __order_status(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __add_credit_menu(self):
raise NotImplementedError()
def __bot_info(self):
"""Send information about the bot."""
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.bot_info, parse_mode="HTML")
def __admin_menu(self):
"""Function called from the run method when the user is an administrator.
Administrative bot actions should be placed here."""
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, "Sei un Amministralol")
def __graceful_stop(self):
"""Handle the graceful stop of the thread."""
# Notify the user that the session has expired
self.bot.send_message(self.chat.id, strings.conversation_expired)
# Close the database session
# End the process