import click import datetime import hashlib import typing as t import time import httpx from ..api.client import IOServiceClient from ..api.models import SubscriptionsFeed def hash_fiscal_code(code: str) -> str: uppercased_code = code.upper() encoded_code = bytes(uppercased_code, encoding="utf8") hashed_code = hashlib.sha256(encoded_code) hexed_hash = hashed_code.hexdigest() lowercased_hash = hexed_hash.lower() return lowercased_hash @click.version_option(package_name="io-beep-boop") @click.option( "-t", "--token", type=str, help="One of the two IO App API tokens of the service you want to use.", prompt=True, ) @click.option( "--base-url", default="", type=str, help="The base URL of the IO App API to use.", ) @click.pass_context def main(ctx: click.Context, token: str, base_url: str): ctx.ensure_object(dict) ctx.obj["CLIENT"] = IOServiceClient(token=token, base_url=base_url) @main.command("registered-fast") @click.option( "--input", "input_file", type=click.File("r"), help="The path to the file to use as input.", prompt=True, default="./input.txt", ) @click.option( "--registered", "registered_file", type=click.File("w"), help="The path to the file to output registered users to.", prompt=True, default="./registered.txt", ) @click.option( "--unregistered", "unregistered_file", type=click.File("w"), help="The path to the file to output unregistered users to.", prompt=True, default="./unregistered.txt", ) @click.option( "--start-date", type=click.DateTime(formats=["%Y-%m-%d"]), help="The date to start retrieving fiscal codes from.",, prompt=True, ) @click.option( "--end-date", type=click.DateTime(formats=["%Y-%m-%d"]), help="The date to stop retrieving fiscal codes at.",, prompt=True, ) @click.option( "--sleep", type=float, help="Time to sleep between two subscription feed requests.", default=1.0, ) @click.pass_context def registered_fast(ctx: click.Context, input_file: t.TextIO, registered_file: t.TextIO, unregistered_file: t.TextIO, start_date:, end_date:, sleep: float): # Clean up input file click.echo("Cleaning up input file...") input_codes: set[str] = set(filter(lambda line: bool(line), map(lambda line: line.strip().upper(), input_file))) # Convert codes into a map of hash → code click.echo("Hashing fiscal codes...") input_map: dict[str, str] = {hash_fiscal_code(code): code for code in input_codes} # Retrieve objects from the API client: IOServiceClient = ctx.obj["CLIENT"] api_codes: set[str] = set() total_days: int = (end_date - start_date).days + 1 with click.progressbar(range(0, total_days), length=total_days, label="Retrieving data from the API...") as days: for day in days: while True: try: feed: SubscriptionsFeed = client.get_subscriptions_on_day(date=start_date + datetime.timedelta(days=day)) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: if e.response.status_code == 429: continue else: raise else: api_codes += set(feed.subscriptions) api_codes -= set(feed.unsubscriptions) finally: time.sleep(sleep) # Convert objects back to fiscal codes click.echo("Calculating registered fiscal codes...") registered_codes: set[str] = {input_map.get(code) for code in api_codes} unregistered_codes: set[str] = input_codes.difference(registered_codes) click.echo("Writing registered codes file...") for code in registered_codes: registered_file.write(f"{code}\n") click.echo("Writing unregistered codes file...") for code in unregistered_codes: unregistered_file.write(f"{code}\n") @main.command("registered-slow") @click.option( "--input", "input_file", type=click.File("r"), help="The path to the file to use as input.", prompt=True, default="./input.txt", ) @click.option( "--registered", "registered_file", type=click.File("w"), help="The path to the file to output registered users to.", prompt=True, default="./registered.txt", ) @click.option( "--unregistered", "unregistered_file", type=click.File("w"), help="The path to the file to output unregistered users to.", prompt=True, default="./unregistered.txt", ) @click.option( "--sleep", type=float, help="Time to sleep between two profile requests.", default=1.0, ) @click.pass_context def registered_slow(ctx: click.Context, input_file: t.TextIO, registered_file: t.TextIO, unregistered_file: t.TextIO, sleep: float): # Clean up input file click.echo("Cleaning up input file...") input_codes: set[str] = set(filter(lambda line: bool(line), map(lambda line: line.strip().upper(), input_file))) # Retrieve objects from the API client: IOServiceClient = ctx.obj["CLIENT"] with click.progressbar(input_codes, label="Performing checks...") as codes: for code in codes: while True: try: profile = client.get_profile(fiscal_code=code) except httpx.HTTPStatusError as e: if e.response.status_code == 429: continue elif e.response.status_code == 404: unregistered_file.write(f"{code}\n") break else: raise else: if not profile.sender_allowed: unregistered_file.write(f"{code}\n") break else: registered_file.write(f"{code}\n") break finally: time.sleep(sleep) if __name__ == "__main__": main()