.. currentmodule:: lihzahrd Usage guide ==================================== Prerequisites ------------------------------------ To use ``lihzahrd``, you need Python 3.6 or higher. That's it! No other packages are required! Installing ------------------------------------ You can download (or update) the package with ``pip`` by entering in your terminal: :: python3.8 -m pip install --upgrade lihzahrd Opening a world ------------------------------------ To open a Terraria world file named ``terra.wld`` located in the current working directory, you should import the :py:mod:`lihzahrd` package and then call the :py:meth:`World.create_from_file` function: :: import lihzahrd world = lihzahrd.World.create_from_file("terra.wld") It should take **a few minutes**, depending on the size of the world, and then return a :py:class:`World` object. Accessing the world properties ------------------------------------ Most of the world properties are accessible directly as attributes of the :py:class:`World` object: :: print(world.name) # "Terra" print(world.is_hardmode) # False print(world.spawn_point) # Coordinates(2101, 246) Some world properties may be grouped in other objects: :: print(world.bosses_defeated) # <BossesDefeated> print(world.bosses_defeated.eye_of_cthulhu) # False You can look at the :py:class:`World` class documentation or use an IDE that supports type annotations (such as `PyCharm <https://www.jetbrains.com/pycharm/>`_) to find all available attributes. Accessing the tile data ------------------------------------ All :py:class:`tiles.Tile` are stored in the :py:class:`tiles.TileMatrix` accessible at the :py:attr:`World.tiles` attribute. :: print(world.tiles) # <TileMatrix 4200x1200> You can access them by using the ``tiles`` attribute as a two-dimensional array, where (0, 0) is the top-left block: :: print(world.tiles[0, 0]) # <Tile> You can also use :py:class:`fileutils.Coordinates` instead of a :py:class:`tuple` to fetch a specific tile: :: print(world.tiles[lihzahrd.fileutils.Coordinates(2000, 1000)]) # <Tile B> print(world.tiles[world.spawn_point]) # <Tile B> Counting tiles from the bottom-right is possible too: :: print(world.tiles[-1, -1]) # <Tile> A single :py:class:`tiles.Tile` has five attributes that you can access: * :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.block`, the foreground :py:class:`tiles.Block`; * :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.wall`, the background :py:class:`tiles.Wall`; * :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.liquid`, the :py:class:`tiles.Liquid` present in that tile; * :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.wiring`, the colored wires and actuators (:py:class:`tiles.Wiring`); * :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.extra`, additional data about the block present at that tile, such as the contents of a chest. All of these attributes may be :py:const:`None` if the property isn't applicable for the tile: for example, :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.block` is :py:const:`None` if there is no block ("air") placed there. Accessing extra data ------------------------------------ Extra data, such as the content of chests or the text of signs, may be accessed in two different ways: * Through the :py:attr:`tiles.Tile.extra` attribute: :: print(world.tiles[2893, 1074].extra) # <Chest '' at 2893, 1074> * Through the various lists available in the :py:class:`World` class, such as :py:attr:`World.chests`: :: print(world.chests[0]) # <Chest '' at 2893, 1074> Both ways return the same object, but one may be faster than the other, depending on your use case: :: print(world.tiles[2893, 1074].extra is world.chests[0]) # True Something else ------------------------------------ All information included in a Terraria savefile is parsed in this package and made available in the :py:class:`World` object. If you couldn't find what you needed in this short usage guide, check the API Reference or have a look at the `source code <https://github.com/Steffo99/lihzahrd/tree/master/lihzahrd>`_ !